101 Tips for Fabulous Looking Skin and Hair - Health And Fitness Lounge

Tuesday 22 December 2020

101 Tips for Fabulous Looking Skin and Hair


101 Tips for Fabulous Looking Skin and Hair

Report Sections

1. General Skin Care Tips

2. Reducing the Signs of Aging

3. General Hair Care Tips

4. Healthy Sun Tips

General Skin Care Tips

1. Use Retinol to combat dryness. If you suffer from dry skin on any part of your  body, you should consider trying a skin treatment that contains Retinol. This form of Vitamin A is known to increase the natural moisture in your skin. Look for products which contain at least 8% Retinol for the best effects.
2.   Radio frequencies can actually help to firm your skin. If  you would like to   combat sagging skin, and the creams and lotions do not seem to be helping, consider asking your dermatologist about treatments like Thermage, which use radio frequencies to firm up skin within only a few treatments. There are no negative side effects, and the treatment is completely painless.


3.   What you put on the inside is as important as  what you put on the outside.  Certainly, you have heard that you should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day for healthier skin. However, thats not the only thing you can do to achieve better skin and hair. You need to pay attention to what you are eating, concentrating on including more fresh fruits and vegetables and less refined starches. Not only will you feel better on the inside, but your skin and hair will almost immediately begin to show improvement. Consider trying a smoothie made from green vegetables, including celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach and kale. Add in some apple or apple juice as a sweetener and enjoy.

4.   Try Zinc for better looking skin. If you are on a quest for better looking skin, consider taking 50mg of a zinc supplement in addition to your daily beauty regimen. Zinc is frequently recommended by dermatologists for patients trying to combat acne and to achieve better looking skin. Zinc is a relatively inexpensive supplement that is available in your grocery stores vitamin section.

5.   Consider herbal extracts to clear up problem skin. If you are looking for clearer, more beautiful skin, taking a natural approach may be the best way to go. For example, there are now Echinacea supplements that can be applied to the skin for beautifying effects. You can also include Echinacea as part of your daily vitamin regimen. Tea tree oil and oregano are also known for being beneficial to your skin.
6. Spend 15-20 minutes in the sauna after your workout. If you want to further enhance the positive effects of working out on your skin, spend some time in the sauna after your next workout. It is no secret that steam is beneficial for the skin because it opens the pores and allows toxins to be eliminated through the skin at a much faster rate. Just like everything though, too much can be a bad thing. So dont overdo it.
7. Stop stressing, and see quicker results. If you are stressed out over the appearance of your skin, chances are you might be trying too hard. Instead of using harsh products several times a day, most dermatologists recommend instead opting for a

gentle cleanser and moisturizer and using it no more than twice per day. Taking this approach will give your skin a break from harsh chemicals and may actually help to reduce acne and blemishes faster than all of the other products that you may have been using unsuccessfully in the past.


8. Consider lightening agents when you want to decrease the visibility of freckles. If your freckles bother you, or they seem to show the signs of aging and over exposure to the sun, then you might want to consider using a formula that can actually lighten the appearance of freckles over time.  The best way to lighten your freckles is to avoid sun exposure; however there are some products that you can use to decrease the visibility. They include Hydroquinone, Kojic Acid and Alpha Hydroxy. Ask your pharmacist or dermatologist for a recommendation.
9.   Consider hanging on to that spoiled milk. Washing your face with sour milk is a natural alternative to harsh chemical peels that have negative after effects. The Lactic Acid in the milk will help to remove dead skin and leave you with a healthy glow.

10.  Add more fruit, to your face. Fruit is beneficial, not only for the inside of the body but also for the outside. Lemon is known as a natural lightening agent, orange and red currant are also known as excellent natural lighteners. Masks made from strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers and apricots are known for their rejuvenating effects. Consider trying out some of these home remedies for an immediate improvement in the look and feel of your skin.
11.  Stop washing so much if your skin is oily. Many people with oily skin believe that more frequent cleansing will reduce the oil on their skin. However, what you may not realize is that by over-washing your skin, you may be making the problem worse. When you strip the oils from your skin with harsh cleansing, you are doing little more than stimulate your skins oil glands and making them produce more. So for the next week, consider washing no more than two times a day and using an acne cleansing pad to blot away excess oil a few times in between.
12.  Get a humidifier. If you are suffering from dry skin, particularly if it seems to be seasonal, consider getting a humidifier for your home. If youd rather not install a whole house humidifier, consider a room humidifier or even placing a bowl containing water in front of your heat vents. Your skin will show marked improvement in a very short period of time with this extra moisture.
13.  Stop hating your combination skin. So many people with combination skin start to dislike their skin, but chances are that if you dislike your combination skin it is because you dont know the best way to care for it. Always use a gentle, mild cleanser twice a day. Follow up with a moisturizer only on the dry areas. Consider using an Alpha-Hydroxy formula on the rest of your face, because it will help to normalize oily skin. Be careful about using a thick moisturizer on already oily skin and stay away from harsh cleansers, which can dry normal skin and irritate already dry skin.

14. Go hot and cold to revive your skin. Dermatologists recommend taking a hot   shower every morning, but before you turn off the water switch to cold water for a few seconds and then back to hot. Repeat this for a minute or two and you will notice that your skin looking better. This process will help to get the blood flowing through your skin. At first, the process might be shocking, but when you begin to see the results you will never stop this simple trick.

15.  Exfoliate to remove winter puffiness. Exfoliating your skin is a great way to remove the dead skin cells that can accumulate on the surface over time. You should consider adding an exfoliant to your beauty ritual twice a week, particularly in the winter when your skin tends to accumulate more toxins than in the summer. Do not over-exfoliate or you could risk removing fresh skin cells and wearing away at the important top level of your skin.
16.  Drink hot water and lemon. Drinking a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon is a great way to help purify your body. When you use this trick once or twice a week - or even more frequently - you will be cleansing your kidneys and your liver, which are the centers of the body where toxins accumulate the most. These toxins can actually cause blemishes and other skin problems.
17.  Get more sleep for beautiful skin. If you want to have more radiant skin, you may simply need to sleep a little longer each night. Sleep is the process whereby your body creates new cells. If you do not sleep enough, your body is missing out on valuable oxygen, which can lead to skin problems and increased signs of skin aging. Just a few minutes extra each night can make all the difference when it comes to your skin.

18.  Try Rosehip Seed Oil to reduce the effects of scarring. Whether you want to diminish scarring left over from teen-age acne or some other injury to your skin, Rosehip Seed Oil is a gentle extract which is known for its ability to reduce scare tissue. You should be able to find this extract online, or in a health food store in your area. To learn more about Rosehip Seed Oil, talk to your dermatologist.
19.  Consider Laser Resurfacing as a last resort. If you are bothered by embarrassing  scar tissue, you might want to speak to your dermatologist about laser skin resurfacing. While the process can be costly, it is one of the few techniques known to actually remove the top level of your skin so that new skin can grow in its place. If you have a dark skin color, be aware that laser resurfacing can cause uneven coloration and that you should ask your dermatologist about other options before considering the procedure.

20.  Consider Dermabrasion to remove scar tissue.  Dermabrasion is a technique where   a dermatologist literally sands away the top level of your skin in an area, in order to force the growth of new skin. The technique is popular for scar removal. The after

effects of dermabrasion are significant, and the procedure will result in scabbing, redness and irritation for a few weeks following.

21. Adopt a Facial Fitness Routine. If you want to avoid a facelift, the next best thing may be as close as the tip of your nose. Using isometric exercises, you can actually firm up your facial muscles and with time begin to firm up the skin around those muscles. Talk to your dermatologist for specific recommendations, and get started right away!

22. Talk to your dermatologist if you notice significant changes in your skin or hair.   One of the most overlooked systems in the body may actually be our biggest defense against the harmful effects of our environment. Our skin and hair! If you notice a drastic change in the appearance or texture of your skin, it is important to bring this to the attention of your dermatologist as soon as possible so that you can be examined and get treatment if the change indicates a significant problem.

23. See your doctor for recurrent skin conditions. If you find that the occasional skin irritation has turned into something a little more serious and long lasting, it may be time to see a dermatologist. Even something as simple as contact dermatitis can be easily treated with simple medications and perhaps some preventative techniques. Because a simple rash could indicate a more significant problem, you should get it checked if it doesnt fade quickly or respond to over the counter topical treatments.

24. Use castor oil as a great skin moisturizer. If you suffer from dry knees and elbows, you might be surprised to learn that castor oil is actually an excellent skin moisturizer. Apply sparingly at bedtime and cover the affected area to prevent staining. Castor oil is a natural vegetable oil, and it is widely available and inexpensive.

25.  Try Jojoba oil for dry skin. If you have dry, irritated skin, you can apply a small amount of jojoba oil, which is a plant-derived wax known for its restorative effects. For centuries, jojoba oil has been used to treat cuts and wounds and is a natural alternative to other skin treatments that contain harsh chemicals.

26.  Avoid harsh winter air for the best winter skin. The only way to truly protect your skin from the effects of harsh winter air and freezing temperatures is to stay indoors. However, we cant all stay inside all winter! Therefore, use care to cover as much of your exposed skin as possible when you do venture out to face the weather. And, dont forget to moisturize before getting bundled up.

27.  Use an Epsom salt soak for dry winter feet. If you find that the skin on your heels tends to crack and dry more in the winter, you can use a foot soak a few times a week to restore moisture. Use a combination of warm water, Epsom salts and aromatic oil for a great smelling and relaxing foot soak.

28.  For softer summer skin, try a honey mask. For a  great moisturizing mask,   combine grated beeswax, honey and cocoa butter in a saucepan or double boiler until the wax is melted. Apply and leave on for 30 minutes before rinsing off with cool water. The mixture can be stored for additional applications, but should be warmed prior to using.

29.  Drink more milk for better summer skin. If you are looking to improve the appearance of your skin, consider drinking an extra cup of milk every day. The added vitamins and calcium are good for your body on the inside and out.

30.  Try making your own facial cleanser. If you prefer to use natural ingredients on  your face, consider making a mild cleanser with milk, rosewater, oatmeal powder and almond meal. If your skin is oily, you may want to use a different combination such as chickpea flour, lemon, yogurt and honey.

31.  Improve circulation for better skin. If you want to have healthier looking skin, you may need to boost the circulation of blood in your body. Taking breaks during the day to stretch and walk, in addition to cutting down your caffeine intake, are excellent approaches to improving circulation. You will see a fast reduction in puffiness, bloating, acne and even cellulite.

32.  Eat almonds for clearer skin. Almonds are an excellent source of antioxidants,  which will help to keep your skin clearer and healthier looking. Add one ounce of the nuts to your diet each day to promote better skin health as well as better health overall.

33.  Use mashed avocados to heal very dry skin. Avocados are an excellent natural remedy for dry skin. Try applying some mashed avocado to your skin after bathing, rubbing it into your skin and then wiping off the excess to prevent staining your clothing.

34.  Apply Coconut Oil before bathing for the softest skin. Applying a natural oil such  as olive or coconut half an hour before you bathe will result in softer, healthier skin. Be sure to wipe off any excess in order to avoid staining. The oil will help water to bead on your skin, so that you dont have to rub yourself with a towel to dry. You can simply pat off excess water.

35.  Take a salt bath to relieve dry skin. If you suffer from continuously dry skin, or are suffering from poison ivy, chicken pox or another condition which results in irritated skin consider adding 6 pounds of table salt to your bath tub and soaking in the mixture for about 15 minutes, a few times a day. The result will be an immediate relief from the pain and itching that accompany your dry skin condition.

36.  Use herbs to calm dry skin. There are many herbs known for their ability to calm and moisturize dry skin. You can apply aloe vera gel to dry skin or abrasions. Chamomile oil, peppermint oil and lavender oil are also known for being excellent

treatments for dry skin and can be applied directly or added to your next bath or foot soak.

37.  For healthy skin and  hair, avoid  using products containing mineral oil. Mineral  oil may sound like a good ingredient for moisture balancing, however the oil is known to dry out delicate skin and to clog pores that are essential in the elimination of toxins from the skin. Avoid using mineral oil alone or in skin and hair care products.

38. Use herbal teas to replenish the ph balance of your skin. If you are looking for a natural toner to restore the ph balance of your skin, an herbal tea might actually be the solution you have been waiting for. Try orange, lavender, chamomile, rose, sandalwood or rosehip tea for excellent skin toning and clearer looking skin.

39. For clearer skin, try lime. The juice of a lime, mixed with eight ounces of boiled milk and a few drops of glycerin make an excellent nighttime renewal cream that can be applied to your face, hands and feet at bedtime. You can also make a mask from the white of one egg and a few drops of lime juice. Apply this mixture to your face until it is dried and then rinse off with cool water for immediately softer skin.

40. Take advantage of Thyme. A simple facial technique that can greatly improve the quality of your skin is to steam your face over bowl containing boiling water and fresh Thyme. Boil a few sprigs of fresh Thyme, and place the water into a bowl. Cover your head with a towel and enjoy the aroma as the herb penetrates the skin.

Reduce the Signs of Aging

41. Use products that contain Copper. Copper is an element that was recently    discovered to increase the generation of collagen and elastin in the skin. Both of these benefits will reduce the signs of aging, particularly wrinkles. To firm your skin, you need to try a formula that contains Copper Peptide. Check the ingredient lists on your cosmetics to find out if you are already taking advantage of the benefits of copper.

42.  Try Collagen for thicker lips  If you seem to have thinner lips today than you did several years ago, its not a surprise. However, as millions are turning to Collagen injections, leading skin care experts are saying that these injections dont last and could cause more harm than good. So, what you might want to try is a lip moisturizer that contains Collagen. Many different types of lip care are available, from glosses to lipsticks to simple collagen lip creams.

43.  Avoid Self-Tanning creams when you want to cover the signs of aging. If you are trying to cover the signs of aging, using a sunless tanning cream will actually darken the effects and emphasize them. You are far better off working to reverse the signs of

aging than working to cover them up. Instead, consider using a cream containing hydroquinone, which will work to lighten sunspots and help you to get better looking skin.

General Hair Care Tips

44. Try out a new shampoo. Much like your face, if your hair is not showing its true beauty, the problem may be what you are washing it with. Your hair will change over time, and your scalp can be affected by environment, over-styling and age.
Therefore, it is best to select a shampoo that reflects the current condition of your hair and not necessarily what it used to be. If you are not sure what you should be using, talk to your hair stylist or dermatologist for some quick and easy suggestions.

45.  Dont be afraid to use a  different  brand  of  conditioner  for  your  hair.  Just because one brand of shampoo seems to work best for your hair, does not mean that the same brand of conditioner will be the right choice for you. Many people simply choose their conditioner based on their shampoo choice; however this is often not the best approach to beautiful hair. A good rule to follow is that you should use what works best for you, regardless of whether the name on the bottle matches the name on every other bottle.

46. If  your hair is lacking shine, consider a clarifying shampoo.  If  you tend  to use a   lot of styling products, or your hair is chemically processed, then there is a good chance that build up is the problem youre facing. A clarifying shampoo is one that will remove the residue that accumulates on your hair over time, making your hair cleaner, removing the build-up of chemicals and styling products and giving you back your natural shine. If you have color treated hair, be sure to look for a clarifying shampoo that is safe for color, otherwise you risk having some of your color stripped by the shampoo.

47. If  you  are unhappy with  your hairstyle, try a new  salon. Many of us are  resistant to the idea of changing hair stylists, particularly when we have been long time customers. However, sometimes it is necessary to try something new, and if your hair is making you unhappy heres a simple trick. We all have friends with great hair so try tagging along on their next salon visit to check out their salon. Take a good look around and pay attention to whether the stylists really seem to be listening to their clients. You might be surprised with the results.

48. Be realistic when it comes to your hair. If you spend your life trying to emulate the perfect hair of a favorite actress, chances are that you are missing out on what your hair has to offer. For example, a cut that looks fabulous on someone with thin hair will almost definitely make you want to wear a hat if you have curly thick hair! Be

realistic in your expectations and take some time to look through magazines and websites for hairdos that would be the most flattering for YOU.



49.  Always rinse your hair with cold water. If you would like to hold onto the natural shine of your hair, you should try rinsing your hair with cold water the next time you shampoo. Cold water helps to close the cuticle of your hairs, which will promote a healthy shine. Rinsing with cold water in the shower also has additional benefits for your skin. Give this quick tip a try and see the difference from day one.

50. To liven up dry hair, try jojoba oil. What most people do not realize is that jojoba oil is actually a plant-derived wax and not oil at all. Shampoos containing jojoba oil are known for their ability to add shine, reduce oil and lock in moisture. These shampoos are also excellent for the scalp because they dissolve oil easily and with minimal drying. Jojoba also contains a significant amount of Vitamin A and D, both known for their benefits to the hair.

51.  Comb your hair BEFORE you wash it. Many people wait until their hair is washed  to comb through and remove the tangles. But your stylist will tell you that it is better to comb first in order to keep those tangles from getting worse when you wet the hair. This can also help you to remove excess hairspray and styling products before wetting your hair and making it more difficult to remove these chemicals.
52.  Always apply shampoo to your scalp. When you wash your hair, you should apply the shampoo to one of your hands and work it into a lather before putting it on your hair. Then work that lather into your scalp first and work to the ends of your hair. Never just rub hair all over your head as you are washing, unless you want to have a tangled mess when youre finished.

53.  Always wash your hair twice. Do you remember reading the back of your shampoo bottle as a child and it always said repeat if desired? Well, desire. Washing your hair twice gives the shampoo a chance to actually do what it is supposed to in addition to cleaning. The first shampoo will remove the oil from your hair and scalp, while the second shampoo will actually give the shampoo a chance to treat your hair. If you would prefer not to wash twice every time, a good indication of when you should is when the shampoo fails to lather on the first application. This indicates that your hair is particularly oily and should be washed a second time.

54.  Know the facts about trimming your hair. Men and women alike have been told  from a very young age that if they want long hair, they should have their hair trimmed frequently.  This is a myth, albeit a popular myth.  There is really no evidence to prove that trimming you hair will make it anything but shorter. What trimming frequently will do, however, is make your hair look healthier as a result of less split and damaged ends.

55.  Eat healthy for longer hair. If you are on a quest for longer, more beautiful hair then you should definitely be concerned about what you are eating. Healthy hair is

one of the results of a healthy body  and there is no better way to achieve that goal than to choose what you eat and drink carefully. Be sure to include plenty of protein and fresh fruits and vegetables.

56.  Feel free to shampoo every day. Many of our mothers told us that washing our hair every day was a bad idea because shampooing too frequently would result in damaged and brittle hair. In general, so long as you are using the right shampoo formula for you hair, there is no reason that you cannot shampoo every day. However, some stylists do recommend that people with extremely dry hair not shampoo every day. Generally, these people do not experience a build up of oil that would require frequent shampooing.


57.  Use the products you like forever. Many people believe that using the same shampoo or styling products over an extended period of time will lead to a build up on the hair and immunity to the effects of the shampoo. This is not the case, and it is recommended that when you find products that work well with you hair that you stick with them. If you do seem to be experiencing a build-up, you might want to consider a clarifying shampoo once a week to remove any build up.

58.  Brush your hair daily. Many people, particularly those with thick hair, believe that brushing hair frequently will result in damage to the hair or even hair loss.  Not so, say dermatologists. Instead, they recommend the use of a soft, high-quality brush that will not rip or pull at individual hairs. Pull the brush gently through the hair, in order to avoid ripping or pulling hair.
59.  If you are looking for a new hair color, consider going brown. While it is   definitely true that not everyone can be a blond, and that most people should avoid trying red  brown is one of the hair colors that can be a good match for just about anyone. If you have fair skin and light eyes, then you would be wise to look for a shade of ash brown. Those with darker skin colors might prefer a lighter shade, such as chestnut brown.

60.  If you have dark hair that seems to lack shine, change your shampoo. Simply having brown hair probably does not make you think that you need to use a special shampoo. However, if your hair is lacking shine it may be because over time, darker hair colors lose their luster. There are complete lines of hair care products geared toward brunettes, including shampoos that are designed to smooth individual hairs  restoring that lost shine.
61.  If you have hard water, protect your hair. If you have hard water (sometimes another name for untreated well water) then you should definitely consider a water softener in order to protect your hair. Hard water contains a large amount of minerals, which can be devastating to hair, particularly if it is color treated. Some stylists recommend that people who have hard water wash weekly with a gel dish- washing detergent or a good clarifying shampoo. But the only true way to protect your hair is to treat your water.

62.  Control frizzies with the right shampoo. If you have hair that is thick, chances are that you have experienced a case of frizzy hair at some point. Many people have learned the hard way that blow-drying the hair is the only way to alleviate the problem of frizziness.  But, there may actually be a simpler solution. Consider trying a smoothing shampoo and conditioner that will make your hair smooth and sleek. Some of the products recommended contain silicone. Dermatologists and hair stylists agree that those with very dry hair may be over-shampooing. Therefore, try washing your hair only every other day or a few times a week to see if this improves the texture of your hair.
63.  Use a leave in conditioner if you plan to blow dry your hair. One of the mistakes commonly made when blow-drying hair is inadequate conditioning. If you already suffer from dry hair, then it is imperative to use a spray-on, leave-in conditioner hat will help to shield your hair from the heat. You might also want to try an anti-frizz serum before or after blow-drying and in between styling to reduce the negative effects associated with heat styling.

64.  Use a towel on your hair if you use a tanning bed. Your hair can suffer as much damage from a tanning bed as it can from direct real sunlight. Depending on the type of bulbs used in the tanning bed and the types of UV rays which come from the bulbs, your hair could become damaged very quickly, and may even lighten in color. For maximum protection, wrap your hair in a towel or a turban to protect it from the effects of the artificial light. If you prefer not to use a wrap, consider applying a leave-in conditioner to protect hair prior to tanning.
65.  Use an acid-balanced conditioner after a sauna session. If you frequent the sauna after your workouts, you need to know whether the 15 minutes you are spending in the steam are good for your hair. In some cases, hair that is extremely dry and porous can benefit from time in the sauna. At the same time, hair that is porous and not necessarily extremely dry will tend to swell as a result of the excess moisture. Over time, this swelling will damage your hair. Therefore, you should shower as soon as possible after using the sauna, washing your hair and using an acid-balanced conditioner to restore your moisture level to the normal range.

66. Remember that moisture is the key to avoiding static. If  your hair seems to always  be static-filled in the winter, the problem could be that your hair is not getting enough moisture. You already know that wearing a hat will make the problem worse, but you definitely should not stop wearing the hats! Instead, use a moisturizing shampoo every day of the week except one when you use a clarifying shampoo to remove any potential build-up. Use a deep conditioner twice a week during colder months and a regular conditioner for your hair type on the other days. These simple techniques will help you to reduce the amount of static in your hair almost immediately.

67.  To avoid over drying from heat straightening, shampoo at night. If you use a straightening iron on your hair, in addition to blow drying the hair immediately before

 you should consider washing and partially blow drying your hair the night before you are planning to straighten it. This will allow you to dry your hair only partially in order to reduce the amount of heat actually being applied to your hair. Additionally, use a high-quality deep conditioner if your hair is showing signs of damage as a result of too much heat styling.

68.  If  you  are going to have your hair thinned, make sure your stylist is using the    right shears. Anyone with thick hair will tell you that their stylists thinning shears are their hairs best friends. However, thinning can be a disaster when the stylist does not select the best tool for the job.  If you have thick and curly hair, it is important that your stylist use chunking sheers as opposed to regular thinning shears so that when your hair arranges itself into natural curls, you dont end up with ratty looking curls. Additionally, someone with very short hair will most likely not want chunking shears used on their hair because the result could be single hairs sticking up all over their head.

69.  Use a heavy conditioner to restore your natural curl. If your hair seems  to  have lost its natural curl as a result of years of straightening or heat styling - and you want to bring back your curls - a high-quality heavy moisturizing conditioner may help to restore the moisture in your hair. Often, it is a lack of moisture that causes your hair to lose its shape. You can try this at home, or consider getting a deep conditioning treatment at the salon.
70.  Get a perm to restore your curls. If your naturally curly hair seems to have lost its bounce as a result of over styling or simply because of time and gravity, getting a body wave may help your hair to regain its natural curl. One thing to be aware of is that a perm contains chemicals that may actually further damage hair that has been over-styled. If your hair is damaged, talk with your stylist about your options before getting a perm of any type.

71.  Try hairsprays with humidity control to tame frizz. At one time or another, everyone faces frizzy hair. If you use hairspray, consider using one that says humidity control on the label. This would be most useful when combined with an anti-frizz serum.

72. If you wake up with bed-head, use a detangler spray before shampooing. Bed- head means that you wake up with tangled hair as a result of tossing and turning on the pillow. Rubbing your hair back and forth across the pillow can cause the hair cuticle to open, snagging the hair and causing tangles. In order to protect your hair from further damage you should take the time to remove tangles carefully before you wet or shampoo your hair.

73.  If you frequently  wake  with  tangled  hair,  consider  braiding  your  hair at  night. If you have long hair that seems to always be a tangled mess in the morning, you should consider braiding your hair before you go to sleep. This will prevent your hair from being moved across your pillow, the reason that most nighttime tangles occur in

the first place. Braiding will also allow your hair to dry into curls if you braid it while partially damp.

74.  Consider satin pillowcases for better morning hair. If you  are tired of waking up  to tangled hair, consider changing your sheets! Satin, or silk, sheets will provide a smoother resting surface for your hair. The result will be that you awaken with less tangles and more beautiful hair.

75.  Try olive oil for well conditioned hair. Believe it or not, one of the best hair conditioners is right in your kitchen. To use olive oil to condition your hair, apply a bit of oil to your fingertips and apply sparingly to the ends of your hair. Then, wrap your hair in a towel or plastic cap for about half and hour. Once the oil has set into your hair, you will need to wash with a gentle shampoo and finish with your daily conditioner.

76.  Make your own conditioner for healthier hair. If you want to use a natural deep conditioner on your hair, try combining a banana, some yogurt, oatmeal and honey in your blender. Apply the thick mixture to your hair, wrap for 30 minutes and then shampoo with a gentle shampoo to restore natural moisture to your hair.

77.  Use your grandmothers conditioner. Chances are that your grandmother used mayonnaise on her hair to restore shine and resiliency. You can get the same effects by using a small amount of mayonnaise on the ends of your hair, leaving it on for 20- 30 minutes and then shampooing gently. It is the oil and eggs in the mayonnaise that benefit the surface of your hair.

78.  Use a swimmers shampoo to reduce chlorine damage. If you spend a significant amount of time in or around a chlorinated swimming pool, it is inevitable that your hair will suffer the consequences. Ask your stylist to recommend a good swimmers shampoo that contains neutralizers to combat the effects of the chlorine. If you dont want to shampoo every day after swimming, you might want to look for a leave in conditioner that offers the same neutralizing effect.

79.  Use metal free bands to hold your ponytail. Whether you are required to wear your hair up for work, or need to keep it out of your face while playing sports, the ponytail is the obvious solution for long hair. Unfortunately, wearing a ponytail for an extended period of time, or wearing one frequently, can damage the hair. Use a metal free hair band or scrunchie to protect your hair. Additionally, take care to not pull your ponytail too tight, as this also can result in significant damage in a short period of time.

80.  Keep in  mind  that wet hair is more brittle than  dry hair. Before  you use that towel to buff your hair dry, stop and think about what happens to the hair when youre finished. In most cases, hard towel drying will result in a mess of hair on top of your head. If you then proceed to comb or brush through your still wet hair, there is a good chance that you will break and pull out many hairs in the process. Also,

keep in mind that although wet hair will stretch, it may not go back to normal when its dry. This can result in weakened hair that may break the next time you brush it. So, take it easy the next time you towel dry your hair and try squeezing out the water gently instead of rubbing the towel all over your head.

81.  Use witch hazel to help combat oily hair. If you suffer from oily hair, remember  that the oil starts on your scalp. In order to remove excess oil from your scalp, soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and stroke the cotton ball across your scalp to blot up excess oil. After this, use a soft, natural-bristle hairbrush to brush over the entire head and remove tangles. This will help to stimulate the scalp and may regulate oil production. Be careful that you do not over-brush however, by stopping once all hair has been brushed.

82.  Consider cutting your very long hair when it  begins  to  appear  stringy.  If  you have very long hair that seems to look un-brushed most of the time, the problem may be that your hair has reached the end of its growth cycle. Therefore, not all of your hairs will be the same length and the shorter hairs will clump together with the longer ones. If you trim the hair a few inches you will discover that the ends of your hair are fuller, and the stringy appearance will disappear.

83.  Dont treat dry scalp with dandruff shampoo. If you suffer from wintertime dry scalp, and you attempt to treat the condition with dandruff shampoo you may be disappointed with the results. In this case, it is better to opt for a dry-scalp formula specially designed to treat dry scalp. You can recognize dry scalp by what appears to be a white flaky build up along the hairline. You should also brush hair frequently with a soft, natural bristle brush to help remove the build up on your scalp and to stimulate the scalp to help regulate oil production.

84.  If your hair is coarse, you should change shampoos. Your hair stylist will tell you that when you wash your hair, it should be smooth and silky. If the result you are getting after shampooing and conditioning is coarse hair, you might want to consider trying a shampoo and conditioner that is formulated to smooth out the hair cuticle. You might also want to try a smoothing serum, which may include silicone as one of the ingredients.

85.  Pump up limp hair with the right products. If your hair seems to just hang on your head, resisting any attempts at styling, the problem might be that you need to try a volumizing shampoo and conditioner. Rinse your hair in cold water, and then rinse with witch hazel for additional fullness. You might also want to ask your stylist for a volumizing cut that will help to increase the appearance of fullness.

86.  Dont always listen to what your stylist tells you about your styling products. Chances are that if you walk into three different salons, the stylists in each will tell you that you are better off using their specific product offerings than you are with the products from another salon. If you prefer to use a styling gel, and you already use one that works for you there is no reason to change simply because one person tells

you that its a better option. You need to try out products until you find one that works for you. We urge caution when buying products in a salon, because there is often an incentive program for stylists to sell their specific products.

87.  Use warmed castor oil  for a quick and inexpensive hot oil treatment.  If  your hair  is brittle or extremely dry, you can warm a small amount of castor oil and work it through the ends of your hair. This will help to seal valuable moisture into the hair shaft and make your hair smoother and softer immediately. If you have oily hair, you should use this sparingly or not at all depending on your specific condition.

Healthy Sun Tips

88. Choose the BEST sunscreen. Your mother was wise when she spent a long time smearing you with sunscreen before you headed out to the pool. But that protection needs to continue! You should always choose a sunscreen that contains chemicals that block not only UVA rays, but also UVB rays. There are two different types of harmful rays that come from the sun, and both do their own type of damage. UVB rays are the rays that cause the immediate effect of sunburn. UVA rays do long-term damage, and thats why most sunscreens guard mainly against those rays. You really need both. Take a look at your sunscreen label. Is it giving you the protection you deserve?

89. Wear sunscreen in the winter. Many people do not realize that sunscreen is not just for hot, sunny summer days! As a matter of fact, if you are not using sun protection all year round you may be negating the effects of when you are using it. The SPF during the winter months is not as important as finding a sunscreen that protects you, year round, from both UVA and UVB rays.

90. Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. When you are looking to protect and preserve your skin for years to come, experts recommend using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. The reason is that SPF is what protects you from UVB rays which are the suns burning rays. While sunburn is temporary, the effects to your skin can be long lasting and harmful over time.

91. Wait 20 minutes before applying anything on  top  of  your sunscreen. Do  you realize that it takes sunscreen about 20 minutes to properly bond with your skin, offering you the protection that you need from the suns harmful rays? For this reason, dermatologists recommend that you wait at least 20 minutes before you apply moisturizer, foundation or any other product on your skin.

92. Dont forget your hands. Studies have shown that the most commonly missed area when it comes to sun protection is the back of the hands. There is a simple way to avoid missing this spot and keeping your hands looking young forever. Opt for a hand lotion that contains a sunscreen designed to protect your hands from the suns

harmful UVA and UVB rays. Just a few seconds each time you wash your hands could keep your hands looking younger and more beautiful than you expect. Take a few minutes to look at the hands of those you come in contact with, and you will notice that generally a persons hands look older than their face. Those with younger hands already know this secret!

93. Keep your eyes young and wrinkle free. Many people believe that night cream is    the secret to keeping eyes wrinkle free. A little known tip from leading dermatologists is that wearing the right sunglasses is a better place to start. If your sunglasses do not protect your eyes from the suns harmful rays  no amount of cream later is going to reverse that damage. Wrap around glasses are your best bet. Take a walk through your local department store today to check out the latest styles, and be sure to look for those that offer the highest amount of protection for your eyes.

94. Choose the right foundation. Do you know what is on the ingredient list of your foundation makeup? Chances are that you dont. But you should. A foundation that is made with titanium dioxide not only provides a greater level of sun protection, but it also applies easier and gives your skin a smoother appearance. Dermatologists note a significantly lower number of skin cancer cases among women who use the right foundation on a daily basis. Always remember to apply your foundation atop a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

95. Stay in the shade. Simply changing the side of the street on which you walk can make a huge difference in the look and feel of your skin. Sunscreen is one of the best discoveries known to modern man; however staying out of the sun is your best defense against its damaging rays. If staying out of the sun seems like an impossibility, consider adding some new stylish hats to your wardrobe. Just a few moments spent thinking about what you are going to wear today can make a difference in how you look tomorrow!

96. Shop wisely for your clothing. Believe it or not, there are actually complete lines of clothing known for their sun-protection capabilities. Also keep in mind that dark colored clothing filters out more of the suns damaging rays, but your best bet is loose fitting fabrics that are made from synthetic materials. If you would like an extra level of protection, you can use a laundry additive designed to make your clothes even more protective of your delicate skin.

97.  Add Retinoids to your daily beauty regimen. Chances are that your skin has   already begun to suffer from sun exposure  if not then you are definitely in the minority! Retinoids are a form of Vitamin A that work with your skin to reverse and reduce the signs of aging. They work to increase cell renewal, making your skin softer and clearer after a short period of use. You can use products containing Retinoids, or you can actually use Retinoid capsules which are generally a better option for most people. After only about a month of use you will begin to see very noticeable signs of improvement.

98. Use Vitamin C on the outside and the inside. Vitamin C has long been considered one of the most beneficial nutrients that you can put on the inside of your body. But do you realize that using a skin cream that contains Vitamin C can be just as beneficial? Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals in your skin  the negative effects of sun exposure. This can reduce your chances of showing the signs of aging and it can definitely make you more resistant to skin cancers in the future.

99.  Ask your dermatologist if laser treatments could help reverse the signs of sun damage. If you are looking for a permanent reversal of long-term sun damage, your dermatologist may have the answer. Generally, a dermatologist can use laser therapy to remove sunspots in under an hour. The process is relatively painless and the after- effects last generally a week and include small scabs over the treatment spots.

100. Try Alpha-Hydroxy creams on your neck  and  chest.  Unlike  your face,  your neck and chest may show signs of aging that include darkened spots brought on by over-exposure to the sun. These spots are best treated using Alpha-Hydroxy rather than the recommended hydroquinone, which is best used only on the face, hands and feet. You can try any number of products which contain Alpha-Hydroxy, and a quick call to your dermatologist could put you on the road to better looking skin in just a few weeks.

101. Avoid the sun during the dangerous hours. If you like to exercise outdoors, try to  do it early in the morning or after the sun sets. This allows you to avoid the hours when the suns rays are the most damaging. Remember though, even when you are outside during early morning hours, you should use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above.


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