Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Recycling... But Never Dared To Ask! - Health And Fitness Lounge

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Recycling... But Never Dared To Ask!


Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Recycling...


But Never Dared To Ask!




There are many benefits to being physically fit. You will have more energy during the day, sleep more peacefully at night, feel more alert and emotionally sound, and your body will be able to fight off illness and cope with stress a lot better than it did before.


When many people think of fitness, they imagine long hours at the gym, strict diets, and having less energy during the day. This could not be further from the truth. The truth is there are many ways to become physically fit. By walking up the stairs or making small changes to your current diet may be all you will need. You will actually have more energy during the day by adding a few physical activities to your life.





Creating a fitness plan first requires a commitment to make lifestyle changes in order to include time for physical activity. The freedom to choose the types of activities you feel comfortable participating in will help keep you motivated. Keeping a fitness diary or record of your activities is a great way to motivate and chart your progress.


Regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight, increase muscle mass, or improve the overall quality of life, incorporating a fitness plan into your daily routine is one way to gain more control over your well-being and happiness.





One of the biggest problems people face when starting a fitness program is staying motivated. Even though they may realize the benefits, and see results both physically and emotionally, it is still a struggle for many to adopt a fitness plan for life.


In order to stay motivated, you should:


   Create realistic goals


   Use a calendar to schedule time into your day for exercise


   Track weight loss and calorie intake if on a diet


   Find a partner to lose weight with


   Join a gym or fitness club



   Vary your activities


Once you have incorporated a fitness routine into your life, you will be able to stay with it. If you find a few fitness activities you enjoy, you will begin looking forward to them instead of dreading them. Enjoying what you are doing will help you stay motivated.





Being physically fit is important at all stages in your life. From childhood to old age, exercising can provide energy, emotional well-being, and create a sense of achievement. While you do not have to exercise every day, you should make an effort to create a regular routine and stick to it.







Throughout this book, you will learn ways to become physically fit. They include:



   Weight training






The types of activities a person involves themselves in are very personal and should become a part of their life rather than something they try to fit into it. By making an effort to work out, walk, or meditate, you will enjoy the benefits of the physical fitness activities mentioned above and many more.


For most people, participating in some sort of physical activity for 30 minutes, 3 days a week is all they need in order to better and more capable about handling the events that occur in their lives.




Aerobic exercises involve increasing heart rate so the body is better able to utilize oxygen. When most people think of aerobic exercise, they think of group programs that involve a lot of jumping, stretching, and running in place. But these exercise programs are not the only type of aerobic exercise you can get. Any exercise that causes the body to increase its oxygen intake is considered aerobic exercise.




If you want to build muscle, target certain muscle groups, and increase endurance, weight training is the exercise for you. When using weights that are of different sizes and creating a program based on repetitions and resistance, you will be able to sculpt your body.


Weight training is not for everyone and you should consult your doctor to make sure you are physically able to handle this type of work out.




Yoga is a series of stretches that can be done alone or with a group. These stretches are meant to lengthen the muscles in the body, reduce stress, and allow a person to relax.




Joining a local baseball team or racquet ball club is a great way to get physically fit. By engaging in sporting activities you will build muscle, increase your heart rate, and lose weight if you have to.




Walking is a wonderful activity that almost anyone can participate in. You can walk in the park, on the sidewalk, up the stairs, and anywhere else you can think of. Not only will walking raise your heart rate, it will also tone thigh and glut muscles.




Running has been a popular way to stay physically fit. Like walking, there are many places for you to run. Before you take up running, you should make sure your body, especially your knees and ankles, can withstand the impact of your feet and the surface you are running on. Many people experience injury when they run too often or they run without using the proper equipment.




Now that you know about popular activities that people engage in when they want to stay active and fit, you may be wondering where to find the time to exercise. Since many people have careers, families, and day to day chores and events, it can be tricky to devote time to physical activity.


Some ways to include physical activity into your day include:


   Exercise in the morning or at night


   Schedule gym time during lunch hour


   Break up a 30 minute workout into two 15 minute sessions


   Walk whenever possible


   When traveling, stay in hotels with gyms


   Join employee sponsored sports teams


   Find gyms with 24-hour service


While it still may be difficult to squeeze in time between appointments, grocery store trips, your child’s after school activities, and other events, if you get a little creative, you should be able to find an hour or two a week to devote to physical fitness.




Exercising with your children is not only another way to fit in physical activity into your schedule, it also teaches children the importance of exercise. Going for a walk, kicking a ball, or visiting a playground are all ways for you and your family to enjoy being outdoors, getting some exercise, and spending time together.





Over the years, there have been more and more studies that have determined the need for physical fitness. Those who are not active are usually:




   Depressed more often


   Have less energy to complete tasks




   Experience more stress


   More likely to have eating disorders or other illnesses


   Have a shorter life span


   More prone to diseases including heart disease and diabetes


If you are not physically fit, you may be experiencing many of the above. Even if you are not overweight, you may not be as physically fit as you could be.


There are many positive reasons why you should incorporate more physical activity into your life including:




   Emotional well-being


   Intellectual well-being


   Being an example for others




While starting any exercise program can be difficult, it is important to remember these reasons and push yourself to create a schedule and follow it until it becomes a part of your life.




Your health is very important because without it, you could not function normally during the day. Being sick all the time, not performing as well at work, or not being able to spend enough time with your family can cause depression and other emotional issues.


While creating a fitness program and staying with it may be frustrating at first, getting sick often or developing a disease is worse. If you need to lose weight, the only way to do so is through diet and exercise. Once you reach your goal weight, you will still need to exercise and participate in physical fitness activities so your body will be as healthy as it possibly can be.




In addition to being physically healthy, you need to be emotionally healthy. Those who are happy and content with their physical appearance and overall fitness level, have more energy, are able to socialize with others, perform better in their jobs, and are able to devote time to their families.


While many disregard their emotional well-being, studies have shown that those who are depressed for long periods of time are at risk for developing illnesses and diseases. Taking care of your body, mind, and soul is very important if you want to lead a long, healthy, productive life.


Exercise also releases hormones which can help reduce stress and make you feel better after a bad day.




Those who exercise have more control over their concentration levels, which can improve memory, speech, and other skills needed to survive on the job, raise a family, and live a satisfied life. When you are able to concentrate fully, you can complete more tasks, and enjoy what is going on around you.




As you read earlier, exercising with your children will promote awareness in the importance of physical activity. But children are not the only ones you can influence. Co-workers, family members, or those who see you walking or running each day may begin to take a closer look at their own exercise regimen or create one.




If you choose to join a sports team, or a walking club, you will be able to meet other people in your neighborhood who are conscious about physical fitness as well. Surrounding yourself with those who have the same or similar goals is one way to stay motivated.


Creating a sense of community begins when people have a common goal. If you are new to the neighborhood, or recently retired, joining local groups will allow you to meet new people, which will enhance your physical, emotional, and intellectual health.




Before starting any fitness program, it is important that you see your doctor and have a complete physical in order to determine if you are healthy enough for rigorous activity. Depending on your age, physical condition, and other health issues, you may be limited in the types of programs you can participate in.


You should not be dissuaded, however. If you have bad knees or back issues, you should avoid running, but you should be able to walk. If you are overweight, you may need to start out with light weight training and other exercises until you lose enough weight to begin building muscle.


There are a few tips to help you get started on a fitness program:


   Create realistic goals

After you have a physical exam, and have found the types of fitness activities you want to participate in, you should set some goals for yourself that can be used as a guide, motivational tool, and as a way to gauge your progress. Your goals should:


o  Be realistic for your age, weight, and current physical condition

o  Fit into the time you have set aside for fitness

o  Increase slightly as you become more physically fit

o  Encourage you to move forward instead of holding you back


Writing goals down in a diary or a piece of paper will make them seem more attainable. While you may need to adjust your goals from time to time, overall, they should remain constant.


   Invest only in equipment you need

Many people are more concerned about having the right fitness equipment rather than using it each day. There are plenty of fitness activities you can participate in without having to invest in a lot of equipment or even a gym membership.


Prioritizing what you want from your fitness plan will allow you to make good decisions. If you cannot get to a gym, then consider buying a few pieces that you will use each day. Making a list of the types of exercises you want to do each day can give you a better idea of the equipment you will need.


   Maintain motivation

This is where many people fail when it comes to physical fitness. While they have the best intentions, they buy equipment, and take time out of their busy schedules to exercise, they run out of motivation and stop exercising altogether. Planning for these


moments is important when creating a fitness plan. Deciding what will keep you motivated can help you along the way.

Rewarding yourself after reaching a goal or maintaining your schedule for a fixed amount of time will help you stay on track.


   Find the time

Devoting the same time each day for fitness is a great way to meet your goals, stay motivated, and become physically fit. If you plan on starting a walking program or you want to take a yoga class, schedule these activities at the same time during the week. Visit the gym at the same time or exercise at home at the same time.


Creating a routine will help you incorporate fitness into your life, which will lead to a lifetime of good health.


   Record your progress

Recording your progress will help you meet goals, motivate you to keep going, and help you determine which fitness activities you have time for and which ones are the most effective. Write down daily thoughts, what you did, and how long you exercised.




When choosing a fitness program, you should keep the following in mind:


   Amount of time you have each day to devote to a program


   Amount of money you can spend on a fitness program


   If you want to participate in a fitness program with others or if you want to create one for yourself


   Available fitness programs in your area


   The types of programs that will keep you motivated


Since there are many fitness programs to choose from, you may want to try a few in order to determine which ones you are the most comfortable with.


You will learn more about specific fitness programs in the next chapter. Keep in mind that just because you choose one fitness activity it does not mean you have to stick with it if you aren’t enjoying it. Find an activity that is fun, reduces stress, and is something you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle.




Making sure you maintain your fitness program is the biggest concern people have. Because of life events, jobs, family, and other obstacles, you may need to adopt a fitness plan that changes with you.


Going to the gym is a great way to create routine, maintain your fitness program, and is a place you can visit even when far from home. Many hotels have gyms on-site that you can use. This way you will not be missing workouts even though you need to travel for business or to visit family.


Other ways to maintain your fitness program include:


   Schedule activities two or three times a week instead of five

   Stretching and doing light exercises when ill or injured

   Getting your family involved in staying fit

   Making appointments on your calendar for gym days

   Not being too hard on yourself when you miss a day


Being honest with yourself when creating a fitness program is the best way to develop a realistic plan that fits your lifestyle.







Once you reach your goals, you should not abandon your fitness plan. Staying fit should be a lifelong goal rather than a short-term one. If you have reached your goals, you should:


   Create new goals

   Try another fitness activity

   Determine ways to stay motivated

   Scale back the number of days you exercise


While reaching a fitness goal should be celebrated, it does not mean it is the end of your fitness journey. As you age, your body will go through physical changes, hormonal changes, and internal changes. Being healthy throughout your life if the ultimate goal of any fitness program. Even though you may need to change which activities you participate in, the goal is still the same.




New goals can help motivate and breathe new life into your fitness program. If you want to start targeting specific muscle groups through weight training or other exercise, you will be able to sculpt your body, increase endurance, and feel better about yourself.




Trying a new fitness activity is a wonderful way to learn, stay motivated, and maintain your fitness program.




Motivation can come in many forms. Even though you have reached your goals, find new ways to maintain your routine and reward yourself for staying with it.




If you needed to lose weight and you have reached your goal, you may need to scale back on the number of days you exercise so you don’t lose too much weight at one time.





In order to stay fit for life, you will probably have to make adjustments throughout your life in order to meet goals, maintain your health, compensate for injury, and get the most you can from your routine. The following tips will help you get the most from your fitness lifestyle:


   Dont be afraid to try new sports or fitness activities. You may stumble upon a few that you never thought you would enjoy.


   Talk to others about fitness so you can get new ideas and share your own


   Read your local newspaper to see if there are charity walks and runs you can participate in. Not only will you be able to mix up your fitness routine, you will also be helping those in need.





When creating a fitness program, you should be concerned with finding activities that:


   Meet your needs


   Are challenging


   Available where you live






In order to stay motivated, you should find challenging and fun activities that will make you want to stay fit. In this chapter, you will learn more about popular fitness programs and how they can be beneficial to you. Whether you decide to try one or all of these activities, keep in mind that your time and current level of physical fitness so you can choose the activity that is appropriate for you.




Aerobic exercise is one of the most popular forms of exercise because it is linked with heart health. If heart disease runs in your family, or if you experience extreme times of stress in your career or when at home with your family, you should look into aerobic exercise as a way to increase blood flow and oxygen intake.


There are various forms of aerobic workouts you can participate in including:


   Standard aerobics


   Step aerobics


   Water aerobics


Each of these programs will give you a good cardio workout.




This form of aerobic exercise can be done in a gym or at home. If you need motivation and help in learning routines and individual exercises, you should take an aerobics class offered at a gym or community center. Because you may have to perform exercises you have not done in the past, instructors will be able to help you execute them properly.

In a standard aerobics class, you will have to do various exercise movements. Exercises that focus on certain parts of your body including legs, hips, thighs, shoulders, arms, and waist will not only help you tone these areas, but also increase your oxygen intake because these exercises are often performed quickly and in repetition.


If you don’t feel comfortable joining an aerobics class, you can buy aerobic CD’s that you will follow in order to benefit from the exercises.




Step aerobics is similar to a standard aerobics class except you will use a plastic step while you exercise. This step simulates stairs, which increase heart rate and oxygen flow. Step aerobics can also help tone thigh and calve muscles as the exercises are done in repetition with the focus on these muscle groups.


There are usually three types of step aerobic classes: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Classes are broken up into three types due in part to the step size and the amount of time it is used during the class. If you enjoy a vigorous work out, then a step aerobics class is for you.





Water aerobics relies on water resistance to help build muscle and endurance. Classes usually take place in a pool where repetition exercises that take place in other aerobics classes are performed. The water acts like a weight that participants have to resist in order to build muscle.


If you have an injury that prohibits you from participating in many physical activities, you should ask your doctor if a water aerobics class is appropriate. Since you will not have to fight the forces of gravity in the water, you will be able to put less strain on the injured area.


Aerobics is a wonderful way to exercise, build muscle, and increase blood flow. This is a fitness program you can do at home if you don’t have the time to go to the gym.




As with any fitness program, there are always pros and cons.




   Easy to learn


   Easy to fit into most schedules


   Option of taking a class or buying a CD


   Fitness program that can be used for many years


   Different varieties to keep it exciting and fun




   May not be appropriate for those who have back or knee injuries


   Exercises may be too difficult for some


   May not be appropriate for those who are obese


When inquiring about an aerobics program, ask instructors at your gym, those you know who take classes, or research more about aerobics online.





If you want to target certain muscle groups, increase your heart rate, and build endurance, you should give weight training a try. In order to create a plan that will get you results, you will have to join a gym or invest money in equipment like weights, mats, and weight lifting machines if you have the room.


Weight training involves using weights of different measurements and rotating them so your muscles are able to grow. Building muscle is beneficial in many ways:


   Bodies that have more muscle have less fat


   Muscle provides you with more endurance strength


   Muscle adds tone and definition to your body



In order to build muscle, you must first lose fat that surrounds the muscle. Over time, you will notice that the fat in your body will be replaced by muscle.




If you are new to weight training, you may want to visit your gym and hire a trainer who specializes in weight training. You will have to determine the following before beginning your training:


   Current weight


   Body fat percentage

   How often you can work out


   How often you should work out


   Your goals


   What to expect from this type of work out


Many people are surprised to learn that they have gained weight after a few months on a weight training program. Weight gain is normal as body fat is converted into muscle. Muscle weighs more than body fat, so you even though you may weigh more, your body will begin to take on a different shape.


While you will probably lose weight after beginning this type of program, weight training is more about defining and building mass rather than losing weight. Combining weight training with running or aerobics is a great way to lose weight while building muscle and toning your body.


Your weight training routine will vary depending on your gender, what you capable of lifting, and your body type. Most sessions will involve lifting weights for a certain number of repetitions. This will yield the best results.




Most gyms have a combination of free weights and weight machines so those working out will be able to focus on specific muscle groups while building endurance, strengthening skeletal structure, or building muscle mass. While you can choose which type of weights you fee more comfortable using, chances are in order to achieve your goals, you will have to use a variety of weights.






Free weights include bar bells, dumbbells, and kettle bells. They require correct form in order to be used correctly. They can be found in a variety of weights and sizes. Some free weights have removable plates that can be used to go from one weight to the next.


When using free weights, it is important to stand straight and place support on your lower back and spine. Always lift weights using your knees and not your back. Pick up free weights slowly so you don’t injure yourself.




Weight machines are available for those who want to build muscle in their legs, chest, and arms. Machines are similar to free weights in that they have adjustable weights. Weight machines do not rely on having perfect posture, which may result in a poor work out or injury if you are using too much weight. Try your best to maintain the correct posture at all times when using these machines and adjust the weight as necessary.




Weight training can help you in many ways. Not only will you build muscle and skeletal mass, you will also get a good cardio work out.




   Target certain muscle groups


   Adjust weights to suit your needs


   Easy program to track progress


   Gyms are available in most areas


   Trainers can help keep you motivated




   Those who have prior injuries should not begin this program until they have been seen by a doctor


   Muscle develop differently in everyone, so results may vary



   Share equipment with others


   May take longer to get used to than other fitness programs


Weight training is for those who want to increase muscle mass and tone their bodies. While this exercise is not for everyone, it is a good program to try if you are unsure about where to begin on your fitness journey.





Yoga is different from aerobics and weight training because it is considered a low impact form of exercise. The practice originates in India, and is used to promote awareness of the body through a series of stretches and poses.


Yoga has become a popular way to help tone the body, lengthen skeletal muscles, and reduce stress.




The most important aspect of yoga are the poses. These are stretches that are held for a few seconds or more. There are hundreds of poses that can be used during a session. Popular poses include:


   Downward dog


   Childs pose

   Warrior pose


Many people feel intimidated when they first try yoga. Because mastering the poses is essential to getting all the benefits that come from yoga, you will have to perform each pose as they are taught to you.


It is through the poses that you will be stretch various muscles in your body. Deep stretches can help tone your body and improve your posture. Those who are under a lot of stress, or those who want to improve their flexibility will benefit from yoga.


While poses each have their own names, they fall into two categories: standing poses and sitting poses. Both can be used to increase flexibility, tone muscles, and reduce stress.


You can learn yoga by taking classes at a yoga studio or from a CD.





Yoga classes are available for beginners and advanced participants. If you don’t know much about yoga, then you should take a class in order to learn the poses and how to do them properly.


Most yoga classes are small. After instructors demonstrate a pose, the class will imitate it. Instructors will go around the class to help those who need help. After a few months, you should be able to execute poses and benefit from the stretches.


While classes are beneficial in teaching you the basics of yoga, you are forced to follow the series that the instructor creates. For those who are familiar with yoga many want to stay home and create their own series of poses.




If you don’t think you are ready for a class, of you are familiar with some of the common yoga poses, buying a CD is a good way to stretch at home.

There are CD’s on the market that have beginner, intermediate, and advanced poses.


Once you learn some of these poses, you can create your own series.






In addition to increasing your flexibility, yoga can also reduce stress, both physically and emotionally.


Sitting poses are used more often for reducing stress because you can meditate easily. Those who practice yoga begin with sitting poses, add standing poses, and then return to sitting poses.


Meditating requires silence or soft music. You should give yourself enough time to practice yoga as getting your body to unwind can take more than 30 minutes. Reducing stress is important for anyone who has a busy schedule. If you work in an office or if you are on your feet all day, relaxing with yoga in the evening can help restore and refresh your body, mind, and soul.




Even though yoga is a relaxing form of exercise, it is not for everyone. If you cannot devote time to learn the poses and perform them correctly, you will not receive all the benefits yoga has to offer.




   Easier on the body than other fitness programs


   Requires use of body and mind


   Reduces stress which can help prevent illness


   Poses can be done anywhere


   Poses range from beginner to advanced


   Increases flexibility and muscle tone




   Must be able to dedicate time to poses


   Many people need to take a class in order to learn poses


   Should be done while pregnant or recovering from an injury


   Poses should be executed perfectly in order to have full effect


If you are looking for a low impact fitness program, you should give yoga a try. Many people say that they feel more relaxed, sleep better at night, and have more energy during the day. Other low impact fitness programs that resemble yoga include:





Since many cities and towns have yoga studios, you should visit one to see what the classes are like and if they have any openings that will fit your schedule.




So far, you have learned about fitness programs that require you to go to a gym, take a class, or buy a CD in order to benefit from the program. But walking and running are different in that you can participate in these


programs in various locations and times. For many, walking a mile or more a day can help increase blood circulation, flexibility, and energy.




Walking is the simplest form of exercise the people can do each day. Whether is it walking to work, walking around town, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator, you can create a fitness program that fits your needs by walking throughout the day.




Basic equipment you should invest in when beginning a fitness walking program include: a watch, step counter, and a good pair of walking shoes.


Because walking is considered low impact, many people think they do not need to wear quality shoes, but if you plan on walking every day, you should find a pair of walking shoes with padded inserts and rubberized soles.


When walking for fitness, you should:


   Walk at a brisk pace for 20-30 minutes


   Plan your route before you start walking


   Wear lighter clothing or layers/ wear reflectors if walking in the evening


   Walk with a partner if you want the company


   Stretch before beginning your walk


   Walk in warm or cool weather, avoid extreme heat or cold


Walking is a great way to reduce stress and see interesting things around your neighborhood.




Running is considered a high impact exercise because you will be increasing oxygen intake and blood flow faster than you would by walking, and your muscles will be working harder. Running is a good way to tone your body, increase your heart rate and endurance.


You should invest in quality footwear that will absorb most of the shock that comes from your feet hitting pavement or the ground. This will help prevent injuries like sprained ankles, knee and joint pain, and lower back pain.



When running, you should:


   Only run for a maximum of 30-40 minutes


   Wear light or layered clothing and wear reflectors when running at night


   Bring water with you in order to stay hydrated


   Stretch before and after running


   Do not run if you have injured yourself


   Do not run in extreme heat or cold


Running is a fitness program that can be short lived. Injuries to the knees are common, which could force a person to find a low impact exercise. Bear in mind that if you run too often, you increase the risk of torn ligaments and pulled muscles.




If you are looking for an exercise that you can do at any time in most locations, walking or running are the types of exercises you should consider. While there are pros and cons to each, these activities are cost effective and can be used to promote better overall health.




   Little equipment needed


   Can be done almost anywhere


   Most people can participate

   Reduces stress


   Option of walking alone or with a partner




   Unsafe to walk in extreme cold or hot weather


   People with health issues should consult a doctor


As with any fitness program, see your doctor if you become injured as you may need to switch to another activity or vary your participation.





If you do not think you can stay motivated by any of the fitness programs mentioned so far, perhaps joining a company or local sports team can help. With scheduled practices, games, and other events, you will have to show up and do your part for the team.


Team sports are a great way to meet new people, get exercise, and reduce stress. Popular team sports include:






   Field hockey




When you join a team sport, you will be grouped together with others who also want to incorporate fitness into their lives. Having a group attitude like this can only motivate you into sticking with your routine.




You will not have to look far to find team sports. Common places include:


   Company sponsored team sports


   Community centers


   Fitness club sponsored events


   Weekly pick-up games with friends


   Charity team sporting events


Look in community bulletins, ask people who live in your community, and research sports teams online. Many teams post ads and other messages before the start of every season for those who are interested.



If you don’t find a sport that you are interested in pursuing, you can always start your own. Local leagues will put your team in their rotation so you can play against other teams.




The biggest obstacle when it comes to team sports is making sure everyone on the team gets along with one another. If members on the team constantly fight, then you will no longer have fun, which will ruin your motivation. Even though this is considered a fitness activity, there are other factors to consider.


If conflict becomes an issue, you can do the following:


   Talk to the captain of the team


   Try to understand where the programs are coming from


   Leave the team and find another activity


   Finish out the season and move on to another team


Sometimes conflicts will not go away, and you will have to make the decision as to stay with the team or leave it.




If you enjoy sports activities where other people are involved, then you should find one in your community to get involved with. You will be a part of your community, create a fitness plan, and you will be able to compete against others who are on the same level as you.




   Enjoy being a team player


   Scheduled time for fitness


   Enjoyment of the game


   Equipment provided


   Learn more about your community




   Have to rely on others


   Season is only a few months


   Teams change from year to year


   Conflict can occur


The fitness programs mentioned above are popular because they fit into different lifestyles. When looking for a fitness program, it is important to find activities that will not take away from prior obligations. Find programs that compliment your life, not complicate it.








Fitness clubs offer a variety of classes, training options, and equipment for you to use. Most cities and towns have fitness clubs, so you should not have any problem finding one that is close by.





Before you sign up for membership in a fitness club, you should see if they have guest passes you can use in order to get a better idea of the types of services and equipment they have. Many fitness clubs have the latest fitness equipment, saunas, spa treatments, classes, and other perks. In order to get the most from your fitness club, you should keep the following in mind:


   Popularity of club


   Number of classes offered


   Special Perks


   Fitness clubs rules


   Hours of operation


   Membership fees


   Overall condition of equipment


   Number of trainers


   Customer service




These factors are important because in order to create a fitness plan, you need to know the types of equipment that is available, if trainers are available to help you, and if you are comfortable with the conditions in the fitness club.



If you do not like certain aspects of the club or they do not have the equipment you need, you may still be able to take classes or sign up with a trainer who may be able to offer equipment alternatives.




Even though many people may enjoy going to certain fitness clubs, if a club is always crowded, you may need to wait to use equipment, sign up for classes, or even rotate appointments with a personal trainer.


When looking for a fitness club, the most important aspect to consider is your time. If the club is overcrowded, it may not be able to meet your needs.




The number of classes offered by the fitness club is also important as many classes fill up quickly. Clubs that only offer one or two aerobics classes per day, for example, may not fit into your schedule. Find a club that offers both day and evening classes.




Many fitness clubs offer day care services, 24-hour services, and on-call trainers for your convenience. Take advantage of these perks in order to get the most from your workout time.




When visiting a fitness club, ask for club rules in order to familiarize yourself with them. Observe if other people are following them and if they are being enforced. Most clubs require that you wipe down equipment after using it, put all equipment back where you found it, and only use certain equipment for a specific length of time.


If you feel uncomfortable with any of the rules or you notice they are not being enforced, you should consider joining the club.




While many clubs are now open 24-hours a day, some open early in the morning and stay open until mid-night. Most clubs are open on the


weekends. Find a club that can accommodate your time so you can workout regularly.




Always read membership agreements before signing them especially if you are receiving a discounted price as a new member. In the past, fitness clubs have been vague about when you have to start paying full price and when discounts are offered to those who refer others.



If you want to bring a guest, many clubs will allow day passes. You should check with the club beforehand to make sure you will not be charged extra on your monthly bill.




Take note of the condition of gym equipment. Check for wear and tear, broken safety devices, or unsafe equipment. A club that is well maintained will be able to offer you a good workout.




If you want to hire a personal trainer, find a club that has at least eight to ten trainers on staff. This way you will be able to get the appointment times you need in order to develop a consistent fitness plan. Clubs that do not have enough trainers are usually overbooked and will not be able to give you the personal attention you need.




Those who work at fitness clubs should be friendly and helpful. You should feel special when walking into your club rather than just another member. If your questions are not answered completely or you don’t feel comfortable, then go somewhere else.




There are many types of fitness clubs. Some cater exclusively to women, others are co-ed. Certain fitness clubs attract younger or older people. You should feel comfortable when working out, so find a club that meets your needs. When visiting, look around to see the types of people who have memberships.





Depending on whether you want to workout in front of others or not, there are specific times to visit the gym. The best times are:


   Early in the morning

   Early afternoon

   Late evening



You will find the most traffic will be after the workday is over and on the first half of the weekend. Working out in a crowded gym means you will have to wait longer to use equipment, you may not be able to use certain machines as long as you normally would, and you may have to wait to get into the locker room as well.


Going to the gym during off hours will allow you to focus on your fitness plan. If your fitness club is open 24 hours a day, there will be more times to choose from.





Most fitness clubs offer fitness classes for members during the day, in the evening, and on the weekend. Common classes found in fitness clubs include:








   Strength training


   Spinning classes


   Step aerobics


   Weight training


When a new class is forming, you should sign up as soon as possible as these classes are usually smaller in size. Choose classes that will challenge you to target new muscle groups or your endurance.


If you are interested in a class, but are unsure if you can handle it, ask the trainer who is teaching it. They will be able to tell you the physical shape you should be in, how long the class will take, and the types of equipment you will be using.


You should try different classes in order to find ones that are the most beneficial to your fitness plan.


Before you join a fitness club, you should try a class to see how they are run, the level of the class, and the instruction from the trainer.





Choosing a personal trainer is important because this is the person you will ask advice from, lean on, and expect motivation from. Personal trainers are available for the following gym services:


   Weight training

   Strength training





The larger the gym, the more trainers there will be on staff to help you create a fitness plan and meet your goals. When deciding on a personal trainer, keep the following in mind:


   Trainers personality


   Time availability


   Trainers experience


   Other clients


   Trainer motivational skills




Watch a trainer before approaching them and asking if they have any openings. If you have any questions about fitness, ask the trainer to see how they answer your questions.


After finding a trainer you feel comfortable with, schedule an appointment and try to meet at the same time in order to develop a routine.


Personal trainers can help you in many ways. Not only will they help you target specific muscle groups, they will motivate you, give you advice on diet and nutrition, and listen to your fitness issues.


Questions to ask your personal trainer before hiring them include:


   What are your certifications?

   Are your trained in CPR?

   How long have you been a personal trainer?

   How long have you worked at this club?

   Do you have references?

   Why do you enjoy being a personal trainer?

   What is your fitness program like?

   What are your motivational skills?


Personal trainers can be expensive, so choosing the right one is important for the success of your fitness program.





When working out, it is important to always use the equipment in a safe manner. It is very easy to strain muscles, drop equipment, or hurt others if you are not careful.


Simple ways to stay safe at the gym include:


   Working out with a partner


   Picking up free weights by bending at the knee and not using back muscles


   Only lifting what you can


   Handling equipment easily and not throwing it around


   Cleaning up equipment after use


   Gradually increasing weight instead of using two or three different weights in one session


   Asking personal trainers for help when necessary


   Practicing good form when using free weights and machines


   Reporting members who are not using equipment safely


   Always stretch before and after a workout


   Take a beginner class if you are unfamiliar with a certain exercise program


   Do not work out everyday


If you injure yourself while working out, you should stop immediately and not work out again until you are healed. You may need to visit a doctor if the pain lasts for more than a few days.


Working out after surgery or giving birth is not recommended. You have to wait until your body is ready. There are other fitness activities you may be able to participate in while you recover including walking and light stretching. WORKING OUT WITH A PARTNER


Instead of hiring a personal trainer, some people decide to join a fitness club with friends or family members and work out together. When two people are motivated, they can encourage each other, make sure they are using equipment properly, and challenge each other to meet certain goals.


When working out with a partner, you should:


   Spot them when necessary. This means you are ready to assist if the weight becomes too heavy or they become tired.


   Offer positive encouragement


   Create a fitness plan that is similar


   Commit to a work out time that fits both of your schedules


   Join classes both of you are interested in


   Take advantage of joint membership




Working out with another person can be productive when both of you want to make positive changes in your lives. If one of you is not as dedicated as the other, however, the partnership may not be enough to keep you motivated. If this happens, don’t be discouraged, talk to the person and decide what to do next. Most people find another partner or begin working out alone.





Fitness clubs can help you reach your fitness goals in various ways by providing you with equipment, classes, personal trainers, and a friendly environment. If you need additional motivation, joining a club can help.




   Different types of equipment available


   Fitness clubs can motivate people into following their fitness plan


   Meet others who enjoy working out


   Personal trainers and classes available





   Clubs can become overcrowded

   Not everyone respects the rules


   Membership costs can be high


   Personal trainers are not always available when you need them


People join fitness clubs for different reasons. If you want to try a club, ask for a day pass to see what it is like and if you will find it beneficial.





The types of fitness equipment you use depends on your fitness program and the results you are looking for. Fitness equipment can vary when you take classes, workout in a club, or when you are participating in a group activity.


In this chapter, you will learn about the different types of fitness equipment available for the types of fitness programs discussed in earlier chapters.





Since there are different types of aerobic activities you can participate in, the equipment needed will vary. When taking an aerobics class, you may need:


   Supportive footwear

   Light clothing


   Light weights

   Straps for stretching



Since aerobic activity involves increasing your heart rate so your body will take in more oxygen, the equipment needed is less than other types of exercise. Additional equipment you may need when engaging in aerobic activity:


   Jump rope

   Exercise ball

   Exercise mats


If you are not used to using this type of equipment, you should ask for help or research how to use it online.





When weight training, you will be targeting different muscle groups at various times, which means using different types of free weights and weight machines.




Common free weights you will be using include:


   Hand weights


   Bar bells

   Kettle bells

   Ankle weights

   Medicine balls


If you are building a home gym or joining a fitness club, you should be familiar with these types of weights. They are available in different weight measurements and are usually made of metal or are plastic coated.


Equipment needed when lifting free weights includes:


   Weightlifting belt




A weightlifting belt is useful when lifting heavier weights or bar bells. Belts will keep your back aligned so you maintain the correct form. Gloves will help keep the weight from slipping out of your hands.




Weight machines are also used when weight training. For home gyms, there are universal machines that allow you to work in various muscle groups including legs, arms, back, and chest. Most weight machines require the use of cables that act as a resistance to the weights that are attached. You will be able to increase or decrease the amount of weight and the tension from the cables.


Common weight machines that you will find at a fitness club include:


   Bench press


   Curl bench

   Leg extension/curl machine

   Leg machine

   Row machine

   Circuit training machines




Depending on the muscle groups you want to target, these machines can help you reach your fitness goals.




Since yoga involves stretching and sitting, the equipment used is very basic. In most classes you will see the following equipment:


   Yoga mats

   Straps for increased stretching



Yoga mats are important because they cushion the body from the floor. Straps can be used to help those who do not have good flexibility be able to stretch fully. Towels are often used to elevate the head when stretching the upper back.




The most important piece of equipment you will need when walking or running is a quality pair of shoes. If you have trouble choosing the right pair, following these simple guidelines will help:


   Always try shoes on before buying them as manufacturers may size their shoes differently


   Walking and running shoes should have rubberized soles that will absorb concrete and ground shock


   Shoes should have padding inside to protect the foot from injury


   Water proof or water resistant shoes will help protect them when walking or running after a rain shower




   Removable inserts for added protection when walking or running for a longer period or time.


Protecting your feet, knees, and back is very important when walking and running for fitness. The best way to protect them by purchasing a pair of shoes that is meant for walking and running. These shoes will not only cushion your feet, they will also help you maintain your posture.





The equipment needed for sports activities will vary depending on the type of sport you are playing. If you need to buy your own equipment, make sure to buy equipment that fits properly, is made of strong materials, and is practical for different types of weather.

Common equipment used for sports activities includes:


   Running shoes, cleats

   Shin guards


   Shoulder guards

   Protective cups

   Gaming equipment  gloves, bats, balls




Buying the right equipment will allow you to feel comfortable throughout the game. If you are unsure about what to purchase, ask store employees at sporting goods stores or those on your team.





What you wear is just as important as the types of equipment you use when participating in a fitness activity. Fitness apparel has grown from frumpy outerwear to trendy fashion pieces that can be worn in other places.


Since many people have only a limited amount of time to workout, choosing clothing that can worn outside the gym is becoming more important. When choosing workout clothing, you need to be aware of the following:


   Your timetable

   Daily calendar

   Materials and fabrics that make you feel comfortable


   Quality of fabrics and materials


While you don’t have to dress to impress when at the gym, most people try to find clothing that matches their personality. Clothing should be functional, comfortable, and easy to take on a off. Work out clothing options include:


   Yoga pants

   Cropped tops

   Tank tops

   Sport shorts


   Sweat pants

   Layered shirts

   Sweat resistant clothing

   Sweat shirts

   Walking or running shoes


Fitness apparel can be found in clothing stores, online, and in fitness clubs.


Learning about the types of fitness equipment used in home gyms and in fitness clubs will give you more perspective when creating a fitness plan. When creating a fitness plan, it is a good idea to include the types of equipment you should use in order to devote enough time when using it.







Men and women each have ‘problem areas’, which are areas that seem to contain the most fat. For women, this area is usually the lower body. Thighs, abs, and glutes are target areas for women. Regardless of whether a woman has ever been pregnant or not, this area can become out of shape from lack of exercise, overeating, or simply because of genetics. Developing a fitness plan that targets these areas can help you sculpt and tone.


In this chapter, you will learn more about targeting ‘problem areas’ and creating fitness plans to build muscle, reduce fat, and tone your body.





Fitness programs for women are designed to target specific muscle groups, reshape the entire body, or help women relax while they exercise. Learning more about these programs can help you decide which one is right for you. Some women participate in one or two programs in order to build muscle mass and reduce stress at the same time.




A good aerobics program for women incorporates ab work, light weights, and step training in order to target muscle groups including legs, thighs, and abs. You can find aerobics classes are your fitness club or you can buy an instructional CD.


Exercises in an aerobics class for women include:


   Leg lifts


   Squat thrusts

   Abdominal work

   Adding light weights to ab and leg exercises

   Thigh lifts using steps


Each of these exercises are done in repetition which allow the muscles to grow and the fat to disappear. Walking and running will also help shape and sculpt your lower body.




Many women are afraid to start a weight training program for fear they will build large, bulky, unattractive muscles. But when you create a fitness plan that includes weight training, you will build longer muscles, not bulky ones.


Weight training can help sculpt muscles and give your body definition. If you have never used weight before, this is a great time to try something new.

Adding to your fitness plan can only help you meet your goals. When beginning your weight training:

   Use two or three machines in order to get used to them. Do ten or twelve reps using weights that are lighter and gradually increase the weight as the weeks go by


   Use a combination of free weights and weight machines. If you are unsure which exercises to do using free weights, ask a trainer or go online to find some easy exercises


   Mix it up a bit after a week or so and try new machines. The key to sculpting your body is to keep changing exercises so your body can continue to build muscle


   Dont be surprised if you gain weight before you start losing it. Your body needs to adjust and will adapt as you continue


Popular weight training exercises include:


   Leg extensions

   Leg lifts

   Full squats


   Upper body exercises

   Chest exercises

   Free weights



A weight training program is the best program for those who want to sculpt their bodies. If you are overweight, you may need to lose some weight through other forms of exercise before you begin a weight training program. While you will lose some weight through weight training, you will also need to


build endurance, lose body fat, and increase blood flow. Aerobic exercise is better for these issues.


If you have a knee injury or you are recovering from a surgery or an illness, you should consult your doctor as to which exercises you can participate in and which ones you should avoid.


In order to get the most from a weight training program, you will need to vary your routine so your body continues to build muscle and burn fat.




Incorporating yoga, Pilates, or Tai-Chi into your fitness program can help your body become more flexible and graceful and it will allow your body to relax while building muscle and toning certain parts. Many women enjoy yoga because it is a way to block out tasks and responsibilities for a short time.


If you want to try yoga, be prepared to stretch a lot. While yoga poses appear to be easy, many of them require you to have flexibility and stamina in order to execute them properly.


For those who have injuries or those who have recently had children and who want to get back into shape may find yoga to be the perfect starting point.


Yoga targets abs, spine, neck, and lower and upper back. If you work in an office and sit at a computer for most of the day, you will benefit from yoga.




For women, walking and running are both easy ways to stay fit because they can be done at various times during the day and can be done almost anywhere. Power walking will burn calories, reduce fat, and help you increase thigh, leg, and ab muscle mass.


Maintaining a steady pace will yield the best results.




Any type of sports activity can help women get in shape. Choose a sport that you enjoy and want to be a part of. There are many local women’s sports teams, company teams, and other teams that you may want to join.




Other fitness programs for women include:


   Body sculpting


   Kick boxing


   Martial arts

   Circuit training


These programs will all help in building muscle, losing body fat, and sculpting your body.


   Body sculpting

This is an exercise program that uses specific exercises and weight training techniques to shape the body. Different muscle groups are targeted in this fitness program.



Spinning requires the use of a stationary bicycle. Spinning classes can increase endurance and muscle mass in your thighs and legs by increasing speed and resistance within a certain time limit.


   Kick boxing

This is a good overall body workout women can participate in that will also teach them how to defend themselves if attacked. This program will increase muscle mass in legs, thighs, and glutes.



Boxing is a good upper body workout. Women can work with a personal trainer in learning different exercises and using punching bags and other gym equipment.


   Martial arts

Women who want to combine fitness with meditation, martial arts programs such as kung fu and karate work different muscle groups, increase flexibility, and reduce stress.


   Circuit training

Similar to weight training except that you move from station to station during your workout without stopping until your time is up. This type of fitness program will sculpt and tone your body using lighter weights.




For many women, living up to societal expectations can become an obsession. While everyone wants to look perfect, the truth is that no one ever does. But having negative feelings about your appearance could inhibit you from getting the most from your fitness program.


In order to stay motivated, you have believe in what you are doing and in the results you will get from it. Since fitness is something you should incorporate into your life, staying motivated to participate in physical activity everyday is important.


Ways that women can stay motivated include:


   Sticking with their fitness program even when they dont see immediate results


   Only use a scale once a week or so. You should pay more attention to how your body looks and how your clothes fit than what you weigh. Muscle weighs more than fat


   Ignore pictures and commentary in fashion magazines and other media as they are only for entertainment purposes and should be considered a realistic comparison


   Accept your physical appearance and maintain a healthy outlook on life


Women who are motivated look forward to working out, meditating, and eating a healthy diet.





Exercising while you are pregnant has many benefits which include:


   Ability to handle the stress of having baby much easier

   Higher levels of emotional happiness

   Faster recovery time after having a baby

   Fewer leg cramps

   Less pain in upper and lower back during pregnancy

   Less time to get back into shape after the baby is born

   Better overall health which is better for the baby





Once you become pregnant, you will have to decrease the amount of exercise and alter the types of exercise in order to prevent injury to yourself and the baby.


Changing your fitness plan while pregnant may mean the following:


   Decrease aerobic workouts


   Eliminate abdominal workouts


   Reduce the number of days you workout


   Reduce the number of repetitions


   Lower the amount of weight you want to lift


   Eliminate lunges, squats, and other exercises that could throw you off balance


   Stop exercising if you feel pain


If you don’t want to give up exercise completely, but are afraid to use gym equipment, you should walk for 20-30 minutes each day. This will help keep you in shape and feeling good about yourself.




After you have your baby, you may very tired and physically unable to pick your old routine. Once you have adjusted to having a new baby in your home, you should revaluate your old program to see where changes can be made. Because you may not have as much time as you used to, adjusting your program may mean cutting the number of days you work out or finding other activities you can do during your free time.


Depending on where you gained the most weight when you were pregnant, there are a few fitness activities you can do that will help you lose weight and rebuild muscle. These include:



   Weight training




Postpartum fitness programs target areas such as abs, thighs, butt muscles, and legs since most women tend to gain the most weight in these areas.


The key to losing weight after pregnancy is to begin your fitness program as soon as you can after childbirth. While some women lose weight quickly, others will not. This is due in part to:



   Number of children

   Prior fitness regimen


   Postpartum depression and its affects


   Support from those around you


Try to begin exercising as often as you can after having your baby and develop a new routine around the time you have.





Women’s fitness clubs are similar to other fitness clubs except they cater exclusively to women. This means that classes, personal training sessions, and equipment are tailored to fit the needs of women who want to get into shape.


When looking for a women’s fitness club, the same criteria apply as when you are looking at any other fitness club. Most women’s fitness clubs are open until later in the evening to give women who work a chance to be able to workout or take a class.




Many women enjoy going to a women’s fitness club because they feel safe, feel they are treated better, and are able to meet other women with the similar fitness goals.


Other benefits include:


   Additional classes tailored for women


   Seminars about diet and exercise



   Motivational and emotional support


   Spa treatments


   Weight machines and other equipment that is made for those who cannot lift as much as one time


   Fitness counseling


   Weight loss groups


   Sports activities


If you are looking for an environment that caters to women’s needs when it comes to fitness, you should look for a women’s fitness club. Meeting other women who have similar weight issues, body image concerns, or who can only go to the gym at certain times will help you stay motivated and on task.


Finding new friends can also help you learn more about fitness and what you are capable of doing while at the gym. There are many fitness programs to choose from and many only take 30 minutes to complete. Because these fitness clubs cater to women, they understand that time is of the essence and will create a program that is beneficial in the least amount of time possible.





Women who take care of themselves physically and emotionally will lead more productive lives. Staying physically fit can help:


   Boost self-esteem


   Boost self-confidence


   Increase energy


   Decrease depression


   Increase memory and recall


   Enhance physical appearance


   Help retain overall health



Because women are prone to diseases such as heart disease, certain types of cancer, and osteoporosis later in life, creating a fitness routine that increases blood flow, oxygen intake, and builds muscle can help women be able to combat these diseases or avoid them. Depending on your genetic make-up, you may be prone to many types of illnesses and diseases, but with a diet and exercise plan, you can lower your risks.





In order to get the most from your fitness program, you will have to also learn how to eat a diet that is high in protein, vitamins, and other nutrients. While you still need carbohydrates in order to function normally, if you consume too many, you will need to cut back.


Eating healthy takes the same amount of motivation and goal setting as maintaining a fitness regimen. If you need help creating a fitness program or diet plan, you can:


   Consult a personal trainer

   Consults a nutritionist

   Join a weight loss group

   Learn more about exercise and diet online and from the library

   Talk to others


It is never too late to adopt a diet and fitness plan. Even though many women have the responsibility of job, family, and care giver, there are ways to find 30 minutes a day to exercise. Follow some of the suggestions mentioned in this book or create your own.



As you can see, fitness is an important component to leading a healthy life. When you incorporate a fitness program into your normal routine, you will begin to have more energy and feel better about your life. You will not be as bothered by stress and you will be able to handle more issues as they come your way.


When starting a fitness program, you should:


   Write down why you want to start a fitness program


   Set realistic goals and stick with them


   Understand that fitness is more than an activity, it is a way of life


   Enjoy the activities you choose


   Share fitness with others


In order to lead a healthy, full life, you have to be physically able to do so. A fitness program can help you achieve your goals and allow you to set new ones. There are many ways to add physical fitness activities into your life if you want to.

More Readings:-

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