Malaria and its prevention... - Health And Fitness Lounge

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Malaria and its prevention...



Malaria is a type of illness people get due to parasites entering their body. This occurs when they are bitten by certain species of mosquitoes which have been infected by the parasites. This is very serious because the parasites will settle into a persons liver. Here they will continue to multiple and then they will begin to attach themselves to the red blood cells in the body.

If the Malaria is treated early on a person has a very good chance of survival. However, many people dont associate their illness with getting bitten by mosquitoes. Many of the symptoms of Malaria are similar to those of the flu. They include fever, headache, and vomiting. Up to a two week period can take place between the mosquito bite and the onset of Malaria symptoms.

There are some very good medications out there that can kill the parasites in the body. The sooner a person seeks medical treatment, the better their chances of recovery are. It can really destroy the immune system and take a long time for a person to fully recover from Malaria. Simple illnesses may take a severe toll on them due to their immune system being so weakened by the parasites.

More than 500 million people are diagnosed annually with one of four types of Malaria. The majority of these cases take place in third world countries. Individuals that travel to these areas are required to get a vaccination to help prevent the chances of them contracting any form of Malaria. 

Yet one issue is that many of the mosquitoes that have the parasites have become immune to certain vaccinations. This means that you may think you are going to be safe from contracting Malaria but that isnt the case. Researchers continue to monitor the mosquitoes know to have the parasites and to offer effective vaccines that can help prevent people from contacting it. 


There are many different medications that can be given to a person diagnosed with Malaria. What will be given depends on what the region has readily available. It will also depend on the type of Malaria they have been diagnosed with as well as the severity of it. In many third world countries there simply isnt enough medication available for all of those that have become infected with Malaria.
Malaria & Mosquitoes

Only female mosquitoes are known to carry the parasites that are known to cause Malaria. When a person is bitten by a mosquito that carries them their blood is infected with the parasites. They will find their way through the body to the liver where they will incubate for several weeks. Then the parasites will travel among the red blood cells and the result will be your body becoming severely ill until those parasites have been removed.



Female mosquitoes are on the hunt for a meal of blood due to the need they have for it. They must have a good supply of blood on a regular basis in order to produce enough protein for her eggs to be healthy. While the female mosquito is taking blood from a human, the salivary glands are touching the person. This is where the parasites come from and enter through the bite location that the mosquito has made.


There are more than 3,500 different species of mosquitoes that have been identified in locations around the world. It is estimated that approximately 40 of them are able to successfully transfer the parasites to humans that cause Malaria. The majority of them are found in third world countries. There is a concern as these species of mosquitoes reproduce rapidly. They can lay up to 200 eggs at one time so efforts are made to reduce the number of them out there.


There are various insecticides offered out there that strive to reduce the number of mosquitoes in an area. Yet their survival instincts certainly do kick in. They are able to evolve enough to become resistant to various insecticides. As a result it keeps researchers on their toes. They have to develop more effective products to kill them. At the same time though they have to make sure the environment is protected from harm. 

Anyone who has suffered from Malaria will tell you that it is definitely worth every effort to prevent Malaria than to have to get treatment for it. Those that will be in locations where Malaria is possible need to take precautions. They need to get vaccinations and take tables that can prevent Malaria. They also need to wear plenty of repellent with DEET and long sleeved clothing.

Malaria Prevention

With more than 500 million cases of Malaria diagnosed annually, preventative measures have to be put into place. This is often very expensive though and that becomes a problem due to most of the cases occurring in very poor third world countries. There are two main objectives when it comes to the issue of Malaria prevention. First, to reduce the number of mosquitoes out there that can carry the parasites. Second, to offer effective vaccines to individuals so they will be less susceptible to it.
The most effective way to control the number of mosquitoes out there that can bite a person and give them Malaria is to spray insecticides. There has to be a balance though of what will kill them but also wont harm people, animals, and crops. The mosquitoes that do survive such sprayings end up immune to what is being used. The problem is that with their resistance more powerful chemicals are needed in order to effectively reduce their numbers.

Offering effective vaccinations is a key element in preventing Malaria. These vaccines are often required before anyone from another country can travel to a destination where Malaria is very prevalent. Verification that the vaccination has taken place will be required before you can enter that country. 


Yet these vaccines also begin to lose their effectiveness as the mosquitoes become more resistant to the chemicals used to kill them. Researchers must continue to track what is effective and what isnt for vaccines. Many individuals from relief efforts volunteer their time to give these vaccines to the people that live in areas where Malaria runs rampant. 

Ongoing research will also help to prevent Malaria in the future. Finding a very effective vaccine that can take care of it without modifications will be difficult to secure. Yet with the technology that scientists and researchers have available it is hopeful they will come up with something that is quite effective. 


Individuals should do all they can to protect themselves from mosquito bites as well. Use a spray that contains DEET. Apply it every couple of hours in locations where mosquitoes are out in large numbers. Wearing long sleeved shirts and pants in the morning and the evening when mosquitoes are out is important. Screens should also be placed around living quarters in order to prevent mosquitoes from coming inside with you.

Malaria Tablets

Many individuals choose to take Malaria tablets when they travel to destinations where it is possible they can contract it. Even though they have likely had a vaccination they do this as an added line of defense. Individuals are warned at the time of a vaccination that they may not find it 100% effective due to some mosquitoes developing a resistance to them.

Since Malaria isnt something a person really wants to take their chances with, it can be very effective to add the tablets as an additional line of defense. It is a good idea to choose a type that is recommended by your health care professional. There are many brands out there but some of them havent proven to be as effective as others. 

Most doctors will prescribe a Malaria tablet for you that you can pick up at a local pharmacy. Most health insurances will cover the cost of it as they would rather pay for that then your medical care if you contract Malaria. You will have to check with your individual insurance company though. There are also generic brands that you can pick up if you have to pay for the cost out of your own pocket. 

When you are taking Malaria tablets, you need to take them at timed intervals. You also need to make sure you only take the recommended dosage. Failure to take the Malaria tablets when you should and in the amount you should could result in them not offering you the protection you need. Some individuals experience side effects when they take Malaria tablets including dry mouth and nausea. 

It is recommended to take Malaria tablets with food to help prevent the onset of side effects. If you end up with severe abdominal pain or vomiting after taking a Malaria tablet you should stop taking them. Most health care professionals recommend you start to take them about three days before your travels begin. This way you can find out how your body will react to them. 

Even with the combination of a vaccine and the correct use of Malaria tablets, the prevention of this ailment is about 98%. Many individuals will tell you that the mild side affects associated with taking Malaria tablets are a better alternative than having to fight the disease.

Symptoms of Malaria

Malaria is a very serious type of illness that you need to seek immediate medical attention for. The parasites that are transmitted to your body will attack your liver and your red blood cells. They will also continue to increase in number and you will become very ill. Without medical treatment, most individuals with Malaria will die. Getting the right diagnosis can be hard though as many individuals initially think they only have the flu.

It is very common for a person to experience symptoms of Malaria including a headache, fever, and vomiting. Some individuals will also become very achy and even experience periods of time where they are chilly. Extreme fatigue and a desire to sleep for hours at a time are also very common symptoms of Malaria. A person has to be very careful as they can become dehydrated if they also have diarrhea. This is very serious and should be evaluated by a doctor immediately.

As the parasites continue to increase in number and the liver and red blood cells are affected, more severe symptoms will occur. These should definitely indicate to a person that what is going on is much more than just the common flu virus. A person may start to hallucinate due to the high fever they have with Malaria. The skin may develop a yellowish tint to it due to jaundice setting in. This is a sign that the liver is in deed in distress.

Some individuals start to see blood in their urine and stools when they have Malaria. Other people seem to be off balance due to their central nervous system being affected. Some individuals will also have seizures or even fall into a coma due to their Malaria spreading so rapidly throughout their body.

One of the many reasons why individuals dont readily associate their symptoms of illness with Malaria is that it can take several weeks for the illness to occur. For many people, getting bitten by mosquitoes is very common and not something they would think to report to their doctor. However, it is important to share that information because it can result in you getting the right diagnosis and the right treatment for your Malaria.


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