100+ Tips for a Healthy Body Detoxification Excellently - Health And Fitness Lounge

Tuesday 22 December 2020

100+ Tips for a Healthy Body Detoxification Excellently


101 Tips for a Healthy Body Detoxification

Detoxification Tips

1.  Everyone should detoxifying their body once year – Holistic experts state that everyone should detoxify their body at least once each year, in order to eliminate toxins and harmful bacteria, etc. from their body. This does not apply to small children, or to women who are pregnant or nursing.

2. If you suffer from allergies, you should detoxify – Studies have shown that detoxification can often help allergy sufferers to alleviate or eliminate their allergic symptoms almost immediately. The symptoms might return several months after detoxification, indicating that it is time to detoxify again.

3. To make detoxification easier, eliminate toxins – If you are planning to start detoxifying, the best place to start is by simply eliminating the toxins that you introduce to your body on a daily basis. Things like caffeine, sugar, fats and chemicals can cause a build up of toxins within your body. Think about how much easier it would be to detoxify if you weren’t adding these toxins in to the mix.

4. Reduce stress for easier detoxification – Stress can actually add toxins to your body, as a result of the adrenaline that is released into your system during times of high stress. Your liver naturally works to detoxify your body; however the organ’s effects are definitely decreased in times of heavy stress. For a great stress reliever consider a hot bath. This will also encourage you to perspire more and help detoxify your body naturally.

5. Find a detoxification program that works for you – Every body is different, as is every lifestyle. Therefore, not every detoxification program will work for everyone. You need to investigate the options carefully and take your lifestyle into consideration in order to determine which detoxification program is best for you.

6. Consider a juice fast to release toxins – A juice fast, lasting between three and seven days, is a great way to force your body to let go of harmful toxins. A juice fast begins with a liquid diet and gradually increases the amount of solid food being eaten. The purpose of a juice fast is to give your digestive system a rest, so that toxins can be eliminated.

7. Consider drinking only water for a full day each week – Several ancient cultures encouraged people to take one day a week and drink nothing but water. The effect is to ensure total hydration and to flush out harmful toxins from the body. This type of detoxification can be harmful to people who suffer from medical conditions, so you should never use this method without first talking to your doctor.

8. Eat more fiber – Eating foods that are high in fiber on a more frequent basis is a simple way to aid the natural detoxification process of your body. Some foods that are high in fiber include artichokes, broccoli, beets, radishes and cabbage.

9. Drink dandelion tea – Dandelion tea is effective in helping to boost the body’s natural detoxification. The tea will help to detoxify the body and protect the liver, which is integral in natural detoxification.  Dandelion tea can be purchased at most health food stores, or created by drying and steeping dandelion roots.

10.   Drink plenty of water – Most people do not drink enough water. It is recommended that to aid detoxification that you drink around 2 quarts of water every day. This will help to eliminate toxins from your body, while replenishing your body’s natural hydration. Although this may sound like a lot of water, the key is to drink it slowly throughout the day. Always keep a water bottle beside you at your desk and sip all day long.

11. Take a Vitamin C supplement – Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that helps the liver to generate glutathione, which is a chemical that aids in the detoxification of the blood and body. The more vitamin C you have in your system, the more effective the effects of the compound. Although supplements are available, vitamin C is readily available in many fruits including kiwi and citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit.

12.   Use the sauna – Sitting in a sauna is very beneficial to the body because it increases the amount of sweat being excreted through the skin. This will help your body to get rid of toxins and waste that are eliminated when you perspire. But be sure not to overdo it. Twenty minutes is the maximum amount of time it’s recommended to be in the sauna at one time.

13.   Use a foot bath – Using a foot bath with hot water will help to increase perspiration and to cause increased excretion of toxins through your skin. A foot bath will also help you to relax, reducing stress and helping the liver to detoxify more effectively.

14.   Try Yoga – Yoga is a fabulous way to get more exercise, to relax and to help your body to begin the process of releasing excess toxins which can build up in the body over time. Yoga is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise. If you don’t know where to start, contact your local health club. Most offer beginner Yoga classes designed for people who are looking to get started.

15.   Avoid stimulants – Most people today are loading their bodies with stimulants that make them feel good and give them more energy to get through the day. The problem is that these stimulants give a false sense of well-being and cause the body to store harmful toxins, rather than releasing them. Consider a cup of green tea instead of that coffee or cola and you’ll be doing your body a huge favor.

16.   Swap juice for sugar – Refined sugar is harmful to the body when consumed in excess. And, most people today are eating diets that are loaded with refined sugars. Did you know that one can of soda has 9 teaspoons of sugar? That’s more than most people should have in an entire day! The next time that you have a craving for sugar, consider having a glass of pure juice instead. Juice contains sugar; however natural sugar is far better for you than the refined sugars found in soft drinks.
17.   Swap green tea for that coffee – Coffee contains caffeine, but it also contains high amounts of acid and other substances that wreak havoc on the human body. Green tea is a better alternative, because although it contains caffeine it also contains antioxidants without the digestive irritants.
18.   Don’t take diet pills – While it may seem like losing a few pounds with the assistance of diet pills might be a good idea, it is not. For one thing, most people who lose weight with the assistance of diet pills will regain the weight plus a few pounds. For another, these pills contain stimulants that slow digestion and increase the toxins being stored within the body.



19.   Eat a lot of fruit – The more fruit you eat, the better. By replacing some of the other foods you ingest with a piece of fruit, you will be increasing the detoxifying effects of the liver. Fruit is a good source of energy and nutrients and there really is no limit to the amount of fruit that it is healthy to eat each day.

20.   Eliminate red meat from your diet – Although you may think you’re getting extra energy from eating red meat, any energy boost from protein would take about eight hours to occur. Instead, some experts believe that you are actually receiving an energy boost from hormones in the meat – which can be very harmful to your body over time. Cutting down on red meat will cut down on the toxins you ingest.

21.   Be prepared for headaches if you eliminate stimulants – One of the ways to begin detoxifying your body is to reduce or eliminate the amount of stimulants you ingest. The biggest culprit of which is caffeine. However, headaches are a side effect of this elimination and are very common. Although they can be bothersome, they will not last forever. Drinking extra water to flush out other toxins will help to eliminate withdrawal headaches.

22.   If you are losing weight while detoxifying it’s normal to feel ill occasionally – If you are losing weight through a combination of exercise and detoxification, there is a good chance that you will have a general ill feeling at points during the process. The reason is that when your body is burning fat, it is also releasing toxins which have been trapped in the fat cells. Until these toxins are eliminated from the body, they can affect you and cause an ill feeling for short periods of time.

23.   If you start feeling ill during detoxification, avoid citrus – If, during the detoxification process, you begin to feel sick you should eliminate citrus and other acidy fruits from your diet for a while. The reason is that these fruits will intensify the detoxification process and can be hard on your stomach in general. Eliminating them for a few days will generally do the trick and get you feeling better soon.

24.   Remember that the body is often very slow to react – Don’t expect to see immediate effects from detoxification. Otherwise, you may become quickly discouraged. The body reacts slowly, and the positive effects of detoxification may not be noticeable for some time. Take your time, and remember that while you can drop weight in a few weeks, you cannot purify the effects of the years in that short of a time.

25.   Take Amino Acid supplements – Amino acids are crucial in aiding the body with detoxification. Some examples of amino acid supplements to consider include glutamine, methionine and glycine. A good starting dose is about 200mg per day. You may need to increase this amount over time, and you may need to start with a lower dose if you have a sensitive stomach.
26.   Try Milk Thistle – Milk thistle is an herb that is known for being extremely effective in assisting the body with detoxification. Consider taking a supplement containing 70-210mg per day in order to increase the effectiveness of your liver in removing toxins from your body.

27.   Know the channels of elimination – Do you know the seven ways in which your body eliminates waste and toxins? If not, then learning these is a good way to get started. They are the colon, the kidneys, the skin, the liver, the blood and the lymphatic system. In order to do a complete body detoxification, you need to address each of these seven channels to be completely effective.

28.   Change your diet first – In order to make a detoxification program effective, you will first need to change the foods that you are putting into your body. The goal is to add more organic foods and water, to make detoxifying easier. At the same time cut out fatty foods and ones that contain preservatives, stimulants and other unnatural ingredients.

29.   Add Olive Oil – Add cold pressed olive oil to your diet, and add as much as possible. Replace other fats with this compound to make detoxification more effective. Generally, olive oil is recommended as a healthy fat so it is definitely beneficial.

30.   Eliminate preservatives – Food preservatives are generally unhealthy, so in order to make detoxification successful you should consider eliminating foods you eat that are putting preservatives into your body on a daily basis. Raw,

organic foods are always the best option and you will find that the more organic foods you eat, the less you enjoy those prepared with preservatives.

31.   Consider a general cleanse – A general cleanse will help to detoxify all seven channels of elimination in the body. While you can target specific channels with different approaches to detoxification, a general cleanse is a good idea to get started. You may choose to accompany this with a sauna, to help with skin elimination of toxins and increased water intake to boost the effects of your kidney function.

32.   Consider a lymphatic massage – When you want to help to eliminate the toxins stored in your body, a lymphatic draining massage is an excellent way to get started. Shiatsu massage can be combined with lymphatic massage for a calming effect and will give you an overall sense of well being.

33.   Consider a detoxification diet – Rather than getting started with supplemental detoxification products, you might want to take a strictly dietary approach. An all natural vegetarian diet will help your body to eliminate toxins rapidly. And, since a vegetarian diet includes mostly raw foods you will be getting many more nutrients and enzymes than if you were eating a traditional cooked food diet.

34.   Get plenty of fats from natural sources – Your skin protects your body so by keeping it healthy you’re helping make other systems in the body healthy as well. In order to keep your skin supple, you need to make sure to get plenty of natural and good fats through your diet. Make sure to include olive oil as a staple to help keep your skin in excellent condition. Simply use it in place of other fats such as vegetable oil and butter when you cook.

35.   Use Epsom salts to detoxify quicker – Taking a bath containing ½ cup of Epsom salts is an excellent way to help your body eliminate harmful toxins through the skin. You will notice that after soaking for a few moments, the water will begin to cloud. This is because as the metals and other toxins are removed through your skin, they are settling in the bath water. Repeat this weekly for best results.

36.   Take a probiotic supplement – Probiotics will help your body to maintain normal bacteria levels, aiding in the digestive process and elimination. They also help to fight off viruses and bacterial infections throughout your body. It’s important to make sure that you have the correct amounts of digestive enzymes, so that you can properly eliminate toxins from your body. A great source of probiotics is yogurt. Look at your supermarket for varieties that contain this important ingredient.

37.   Use antioxidant supplements – Cells can be damaged by free radicals, which are known for causing cell mutation and even cancer. Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals within the body. Vitamins A, E and C are good examples of antioxidant vitamins, which will help to stimulate cell repair from the first time

you take them. To get more of these vitamins, increase your fruit intake. Berries including blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries are known for their antioxidant properties.

38.   Take Vitamin C with bioflavanoids - Vitamin C on its own will do little to aid the development and protection of cells within your body. However, when you take Vitamin C with bioflavanoids, you are getting the complete benefit of the supplement. Consider a Vitamin C supplement that contains bioflavanoids, or take both together to get the maximum benefit.

39.   Get lots of Enzymes – Enzymes in your body will help to aid the digestive process as well as to detoxify your body. If you don’t get enough enzymes from the foods that you eat, you are going to face problems with digestion and your body will not detoxify properly. A multi-digestive enzyme formula is your best option, because it will enable you to get all of the enzymes you need to stay healthy.

40.   Watch your cholesterol – High cholesterol can actually be caused by digestive problems. If you suffer from high cholesterol and occasional constipation, then your body may be reabsorbing bile salts which should be eliminated. When this happens the result is increased cholesterol. Therefore, keep an eye on your cholesterol level in order to determine whether you might need to take a more aggressive approach to detoxification.

41.   Watch for the herxheimer reaction – If your body begins to detoxify faster than it can eliminate the released toxins, you may begin to experience headaches, nausea and other ill feelings. This is a result of the excess toxins in the body. If you experience this problem, reduce the number of supplements that you are taking, increase your water intake and consider exercising to eliminate excess toxins through perspiration.

42.   Before cleansing your body, cleanse your mind – If you are stressed, or suffering from depression, there is a good chance that the effects of detoxification will be less than optimal. Therefore, before you embark on a serious detoxification program for your body it is important to make sure that your mind is free of negative thoughts.

43.   Be prepared for emotional reactions – Detoxification within the body can lead to emotional side effects and clarity of feelings and emotions. When you begin to release toxins from your body, you are likely to experience some emotional effects as well. You should be prepared to experience this side-effect and know that generally any bad feelings released through detoxification will be replaced with positive thoughts.

44.  Realize that detoxification is a process of change – Detoxification is a process of change, where you are making a conscious decision to change your way of

living for the better. When you release toxins that have been building up in your body for many years, you are bound to develop a new attitude about life and many healthy new ways of being.

45.   Know the symptoms of too many toxins – If you are experiencing headaches, nausea, fatigue, muscle pains or digestive problems, then you may be in need of significant detoxification. There are other symptoms that can be indicative of toxin build up, but generally when you can’t find an obvious cause for your symptoms it wouldn’t hurt you to detoxify.

46.   Find out if you are suffering from food allergies – Many times, food allergies can cause the same or similar symptoms as toxin build-up. Therefore, if you are experiencing significant symptoms, you should consult your doctor to determine if you are actually experiencing an allergic reaction. This is not to say that you should not detoxify, however the effects of detoxification will be much better if you are no longer continuing to aggravate your system with an allergen.
47.   Exercise to aid detoxification – When you are trying to detoxify your body, it’s much more effective to do so when you turn fat into muscle through exercise. Additionally, exercise will help to stimulate digestion and give you an overall feeling of well-being. An exercise routine doesn’t have to be strenuous or time consuming. Even going for two or three 15 minute walks a day can have a significant impact.

48.   Detoxify in the summer months – Detoxifying in the summer months is generally more effective and beneficial than detoxifying at any other time of the year because there are more fresh foods available for consumption. In general, the heat of summer will slow digestion and make you feel sluggish when you eat heavy meals. Summer offers fresh produce and raw foods that aid digestion, making the detoxification process easier to achieve.

49.   Eat more citrus fruits – Citrus fruits like lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit will aid in the process of detoxification. For one thing, they are a leading source of complete Vitamin C. For another thing, they stimulate the process of digestion and make it easier for the body to excrete wastes. The more fruit you include in your diet, the better. But citrus is one of the best types of fruit that you can eat.
50.   Avoid exposure to chemicals – In order to aid the detoxification process, you should try to avoid exposure to strong chemicals as much as possible. This can include paint, cleaning chemicals, gasoline and other things that may expose you to fumes. The effect of this type of exposure will not only slow the process of detoxification, but it can also cause problems with your general health.

51.   Aim for organics – During the detoxification process, your body will be working hard to eliminate excess harmful toxins. Keep in mind that non-organic produce is often grown with the help of pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and other

chemicals that are just more chemicals you will need to eliminate from your system because they are of no productive use within your body. During this time, opt for organic meats, produce and dairy products.

52.   Use apple cider in the bath for rejuvenation – Detoxifying is a process that requires a lot of energy from your bodily systems. Therefore, you may find that throughout the process, you begin to feel tired and generally ill. When that happens, try soaking in a bathtub filled with warm water and containing about a cup of apple cider vinegar. This may help to rejuvenate you and give you back some of the energy you are losing through the process.

53.   Try a ginger and Epsom salts bath for pain relief and to assist detoxification
– Adding a cup of Epsom salts and two tablespoons of ginger to your bath will help to pull toxins from your body through the skin. This is also a good way to eliminate stress after a long day. Be careful to limit the time spent in the tub to about 20 minutes; otherwise you may end up feeling exhausted.

54.   Try an Epsom salts, sea salt and sesame oil bath – The combination of these three ingredients will help to aid your skin in removing harmful toxins from the body. Combine one cup of each Epsom salts, sea salt and sesame oil for a relaxing and healthy bath. The effects will be fast, and in order to avoid becoming exhausted, you should spend no more than 20 minutes in this type of bath. Afterwards, pat yourself dry instead of rubbing dry with a towel to avoid putting toxins back onto your skin.

55.   Try an apple cider bath to relieve swelling – If you are detoxifying to reduce the effects of bursitis, gout or tendonitis there is a good chance that your goal is to reduce swelling in some portion of the body. Often, this swelling is a result of too much uric acid in your system. A good way to remove the excess acid is to soak in a tub filled with 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and warm water.

56.   Consider a lemon and honey fast – Most people will generally become very uncomfortable during a liquid fast, as a result of low blood sugar levels. Honey will raise blood sugar naturally, while the lemon and the honey will both speed up the process of detoxification within the body.

57.   Simply reduce the amount of food that you eat to detoxify – Sometimes, the only thing you need to do to jumpstart the detoxification process is to decrease the amount of food that you eat. Try chewing your food at least thirty times per bite, and this will reduce the work that your digestive system has to do with the food that you eat.

58.   Understand the first step in the detoxification process – In order to make the detoxification process more effective, it is important to understand what is happening in your body during the process. The first step that your body goes through is the process where the liver converts many of the toxins residing within

into useful chemicals. Not every toxin can be converted, and those are the toxins that must then be eliminated.
59.   Understand the second step in the detoxification process – In order to make the process of detoxification more effective, it is important to understand what is happening in your body during the process. After the liver converts toxins to useful chemicals, there will be an abundance of free radicals in your body which must then be eliminated. Additionally, the remaining toxins in your body must be diluted to water soluble substances that can then be easily be removed from the body through the five channels of elimination.

60.   Talk to your doctor if you are taking any medications – Because the process of detoxification will change the way that your body absorbs food and medications, it is important to talk to your doctor about the medications that you are taking, and whether your dosages might need to be adjusted at some point. The good news about detoxification is that it often leads to patients needing lower dosages. The downside is that when your body requires a lower dose than you are taking, you put yourself at risk of an overdose. Therefore, be sure to contact your doctor at some point in the detoxification process if you think your medication requires adjustment.
61.   Eat more beans – Beans are an excellent food choice during the detoxification process because they are generally high in protein and fiber. You can include beans in almost any meal, from tossing some black beans into your salad to using pureed legumes to thicken sauces. Consider all of the ways that you can incorporate beans, and you will be pleased to find out how much energy you can get from the added protein.

62.   Focus on color – The more colorful the food, the better it is for you! When you are detoxifying it is important to concentrate on adding colorful fruits and vegetables to your daily food intake. However, keep in mind that this rule does not extend beyond fruits and vegetables. Although red meat is colorful it is not one of the better food options. Consider swapping some red peppers or roma tomatoes for the red color!


63.   Substitute olive oil or canola oil for butter – During the detoxification process, you will want and need to eliminate fried and fatty foods as much as you possibly can. Therefore, consider replacing the butter and margarine in your diet with healthier options like canola and olive oil – or spreads that are based with these ingredients.

64.   Drink a combination of fruit and vegetable juices – When you are detoxifying, it is important to ensure that your body is getting enough of the crucial vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. One way to do this is to drink more 100% natural juice. Try combination juices that contain both fruits and vegetables. If

you don’t have a juicer, consider blending different combinations of fruits and vegetables in your blender to get interesting new combinations.
65.   Make juice from oranges, bananas and peaches – This particular combination of fruits will create a juice drink that is delicious and is loaded with potassium and Vitamin C. This combination is not only excellent for your body internally, but it will give your skin a healthy glow and increase the effectiveness of your detoxification efforts.

66.   Try apple and red cabbage juice – Juice made from red cabbage and apples will help you in the detoxification process because it will aid in elimination of toxins due to its diuretic properties. Additionally, the antibacterial properties of both the cabbage and apples will help to keep you healthier through the detoxification process.
67.   Drink your water with lemon and lime – Simply adding a slice of lemon and lime to your drinking water will help to move the detoxification process along a little faster. These citrus fruits contain high amounts of Vitamin C which is not only good for the skin, but it will also help to cleanse the kidneys and the liver.

68.   Add lettuce to your juices – Lettuce is a good source of fiber, and it is an excellent addition to your fruit and vegetable juices. Consider a juice made from lettuce, tomato, cucumber and lemon for a tasty and refreshing juice that is extremely good for your body.
69.   Be prepared for the ‘healing crisis’ – When you are detoxifying your body, there will be a sudden release of toxins into your blood stream and digestive system. This release is the best way for your body to eliminate them once and for all, however when it happens you may begin to feel as though you have a horrible case of the flu. You can experience symptoms that range from allergic reactions such as rashes, sneezing or a runny nose. Or, you may feel nauseated and exhausted. Be aware that these are normal symptoms that are signs that your body is in fact releasing all of those toxins that took years to build up in your system. The best thing that you can do is to continue the process, and eventually the healing crisis will subside and go away completely.

70.   Try an air bath – There are many benefits to simply bathing the skin in fresh air. For one thing, exposing your skin to the air will help to remove toxins from the skin through evaporation. For another, taking an ‘air bath’ in warm temperatures will help to stimulate the sweat glands and increase perspiration. Fifteen minutes is all it takes to start the process and increase detoxification.
71.   Brush your skin – Skin brushing is a fantastic way to improve circulation and to increase the rate at which toxins are expelled from the body. Using a natural bristle brush, cover your body with small circles gently once or twice a week.

Doing this will help the skin, however it is also an effective way to heal the damage that has been done to your organs by toxins over time.

72.   Try an intensive sauna detoxification – For rapid detoxification, you can use a sauna three times a week for three weeks straight. You will want to stay in the sauna for about an hour, drinking plenty of water before and after the sauna. Keep in mind that with a rapid cleanse, you may begin to feel ill as a result of the release of toxins from your body. Some activated charcoal can be taken to eliminate the physical results, which are temporary and can be lessened by drinking plenty of water throughout the process.
73.   Cleans your lungs with lotus root tea – Many people tend to forget about the lungs when performing a complete detoxification. In order to help release excess mucous and the toxins contained within, you can brew lotus root tea from powdered lotus root. Mix one teaspoon of the powder to a cup of water and add a little ginger for flavor.
74.   Avoid eating foods that are very cold – While detoxification diets contain a large amount of raw and fresh foods, it is important to eat foods that are room temperature whenever possible. This is because eating foods that are extremely cold can actually slow down the detoxification process.

75.   Drink more warm liquids - Drinking cold liquids may not be as good as you think, especially when you are detoxifying your body. Instead, try drinking herbal teas and vegetable broth at room temperature or above for maximum benefit. You should also include some juices in your diet occasionally, but these are also best when they are cool instead of cold.
76.   Avoid colonics and enemas whenever possible – In general, it is best to rely on the natural elimination properties of your body than to rely on a chemically induced elimination of waste and toxins. Therefore, unless recommended by your doctor, colonics and enemas are best avoided.

77.   Resume your normal diet slowly – If you are using a modified diet during detoxification, and you intend to resume eating meat or other foods that you have temporarily eliminated, it is best to resume normal eating habits slowly. The same rule applies to implementing a completely changed diet. Do it slowly, or your body may react negatively.
78.   Cleanse your kidneys with ginger compresses – Soaking compresses in hot water infused with a large amount of ginger, and applying them to the kidney area while lying on your stomach is a great way to stimulate the kidneys to release toxins and to promote healing within this important organ. This will help your body to eliminate these toxins quickly, reducing the negative effects of those toxins on your body.

79.   Make sure to balance cleansing with strengthening – As with most things, too much cleansing can be a bad thing. It is very important to maintain a balance within your body in order to stay strong and healthy. An example is GI cleansing. You should not perform a complete GI cleanse more than once every three or four months. In between, you should maintain a healthy diet in order to keep your body functioning optimally.
80.   Avoid substances to which you are sensitive – If you are sensitive or allergic to certain substances, you should avoid detoxification products that contain those ingredients. Much like you wouldn’t eat tomatoes if you were allergic, you shouldn’t include them in a juice simply because it’s recommended. While detoxification may reduce your sensitivity to substances, an allergy is still an allergy!

81.   Use activated charcoal to reduce the negative effects of detoxification – Activated charcoal will help your body to react less negatively to the surge of toxins in your body during detoxification. The charcoal will absorb toxins and stop them from re-entering the major systems of your body. Keep in mind that poison control centers recommend activated charcoal to protect patients from poisons. The same applies to the detoxification process.

82.   Be patient – Keep in mind that some people experience immediate effects from detoxification, while other people require much more time to notice the benefits of the process. Patience is a virtue in all things, especially with your body because no two people will react to detoxification in the same way.
83.   Never anticipate weight loss – Some people experience weight loss as a result of the detoxification process, however this is never an acceptable end goal. As a matter of fact, the excess fluids you will drink may cause you to actually gain weight instead. Keep this in mind, and never be disappointed to discover that you have gained a few pounds.
84.   Know the benefits of chelation – Chelation therapy is the process where heavy metals are removed from the body through a variety of techniques. Heavy metals are associated with not only poisoning, but also heart disease and other serious medical conditions. Therefore, the benefits include a lowered risk for developing these conditions and their symptoms.

85.   Consider detoxification if you suffer from degenerative disorders – Often times, people who suffer from degenerative disorders are afflicted as a result of a build up of toxins and chemicals within their system. For this reason, if you are suffering from a degenerative disorder, you would be wise to consider a detoxifying regimen with the assistance of your physician. If your condition is serious, you will need to use a detoxification process for several months of the year in order to get the maximum benefit.

86.   Don’t forget to use Probiotics – When you do an entire system detoxification, it is very important to replenish the colony of health bacteria in your digestive system. Otherwise, there is a high likelihood that you will find yourself afflicted by a condition such as ulcerative colitis or problems regulating insulin and blood sugar. Taking Probiotics as recommended is a very important step in the detoxification process.

87.   Recondition the colonic ph – An important part of a GI cleansing is restoring the natural ph of the colon and digestive system. Failing to do so may lower the effectiveness of your detoxification process, and lessen the improved health you are waiting to experience. You can help to normalize the colonic ph with the use of Probiotics supplements.

88.   For greater effectiveness, change your view on detoxification – If you consider detoxification to be a process where harmful toxins and chemicals are removed from the body, so that you can resume your normal way of living, then you are less likely to realize the complete effectiveness of detoxification. Instead, consider detoxification much like a paradigm shift. Looking at the process this way is a clear indication that in order to successfully change the environment within – you must make a commitment to change your way of being for the long term.

89.   Find a diet that works for you – No two human beings are the same, and therefore no two digestive systems are the same. You will need to use the period of detoxification to find a combination of foods that works well with your body. Once you have found the right diet, your body will begin to absorb fewer toxins and therefore reduce the need for complete detoxification in the future.

90.   Use meditation to move along the detoxification process - Much like exercise, mental relaxation is a key component to a successful detoxification program. Therefore, you should take some time to meditate or to engage in other mentally relaxing activities that will help you to clarify your mind to achieve a better body.

91.   Detoxify your liver to revitalize your body – If your body is wrought with toxins and harmful chemicals, there is a good chance that your liver is the organ feeling the negative effects the most. It’s important to ensure that your liver is functioning to its highest ability so that it can assist in the natural detoxification of your body. If you are going to detoxify your liver, do it carefully and be sure to double your water intake during and after the process to help flush out the toxins.

92.   Detoxify logically – Many people get overly excited about the detoxification process and end up forgetting the importance of taking detoxification one step at a time. First, you should cleanse the GI tract. Otherwise, toxins located in the intestines may continue to interfere with the successful operation of the other organs including the liver and kidneys. Once you have completed a GI cleanse,

move onto those other organs. Then, you can successfully concentrate on removing the effects of the detoxification process from every area of your body.

93.   Look for completely organic supplements whenever they are available – Generally speaking, using completely organic supplements is always a better option than using one that is derived from man-made ingredients. Look for organic whole food supplements.

94.   Avoid grapefruit during detoxification – Although grapefruit is considered to be a very healthy citrus fruit, it actually contains a chemical called Naringen that is known to reduce the detoxification enzymes produced naturally by the liver. Therefore, it is one of the foods best avoided during at least a liver detoxification process.

95.   Realize that detoxification is a controversial procedure – Many conventional physicians are against the idea of changing the diet or adding supplements with the intention of detoxifying the body. Conventional medicine teaches that the body will naturally detoxify itself. While theoretically this is true, the theory does not take into account the significant amount of environmental toxicity that most humans come in contact with every day. Be prepared, if you try to speak with your physician about detoxification, to be encouraged against the process. In this case, consider meeting with a naturopathic doctor to get proper guidance on the detoxification process.

96.   Consider a reduced sugar intake during and after detoxification – Complex carbohydrates and sugar can be one of the leading causes of toxicity within the body, therefore it is a good idea to reduce your sugar and carbohydrate intake during and after the process of detoxification. Sugar can cause many different types of problems and complicate several conditions in the body. These include increasing blood sugar levels, decreasing the effectiveness of the immune system, speeding up the aging process and increasing cholesterol. While it is not recommended that you remove sugar from your diet completely, reducing your intake could only serve to help you feel better during and after detoxification.

97.   Reduce your salt intake – Particularly when you are detoxifying your kidneys, it is important to reduce the amount of salt in your diet. Most people get more than enough salt from their food, and shouldn’t add unnecessary salt to begin with. When you use salt for cooking, try to use the most natural and least processed salt possible. Organic sea salt or kosher salt are excellent alternatives to highly processed table salt.

98.   Have faith in your body – Believe it or not, your body has the built-in ability to completely detoxify without any assistance from you. Sometimes, it’s necessary to help the process along, but most of the time even if you continue to fill your body with processed foods it will straighten out on its own. Keep in mind that in order for detoxification to work successfully, you need to have complete faith in

your body’s ability to work with you to make the process of detoxification more effective.

99.   Consider detoxification patches – For those who don’t want to have to remember to take added supplements throughout the day, there are actually herbal patches that will release a stream of herbs into the body to stimulate the detoxification process. The herbs used in these formulas are associated with the body detoxification process, and are considered to be safe in most cases. If you are unsure about a specific product, be certain to ask questions and to research the ingredients.

100. Be on the lookout for Chitosan – Chitosan is actually a shellfish derivative that is contained in many detoxification products and supplements. Because many people are allergic to shellfish, it is important to draw attention to this ingredient. If you are allergic to shellfish, you need to ensure that the products you are using do not contain Chitosan.

101.  Watch for signs of Mercury intoxication – If you believe that you have been exposed to Mercury through the foods that you eat, it is important to detoxify your body of this metal. In order to effectively remove Mercury, you need to eliminate dairy products, sugar and wheat throughout the process. Concentrate on protein, because large amounts of protein will help the body to eliminate all traces of Mercury within your body.

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