1O DAY DETOX - HOW & WHY TO DETOX - Health And Fitness Lounge

Tuesday 22 December 2020






Detox, or to give it its full name detoxification has been around since humans first became civilized and is a very natural way of getting rid of harmful pollutants that may have built up in our bodies.


Sometimes people are scared of detoxing because they think that it will mean going without food for the entire process and existing only on water with the occasional shot of lemon juice. But this is not the case. Detox is simply a way of cleaning out your body, helping to give the internal organs a little breathing space, so that they can recharge and continue to operate as they should.


In this DOCS you will learn just how to detox safely, with minimum discomfort, so that your body becomes clean, pure and is returned as near as possible, to its optimum state of wellbeing.






Unless you live on a very remote island, where there is no traffic, no processed food and you grow all your own fruit and vegetables (organically of course) and you rear all your own cattle, animals for meat and milk them yourself, then you need to detox.


Every day people are subjected to toxins. These build up in the body and mean that instead of dealing with natural substances only our poor old kidneys and livers have to handle lots of foreign matter, in other words : the terrible toxins.


This can make people more susceptible to stress, so if you are constantly feeling as if you are stressed out and tired, then a detox program could certainly help you to regain some balance.


But there are other symptoms of too many toxins being present in the body and these include:


·         Tiredness,

·         Overly rapid pulse rate

·         Swollen ankles

·         Craving sweet or salty/fatty foods

·         Poor digestion

·         Insomnia

·         Cellulite

·         Decreased sex drive

·         Problems in concentrating

·         Dry mouth

·         Bladder problems






There are many more symptoms, but these are often the most common and the ones that can be most easily remedied, by a simple detox program that will help flush out all those toxins, leaving you fresh and bright, with a renewed vigor and zest for life.







So what are these toxins? Well basically toxins can be grouped into three different sections. There are exogenous toxins, endogenous toxins and finally autogenous toxins.


Exogenous toxins are ones that are created from outside, or things that we eat. They can be residue from herbicides that are sprayed onto vegetables or fruit, but they can also be stimulants, alcohol, caffeine, too much sugar or fat in the body, the build up that has been caused by breathing in fumes that are in the air if you live in a city or big town.


Endogenous toxins are more complex. These often are formed in the bowel and they are the residual waste that have been created after you have a virus or some kind of bacterial infection. So, you get an infection, you get better and you think that life carries on as normal. Well deep in the heart of your bowel, lots of little toxins are left over from the infection and they just clog up the work that your bowel is trying to do! The only thing you can do to help your bowel is to get rid of em.


Finally, the last group of toxins are the autogenous toxins. These are all made by you yourself. Everyone has these. They are simply a way of the body dumping out some refuse, as a result of the natural metabolic process. So they are completely natural, but they can still act as a barrier to your body working as well as it could.








You may read different things about the best time to detox, but in reality there is only one best time to go through a detox program and that is NOW! Some people like to detox in spring, because they think that it is a time for new beginnings, time to clean the home, yard and basically get fit for the summer. But it is really ok to detox any time. After all if you are thinking about detoxing in the fall and then you leave it till spring time, then you may

well forget about it, so try to plan your detox for as soon as possible, to make sure that it actually happens.


There is only one time when detox may not be a good thing and that is if you are facing a really difficult time in your life, in terms of your health, or the health of a loved one, or if work is particularly stressful etc. There is no point setting yourself up to fail, so try to build in a few days where you can just unwind, relax and have a nice easy time of it at the start of your detox. That way you are more likely to succeed and this makes the whole process just that bit more enjoyable and fun!


You also need to be aware that if you are living a toxic lifestyle at the moment, whereby you are eating lots of processed food, or sweet, fatty foods, drinking lots of alcohol or coffee or even just caffeine based drinks such as cola, then you will have to prepare your body for detox. That means you will have to cut down on caffeine, alcohol and other toxic foods, so that you do not feel withdrawal symptoms after you start your program. So if you are very toxic, start cutting down for a week before you actually initiate the program.






Our detox plan is a 10-day one, which will help give you enough time to really cleanse your body, without being too rigorous. You will be living on more than water and a squeeze of lemon juice, so dont worry you will do just great!


Some detox plans are shorter than 10 days, but they can often be very difficult to follow and so you start off with the best of intentions, but the process is simply too arduous, so what happens? Well you start off day one just great, day two is a bit of a struggle, but on day three, well boy, you

have just had enough, so you quit and head down to the nearest burger bar or pizzeria and you are suddenly blitzing your body with toxins that you had actually been trying to get rid of!


Thats isnt any use, so we are going to take you through a nice, easy detox plan. You will have the chance to pamper yourself, get a little quality time for yourself and just look after yourself for a little bit.



Ok, so by now you have probably figured out when the best time to detox is and you cant wait to get started. But before we go into the program, we need to look at the process in terms of what happens to your organs when you detox. Just to give you a little motivation!






The liver will effectively sweep up all the toxins that are in your body. So this means that when you detox, the liver has a chance to get rid of all the toxins. So how does it do this? Well, giving your liver a bit of a break, through your program, means that it has the time, capacity and the energy to alter toxins, so that it can make them easy to get rid of in your urine.


It also leaks toxins into the bile it produces, which makes it easier for the body to get rid of the toxins through your bowel movements.






The lungs will also get some breathing space (excuse the pun please) because they will not have as many toxins coming in and as a result, they can simply breathe out the toxins that are in there. These toxins are the ones that we breathe in, through living in polluted cities.





The kidneys are the unsung heroes of the body! Those little guys are kept really busy, since they take all the waste stuff that is in blood system (up to 12 pints an hour) filter it, take out all the nasty stuff, the toxins and then send the fluid back to the body, so that the blood is cleaned. They keep going, all the time, never usually complain, but giving them a break from having to filter out quite so much junk, will mean that they can work just that little bit more efficiently.






The intestines have to cope with all the dietary toxins that we eat or drink. So they get the full impact of all the salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. They also (often) have to deal with a lack of fiber in the diet. This means that they cannot hook toxins onto fiber and then get rid of the toxins. A detox program can increase your fiber intake and thereby give your intestines a chance to clean out some of the toxins lurking in your guts.






The skin is often overlooked in the detox process, yet as the largest organ in the body, the skin can be used to eliminate toxins, through increasing sweat production. Initially the skin may look a little bit weary or even spotty as all those toxins start flooding out. But after a week of detox your skin will look refreshed, renewed and much more relaxed than it has for years: so stick with it!




Anyone can detox to a greater or lesser degree, but if you are pregnant, lactating, have a serious medical condition or are diabetic, then you should check with your physician prior to undertaking the program outlined here. People who have kidney problems, liver problems, gallstones or any other medical condition should only embark on this program if they have first discussed the program in detail with a physician.


This program has not designed to be followed by anyone who has a serious or chronic medical condition, nor is it appropriate for women who may be pregnant or lactating, so ensure that you are well enough to undergo the program. If you are unsure as to whether or not it is appropriate for you, then discuss it in detail with your physician.







So now all the preparation has been done. If you are a caffeine junkie or like too many salty foods or too many glasses of wine of an evening, then you should have spent a week or so preparing for this detox process. But if you live a relatively healthy lifestyle, then you can just jump straight in.


As you are going through each day, then it may be helpful to consult the sections on supplements as well as alternative therapies that may help ease the process of detoxification. So if you have a day where you are finding things a bit tough, then flick through to the sections on supplements and then alternative therapies, just to equip yourself with all the weapons you need to beat those toxins out of your body: for good!


There are some things that you are going to have to live without for 10 days. They will not assist the detox process and may simply work against it. So they cannot be taken: even in moderation.

These are:


·         Coffee, tea, alcohol and all drinks except water, fruit juice and herbal teas

·         Salt

·         Processed foods

·         Sugar, even hidden sugars in food. Sweeteners are also not allowed.

·         Sweets, cakes, biscuits




The following foods also cannot be eaten in the first few days:


·         Fish

·         Meat

·         White rice




But the good news is that there is plenty that you can eat. But often it is best to go through your store cupboards and have a look at what you have in and lock away all the bad things. It is really easy to have a weak moment and you are looking in the store cupboard for something when you see a chocolate biscuit and then you think that one biscuit wont hurt, after all you have been so good for so long. And before you know it you have eaten the biscuit and then a little voice pops into your head and says that since you have broken out from the detox process and you may as well just give it up now and have a big plate of fries and a burger. So dont let that little voice win. Go through all your cupboards and lock everything that is forbidden out of sight.


If other people in your household arent participating in the detox process, then make sure that they can still have access to all their normal foods, but ask them to store them away carefully.


Remember that you are doing this for you and those who are around you and love you need to give you lots of love and support. Ideally, everyone in the house should detox at the same time, but in the real world we know that isnt always possible, particularly if you have kids or your partner is facing a real busy time at work. So be realistic and if you have to do it on your own, then simply embrace the opportunity to do something really good for yourself. Look on it as cherishing yourself: not doing without. If you adopt a martyr position, then it is more likely that temptation will get the better of you. In other words: think, act and be positive about the process!


In the recipes for the meals that you will have during your detox process, you will find that the ingredients are flexible. This is not a calorie counting diet and you will find that since you are not having a lot of carbohydrates in the first few days, you may feel hungry. So if this means that you want to cook a huge plate of cauliflower or broccoli, then by all means go ahead. Do not feel that you have to starve yourself: if you do then it is harder to stick to the program.


You will also find that the recipes are very flexible and that it is often specified that you should cook an item according to taste. Well that is simply so that you can be more in control, so that if you like your salmon cooked until it is extremely soft, then by all means cook it this way, but if you like it cooked so that it is only very lightly cooked, then again, feel free to enjoy it like this.


Some detox programs are very rigid and say that you need to steam salmon for 15 minutes and your vegetables for no mare than 5 and so on. But the difficulty with these is that they get too focussed on everything being absolutely inflexible and so the whole process can feel too restrictive. Yes your body may be able to get more omega oils from salmon if it is very lightly cooked and yes the minerals it contains may be easier to access if the

salmon is not overcooked. But can you keep up an extremely strict and restrictive regimen for 10 days? Or do you think it is more likely that you will keep it up for two days, then get upset because your vegetables steamed for 6 minutes (but hey, they tasted great) and then be more likely just to abandon the whole project and feel like some kind of failure? Whereas, if you have a regimen that allows you just a little more flexibility, then arent you more likely to stick with it?


You may also find that you simply do not like some of the items that are listed. For example, some people do not like sunflower seeds, which are a really good source of vitamins and minerals and are reputed to have a calming effect on the body, thus acting as a way of ensuring that you stick to the program. But if you do not like them, it can be hard to stick with the process. The best advice is to just try to eat them, but if this becomes impossible, then try something like sesame seeds, or pine kernels or nuts.






You are about to embark on a detox program to rid your body of toxins, so as far as possible, always, but always, choose organic produce that has been carefully grown and nurtured without using pesticides or any nasty chemicals. Otherwise, you are simply putting more toxins back in your body. Initially you may find this awkward, due to the expense involved, but you will be cutting down on expensive items such as meat and fish, so you will find that the shopping bill is not much higher than normal.


This is too important to mess up just for the sake of fruit or vegetables that may cost a couple of dollars more than standard produce. After all, arent you worth just that little bit extra?

Before you start on the detox, make sure that you have lots of vegetables in and that during your detox you are able to source, fresh and organic vegetables with ease. Do not leave it until day 1 and then find that you have to spend most of the day trying to find vegetables and fruit that are pure enough for you to eat on your detox. Buy in some organic honey as well as some extra virgin olive oil (the purer the better).


If you do not eat meat or fish, then some of the recipes will not be suitable for you. But it is possible to simply substitute beans, barley, lentils, chickpeas or another source of your usual protein, whenever meat or chicken is specified. There are a few fish dishes and one or two with chicken, so the main bulk of the program is actually pretty meat free, so dont be afraid, it can be undertaken by vegetarians as well as meat lovers. Vegans may find that it is not suitable due to the fact that honey, mustard and other non- vegan ingredients are used.





When you get up today, congratulate yourself for doing something really good: for you! Think positively. This is going to be a really exciting 10 days. You are going to have a really good time, You are going to cherish your body. Wow, this is just going to be so good for you, so lets get started..


If you want to then you can fast today and drink only water, herbal teas and some fruit juice. However, this is a matter of your personal choice. Many people love this because it immerses them in the detox process immediately and has some kind of symbolism associated with it, so that people can feel cleansed at a very deep, almost spiritual level.


But for others, particularly if you have not been eating very healthily for some time, this really is a step too far.






One cup of boiled water (allowed to cool slightly) with a dash of lemon or lime juice in it.





Fruit juice, preferably freshly squeezed with some fruit. Figs or bananas are a good choice. No melon (they can be difficult to digest unless eaten on their own).







Fruit: Anything apart from melons.







Cooked wholemeal rice and salad washed down with apple or carrot juice.







Chopped or grated carrots, tomatoes, watercress.







Salad made from lettuce, celery, watercress, raw broccoli and tomatoes.




Fruit (again, no melons). Bananas can help you to feel full and sleep easier.







Plenty of herbal teas and fruit juice, along with water. Aim to drink at least 4 pints of fluid a day, rising to 5 pints if you can manage it: but dont overdo fluid intake.



Take things easy today, dont overdo exercise or go for a sauna, just relax, read a little, try to have a nice relaxing bath or shower and pamper yourself a little.


It can be helpful to keep a journal of how you feel and the ways in which your body seems to be reacting. This can be helpful to learn lessons from your detox, so that you can adapt a generally healthier lifestyle, after your program has ended.




Follow day 1 instructions for pre breakfast, breakfast and morning snack.






Home made soup. Boil some vegetables in water only (use no oil) along with some garlic (about 3 cloves) and use no salt. Boil until the vegetables are tender, then add a dash of lemon juice and some pepper to taste. Since you may find that this is not terribly filling, put in plenty of vegetables. If you are working, then take the soup in with you, either in a thermos flask or pre- cook it and then heat it up at work.







As much fruit as you can eat. If fruit is starting to feel a little boring, have some vegetables instead, raw if possible.







A bowl of wholemeal rice, along with some lightly cooked vegetables. Do not add salt to the rice or the vegetables.






Banana and some raw sunflower seeds.






Go out for a walk, breathe in some good fresh air, or if the weather is bad, do some stretches at home. If you are working, try to get out of the work environment at lunchtime, just to try and promote maximum concentration for the afternoon.


Remember to keep your fluid uptake high and keep drinking lots of water, herbal teas and fruit juice. Note however, that fruit juice can be a little acidic on the stomach, so water and herbal teas are best.





Follow instructions for Day 1 pre-breakfast, breakfast and mid-morning snack.







Lentil soup. Take 3 ounces of lentils, wash them and boil them until just tender. Then add in some more water and some finely chopped vegetables. Bring to the boil again and cook until the vegetables are tender. Add in a squirt of lemon juice and some pepper and enjoy! Again, if you are at work, then take it in and re-heat or in a thermos flask.







Sunflower seeds and fruit or vegetables.







Roasted Sweet Peppers

Take 2 sweet peppers, per person, cut them in half, lengthways. Then fill each half with some tomatoes (finely chopped) a sprinkling of basil, and

coriander (again finely chopped) and roast them in a low oven (about 350º C for about 50 minutes. If you want to then you can very lightly brush each side of the peppers with some extra virgin olive oil, but if you can possibly eat them without this, then remember it is much better for you to leave this out. Before you eat the peppers add a dash of lemon juice and some pepper. Serve with a little wholemeal rice.







Sunflower seeds and some nuts.





Try to do something that will bring up a sweat, so that you can eliminate even more of those nasty little toxins. If you are in good shape, go for a run, or take a long cycle ride. If you arent in such good shape, then try to run on the spot, or skip until you build up a sweat. If you have any kind of fitness dvd, then put this on and simply get active. Any kind of workout is better than none at all, so even some energetic work at home is better than simply sitting around.



By now, your body may feel a little strange you may even find that you are thinking a lot about food, or cakes, bread or just a cool glass of wine etc.

That is perfectly normal, but it can also be helpful to take some of the supplements listed in the next chapter, just to help your body to heal itself and get through the process without getting too down about it all.





Ok, by now most of the intense cleansing process has been done, things now get a whole lot easier. Your diet suddenly becomes much more varied and when you get up today, then try to give yourself a positive affirmation, just to tell yourself how well you have done and how you are now over the most difficult part. Things are just gonna get better and better from now on!


Pre-breakfast and breakfast are the same as for other days, but try to vary the fruit that you are having for your breakfast, just to ensure that boredom doesnt set in.







For your mid-morning snack have some kind of pro-biotic yogurt, since this will not only ring the changes, but also hep your stomach to adjust the levels of good bacteria that it needs to get rid of even more bad bacteria.







Take some green beans and new or salad potatoes, (just two or three potatoes per person) cook until just tender and then mix with some salad leaves, dress with a splash of balsamic vinegar and a tiny splash of lemon

juice. Sprinkle lightly with some sunflower seeds and enjoy the taste of those lovely carbohydrates that the potatoes will bring you!


If you have to go to work today, then make up the salad and eat it cold, although if you are at home, then it is nice to have the beans and potatoes warm, which contrast well against the coolness of the salad leaves.







Some salad of your choice.







Dont worry; dinner now gets slightly more exciting! Tonight you can have a steamed salmon fillet, with a really generous helping of vegetables. But yes, you need a sauce to go with it, so cook some chopped tomatoes in a little water, until they are of sauce like consistency (about 10 minutes), add in a little chilli powder, just the slightest drop and use this as a sauce for your salmon.


For desert, you can have a pro-biotic yogurt and if you need to, sweeten it with a little honey or fruit (or if you have a very sweet tooth, then with both).





By now you will find that you are probably starting to feel a little more refreshed. But it is important to ensure that you keep drinking plenty of fluids. Remember that you have been taking in a lot of dietary fiber with all those vegetables and fruit, so you need fluids to bulk out the fiber and to help you feel full. Otherwise you will simply feel uncomfortable.







You also need to undertake some pretty rigorous exercise today! This will help your skin to eliminate toxins, so the more energetic you can be, the better. It will also help you to sleep a little better. Dont worry if your skin is looking a little peaky and not very bright at this stage; that is only because the toxins are coming up towards the surface of your skin and another couple of days will start to see it looking much more alive and refreshed.






You may also want to consider having some kind of skin cleansing routine today, just to speed up the process. This could be either covering yourself in a mud cleansing product, which helps to literally draw out the toxins, or you can simply brush your skin in the bath or in the shower. This will also help your circulation.


However, leave the skin cleansing routine until after you have exercised, for maximum effect.




Finally, for supper, have some nuts, along with sunflower seeds and a few pumpkin seeds.



So that is the end of Day 4 and you have done brilliantly to get this far. Treat yourself by having some kind of indulgence. This may just be a long bath or shower, a facial, a massage from your loved one, or reading a good book.

But you need something as a treat and reward for having come so far and today has probably been much easier than the first three and you are now on the home straits!





Pre-breakfast is as always.







Fruit and the usual herbal teas or fruit juice, but this time have a pro-biotic yogurt.







A banana and some seeds or nuts.







Lunch today is salad, with some warm, cooked lentils thrown in just to give you some carbohydrates and protein. If you find that you are growing a little tired of salad and are craving your normal foods again, then add in a hard boiled egg, just to help introduce different tastes into your diet again.





Some nuts along with fruit.







Today you need to do some exercise, preferably before dinner, just so that you can work up an appetite for food. Try to do something that will really work your body. If you can, try weightlifting, a fitness DVD or a long run. No matter what your fitness level try to push yourself into another level, through real hard, strenuous exercise.


This will not only make you more hungry and therefore you will enjoy your food more, but it will also help your body to shed some more of its toxins through the sweat that you will be producing. And, if that wasnt motivation enough, it will also help keep your weight down, since you will be burning lots of calories, yet you wont be taking in a huge amount of calories during your detox.







You need to remember to keep your fluid intake up, particularly now that you are exercising. Herbal teas, fruit juice and water are the best way of keeping your fluids up. Try not to take too much fluids at once, but rather keep sipping fluids, throughout the day, so that your levels are constantly high, not soaring up and then dipping down again.




Zucchini and Eggplant Stew

This recipe will actually make 3 reasonable sized portions, so if you are eating it alone, then freeze two portions, just to eat within the next few days, or even at the end of your detox, as a healthy alternative to a heavy dinner.


For the basic recipe you will need:


·         1 onion

·         1 zucchini

·         1 eggplant

·         1 tin tomatoes (no sugar or salt added)

·         4 finely chopped tomatoes

·         Fresh basil

·         Whole-wheat bread to accompany the stew.


Before you start the recipe, soak the sliced eggplant in salt, then before you use it wash it thoroughly to get rid of all the salt.


Lightly stir fry the onion in ½ teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Then add the zucchini and eggplant, both of which have been chopped. After a couple of minutes add the chopped tomatoes and the tin of tomatoes, along with a little fresh basil. Bring to the boil, then let it simmer for about 20 minutes or so. Before serving add in the rest of the fresh basil and enjoy with some whole-wheat bread (no butter).


For dessert you can have some fruit, preferably berries.




Try just having a herbal tea for supper, or if you are really hungry (particularly after all that exercise) then you can have a small slice of whole- wheat bread with a banana.



Remind yourself that you are now half way through your detox and that it is going well. Dont be afraid of the next few days, since you are well over the most difficult time.






Pre-breakfast is as always.







Breakfast is fruit and herbal teas or fruit juice, but also a pro-biotic yogurt.







Fruit and/or a handful of nuts.







Lunch today is a vegetable soup of your choice. Just take a number of vegetables and fresh herbs, add in some water, cook until they are tender and then blitz in a food processor. Serve with a slice of whole-wheat bread and enjoy with herbal tea.


Since you are getting carbohydrates from the bread, try not to have a dessert with this meal.




For your mid-afternoon snack, have a banana (and if you are still feeling peckish, have some nuts to try and stabilise your blood sugar).







Today you need to exercise again. If you arent very fit, then try to do as much as you can within your comfort zone, but dont push yourself too hard. This will give your muscles a chance to recuperate and grow stronger. Over exercising if you are a bit unfit, can simply be counter productive. So, instead of going for a run, have a long walk or just something that is gentle. But if you have a reasonable level of fitness and you work out at least two or three times a week normally, then you should be ok to do something that is fairly strenuous.







Dinner tonight is a fillet of chicken that has been cooked in the oven, having been very lightly brushed with a very small helping of extra virgin olive oil. The chicken should be cooked for at least 30 minutes and covered for the first 15. Steam some vegetables to accompany the chicken and then take two tablespoons of yogurt, ½ a teaspoon of very mild mustard and ½ a teaspoon of organic honey and mix together to form a sauce that can be used to perk up the chicken. Add in any fresh herbs that you like (parsley works particularly well in this recipe) and enjoy. If you can bear to part with any of the chicken, then cut a piece off, to enjoy with your lunch tomorrow.


If you do not eat meat, then it will be acceptable to roast some vegetables in extra virgin olive oil (but a tiny amount) and then eat with the sauce as well as a slice of whole-wheat bread instead of the steamed vegetables.


For dessert you can have either apricots that have had a tiny drop of honey drizzled over them or some bananas (two) that have been baked in the oven, having been drizzled with a tiny bit of honey.







Supper tonight is fruit and herbal tea of your choice. Alternatively, if you are feeling a bit tired of fruit, then have some seeds or nuts.



Note that tomorrows dinner recipe suggests beans, so if you are using beans, then you need to soak them overnight, so that they can be cooked tomorrow.




Wow, we are almost there now. It has been a week since you started this process. Be honest now, it was a whole lot easier than you thought and in fact you probably cannot believe just how pain free it has been.


By now the physical effects should be starting to be seen. Your eyes should be that little bit clearer and brighter, your skin should have a softness and a clearness to it that you probably have not seen in years! In addition, you should feel like you have more energy, vitality and a renewed vigor for life. All that tiredness and weariness that you felt has gone and life is looking a whole lot more interesting now! So keep on going and maximise the effects, through having the last few days of detox!


People may notice that you seem just that little bit more alive and that you are more alert. But one thing you may find is that some people will say to you that they notice that you are looking really well. Others may not. So dont panic if people are not saying that you look really good or that you seem to be much healthier than you were.


Some people dont like to see people looking really well and in control of their lives. They are just envious of the fact that you have taken control and you have treated yourself to a fantastic treat, carefully getting rid of all the poisons in your body. So, they exercise their control by not giving you any positive reinforcements. And what do you do if this happens? Well, you shrug your shoulders and pity them for their lack of generosity and spirit. In a later chapter you will see that this process also involves detoxing your mind as well as your body, so you will be equipped with enough natural sweetness in your soul, to ensure that you really are not bothered by their envy!


Pre-breakfast and breakfast are the same as usual, but again, the pro-biotic yogurt is also on the menu!







OK, by now it is a little difficult to stick rigidly to your detox program, unless you have a will of iron, so today you will have a yogurt drink, which consists of yogurt, some ice cubes, fruit and a tiny drop of honey. Blitz them all together in a blender or smoothie maker and simply enjoy the taste of the natural sweetness. If you are at work today then make it up in the morning and put it in a thermos so that when you have it at work, it will be nice and cool.







Lunch today is a potato that has been baked in the oven according to your taste and then for a filling you can have some tomatoes mixed with some chopped meat or fish of your choice (if you have saved some of the chicken from dinner yesterday evening, then use this). Add a little yogurt in to give a little moisture and serve with as much salad as you wish.







For a mid-afternoon snack have some nuts and seeds.






Today you can have a really good workout again, to get rid of the toxins that are the most reluctant to leave! You need to kick those guys out, so workout as best you can and try to push yourself just that little bit harder. Remember that this is towards the end of your program, so you are gonna have to maximise its effectiveness and get active!







For dinner have a lentil or bean stew. If you are using beans, then make sure that you use dried beans that have been soaked overnight. Simply stir fry an onion and some garlic in a tiny drop of extra virgin olive oil, then add in some chopped tomatoes and sweet peppers. Finally add in a tin of chopped tomatoes with a generous helping of beans or lentils. Add in plenty of water then cook as per the instructions for the beans or lentils and enjoy with some whole-wheat bread or pasta.







Today being day 7 is treat day so make sure that you have a really nice thing planned for this evening. It could be going to the theater or taking in a movie, or perhaps just switching off your cell phone and putting some favorite music on and forgetting about the world out there for a while!

However it is it needs to be something that you can enjoy and feel as if you are indulging yourself. Just remember that it is about pure indulgence, so it

doesnt mean a glass of wine, a bar of chocolate or a candy bar! You have come this far, so dont give up on it now.



Also remember that it is really important to keep taking in lots of fluids, or else you will not feel the full benefits from the detox process. So keep drinking, particularly herbal teas, which can be extremely soothing and cleansing at the same time.




Well by now there is an end in sight, but it will feel different. When you started you probably could not wait for the end to come around, but now that it is almost here, part of you will probably want to keep on eating this way and enjoying the vitality that detox can give you.


Well, after detox has finished, you can then introduce a little more variety into your diet, but that doesnt mean that you just suddenly go back to eating processed food and junk food: no you can still eat healthily, but make sure that you have a very balanced diet, so that it is the best and most fitting for your body and its all round nutritional needs.







Eat as always until lunchtime.


Lunch is a bowl of vegetable soup with some whole-wheat bread. Cook the soup as you have on other days, but if you feel the need, fry an onion in a few drops of extra virgin olive oil before you put the vegetables in. To add a little variety, sprinkle some seeds or nuts into the soup, so it has a bit of texture ad something to bite into.




Try to have a yogurt drink again today. If you want, you can always swap this round with your mid-morning snack, just whatever is most convenient for you.







Exercise today needs to be as vigorous as you can be. By now you will have built up a little more stamina, so whatever your fitness levels, you will be able to have a really good workout. Again, push yourself just that little bit more. So when you start to feel tired and as if you cant go on, then make yourself do just that little bit more!







Dinner this evening is some grilled tuna fish, as fresh as you can have it, or if you cant get it fresh, then try to have one that has been frozen pretty soon after it was caught. Cook the tuna in the oven, just lightly drizzled with some extra virgin olive oil. Steam some vegetables as an accompaniment and mix together the yogurt, mustard and honey sauce mixture that you made for the salmon. If you find that not having potatoes with a meal like this is difficult, then you can have some small potato boiled or steamed, but try not to overload your system with carbohydrates.




You have already come so far that you really need to indulge yourself this evening. Put some time aside, just to do something that you really enjoy doing. It may be fun, it could be something intellectual, or something real stupid: that doesnt matter. What matters is that it is something that you really enjoy doing and something (preferably) that you often find that you often dont have time for, so it really is a very special little treat.







Try having some nuts or seeds for supper but if you find that you are tired of these, then a slice of whole-wheat bread will give you all the carbohydrates that you need for a good nights sleep.




Wow, it is almost over! Thats right, tomorrow will be your last day. How amazing is that and more to the point: how amazing do you look now? Look at your hair, is it glossy and full of life? Are your eyes positively glowing with good health? Do you find that you have almost 100% more energy than you used to? Do you sleep well at night and simply find that instead of rolling over in the morning, wishing that the world would just go away, you are bouncing out of bed with a new determination to change the world? Yeah, well maybe not all of those things apply to you, but many probably will, so take heart in what you have achieved so far and give thanks that you have been able to achieve it.


Eat as always up until lunchtime. Lunch should be a nice big salad, with some lemon juice to taste. If you are again craving carbohydrates, then have a banana as your dessert.







This can be either a yogurt drink, or fruit, or some nuts and seeds. The choice is up to you and what you feel like.





Yep, you guessed it, today is a day where you have to exercise as much as you can. Dont get too disheartened about it, remember that the whole process of detoxing is to cleanse your body and the skin, as the biggest organ in the body, needs to be fully cleansed and making it sweat will cleanse it!







Choose a recipe that you have particularly enjoyed during this detox process and have it again tonight. Remember that after tomorrow you will be eating more varied and balanced meals, but for tonight, just have one thing that you really enjoyed and savor it.







Thiscan be either fruit, a handful of nuts, or if absolutely necessary a slice of whole-wheat bread.


DAY 10




Ok so this is the last day of detox! How exciting is this? You made it all the way to the end (well almost) and you have not given in to temptation, you havent been secretly snacking on candy bars or having a quick beer. No you have actually been really good, you have eaten well, you have exercised well and today will be a celebration of all that you have achieved.


Eat as always until lunchtime. Lunch will consist of a vegetable soup, just to cleanse you again, served with a slice of whole-wheat bread.







A choice from the usual options.


Exercise: Again, some really rigorous exercise is required. You need to really pump those muscles, get them to work and get your heart to have a great work out too, so that you can feel truly that your 10 days have been 10 days that have been really successful. So push yourself just that little bit more than normal: it will be worth it, honestly.





Dinner tonight should either be sweet peppers that you had on day 3, the salmon dish that you had on day 4, or the zucchini and eggplant stew that you cooked on day 5. These dishes are not just low in toxins, they are particularly cleansing and also help restore some balance to your body, so they are excellent from an all round perspective. After all this is the last meal of your detox program, so it should be nice and cleansing as well as low in toxins!


Supper should be as always.





And that dear friend, is the conclusion of the detox program. It isnt rocket science, it isnt about surviving on 2 lettuce leaves and a glass of spinach juice for a week. In fact, lets be honest, it wasnt actually all that painful and it is something that you could actually do once every couple of months, just to keep your body in optimum condition and the more you do it, the easier it becomes, because your body has fewer toxins to get rid of.


But there are things that you can do throughout the detox process, just to make life a little easier for you and to help your body to eliminate as many toxins as possible. So the next 2 chapters will look at supplements followed by things that can help if you are finding it hard to get rid of toxins.




Not everyone who goes on a detox program has to take supplements. But they can help. It is possible to list about 100 different supplements that you could take, but the reality is that you only need one or two and although all the supplements that we suggest are completely natural, if you overload your system with supplements, then this keeps the kidneys and liver busy processing them. So when it comes to supplements; be very frugal and dont just take them without thinking about what you are doing.







If you have been living a quite toxic lifestyle and you find that you have been really stressed, perhaps drinking too much, if you smoke or if you are very overweight, then it may be helpful to take some supplements, just to make sure that you give your body every support during the detox process.

However, it is completely up to you: you do not have to take supplements and your detox will work as well without them. But if you are concerned that there are a LOT of toxins in your body, then you can take one or two supplements, just to help things along a bit. Also if you are very stressed, then a supplement that can help you to relax, may improve your chances of making it through. The program is actually very easy, but if you are pretty toxic and you are stressed, fatigued and a little bit on edge, then it is more likely that you will jump off the wagon and end up eating junk food and fizzy drinks before the end of day 3, so again, a supplement can help.

Some supplements that you may be advised to take during a detox program, such as Evening Primrose Oil will only start to take effect after 3 months of continual use, so their actual benefits during your detox will be minimal.






Milk Thistle is a really useful supplement to take, since it can help to support your liver. Remember that your liver is busily dealing with all the toxins that have built up in your body over time. So taking milk thistle is in effect a crutch to help your liver through a busy period! It can be useful to take this for a month or so, then have a break. Most people find that milk thistle will work in about 5 days and it is usually taken for a month at a time.







Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which can help protect the body from the effect of free radicals, which can be released during an intensive period of detox. Vitamin E could help neutralise them and so you are protecting your body against these free radicals which are pretty nasty, if you have too many of them flying about your body unchecked.






Some people like to take dandelion extract when going through a detox, since this can help the kidneys operate more effectively. It makes you urinate more often and it also has a mild laxative effect on the bowels. For this reason, and the fact that you are taking in a lot of fruit and vegetables during your detox, it may be best to only take dandelion for a few days at

the beginning and if you are not at work, since your frequent trips to the restroom may become a little embarrassing !






Yerba Mate is often referred to as the friendship drink since it is used extensively in South America, where it is very much associated with relaxing amongst friends. It has a balancing effect on the body, helping it to cope with stresses and strains. It also helps the body to relax and sleep more soundly, but when you wake up, you dont feel groggy, instead you wake up feeling alive and full of vitality. It is great if you are experiencing long term stress, since it just seems to help the body to bat the stress away and, when it comes to your detox program, Yerba Mate can help you to simply enjoy the process: no matter how stressed you are.






Supplements such as those listed above, are simply aids to detoxing, because they support the body and the mind when you are going through the process. They are not wonder drugs they simply are an aid, to help give you an edge and make sure that people can stick to the program. Although the detox program outlined here is not that strict and it is actually quite easy to adhere to, some people have got themselves so tired, stressed and fatigued with a toxic lifestyle that they fear they will never last the course. So these supplements are just a little bit of ammunition, to be pulled out, if you feel that the whole program is simply too much for you!


But only take one or two of those listed: perhaps milk thistle and yerba mate tea are the 2 most important. All the others can be dispensed with, but these really do pack a punch and can make all the difference to a detox program.

With them, the process seems easy, without them, it can at times be a little bit of a struggle.


Yet we have more ammunition for you. Yes, you are going to go into detox armed with as many weapons as we can give you, just to make sure that you find it a really simple and easy process and not a struggle at all. This is where our detox is straightforward and easy to achieve, rather than being too abstract and theoretical. Only through going through it can you know that at times it can be hard not to go back to toxic patterns of behavior and eating, so that is why you are fully equipped with knowledge of how to beat temptation!




Some people who have been on a detox program will tell you that it was so easy, they just sailed through, they never even thought about burgers, fries or a glass of wine. No they just had a great week or 10 days and all they ate was a spinach leaf (ok, that was an exaggeration, but you get the picture, dont you?). Others will tell you that it was bad. Really bad. They spent a whole week or 10 days dreaming about burgers, fries, wine, beer and so on. It was hell. They thought they would crack up and so on and so on.


So which experience will you have? Well to some extent that depends on your mindset. If you think that you will enjoy it and you know that you have lots of little tricks up your sleeve, to make the process as easy as possible, then you probably will go through it without any real difficulties. But there may be times when you may find that it feels a little bit harder than others: a stressful day, the kids are misbehaving or work just has been real tough.

Well when this happens, then you need to bring out the Big guns and these are the tricks that will simply calm you back down and help you become more focussed again.






If you have never done yoga, then now may be a good time to take it up. So enrol for a beginners class. If you have done it before, then go along to a class and just refresh yourself with the techniques. If you cant face a class

or beginning something new, then simply stretch your body as much as you can. Stretch upwards, lifting your arms to the ceiling, breathing inwards deeply, then bend down towards the floor, keeping your arms and legs straight, exhale as you do this. Keep your breathing steady and even. Try to do this every time you feel stressed or uptight. If you are at work, go to the restroom and do it in private. At home, you can do it anywhere that is quiet and peaceful.







Throughout the program you have been advised to take exercise, apart from the first day or so. Exercise will help relax your body as well as releasing toxins, so it is important to keep up the exercise and not let things slide: remember this is an important program, so it needs to be followed carefully.






Deep breathing really does calm the body down. This is a scientific fact, so use it to ensure that you keep your body and soul calm and composed.

Breathe in slowly, through your nose, to a count of 8. Hold the breath there for a count of 7. Then breathe out again, to a count of 11. Yes, you are breathing out for longer than you are breathing in, but this is what actually calms you down the fastest. Some people advise deep breathing once an hour, for at least the first few days of a detox program, but it is up to you. You can either do it as often as once an hour, or you can just do it whenever you feel yourself becoming a little bit stressed.




Have a few drops of clary sage, lavender or neroli in a relaxing bath, or buy some good quality almond oil and mix in a few drops of your favorite relaxing aromatherapy oil. Then apply whenever you feel anxious or uptight. If you apply it to your pulse points, then you can breathe it in and this will actually help you to calm down much quicker.






We are what we think to a large extent, which means that we are capable of effecting change, even when we may not be aware of this power. Often if we have been living a toxic lifestyle, then our patterns of thought are also pretty toxic. So we are always thinking negatively or focussing on bad stuff, rather than being gentle with ourselves and thinking positive thoughts, about who well we are doing, how much love there is in our lives and so on. All these negative thoughts need to be fought, so try to repeat affirmations to yourself on a regular basis throughout t the detox program and change your toxic thoughts into sweet, life affirming ones. This can take some time to get used to, but it really does work, so make the effort to think positively and in an upbeat fashion.




Now that you have reached the end of detox, what do you do? Do you crack open a bottle or two of wine, sit down to burgers and fries and then several candy bars? Well if you do, then you probably are going to find that you need to detox again pretty soon. Try to learn from your detox and make sure that you reduce the amount of processed food, sweet, sugary food, caffeine and alcohol that you consume on a regular basis and steer clear of the salt cellar!


A detox program such as this can help you make long term changes to your diet and ensure that you lead a happier life, with less stress and fatigue. Your intestines, kidneys, skin, bowel, liver and even your brain will be given good food with all the nutrients that your body needs, without having to deal with toxins or poisons that you consume regularly.


Your body is now cleansed, so try to keep it that way and ensure that your body is maintained at its optimum state of health and fitness. If you do this, then you will also find that next time you detox it is a much easier process to go through.







Change your patterns of thinking and adopt a lifestyle that is all about keeping your body cherished and nurtured. You service your automobile, so why not your body? Make a conscious effort to think about the foods that you consume. Are they healthy, why are you eating them? If you are comfort eating or eating because you are stressed, in a rush or think that you dont

have time to create a healthy and nutritious meal, then try to make the lifestyle changes that will enable you to have time to cherish and look after yourself.


This may take time, but on the other hand, you have completed a detox program and you have shown that you are capable of taking active measures to rid your body of all the nastiness that has built up over the years. Maintain the level of cleansing that you have achieved by eating a balanced and nutritious diet and within a month or so you will find that sweet, sugary foods or even very salty, processed foods have simply lost most of their appeal and instead you simply feel more energized and you have vitality, enthusiasm and a lust for life that you never knew you had!


So simply enjoy all these new sensations, emotions and your whole new way of being!

More Readings:-

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101 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

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Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Recycling...  But Never Dared To Ask!



Anger Management:-that works for everyone 

How to Make Your Penis 2-4 Inches Bigger In 5 Steps

And The Revolutionary Stem Cell Secret To 100% Natural, Safe Growth

Weight Loss Meal Plan-21-Day Keto Diet

Rare And super safe health and fitness herbal  products at your doorsteps



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