ACNE WORLD - Health And Fitness Lounge

Tuesday 22 December 2020




The Importance of Eating Raw to Cure Your Acne


Acne is something that none of us want to have to deal with but unfortunately, many of us do go through a period of time in our lives when acne is an issue.      It also seems that this problem usually goes hand-in-hand with a difficult time in our lives as well, puberty.     This time, whenever our hormones are in flux and things are changing on a rapid basis is the last time that we need to deal with something such as acne. The simple fact of the matter is, acne may be more of a matter of the things that we eat coupled with the fact that our body is changing.  In order to overcome it, a few changes in the way that we eat may need to take place.


A lot of people feel that Acne is not really a disease or a result of the fact that we have more oils in our skin.       There is a lot of thought that it actually comes about as a result of the toxins that we are constantly taking into our bodies through the things that we eat.         Instead of being a disease in itself, it may actually be a warning sign that our body is giving us that we need to change some of the things that we are doing. One of the easiest ways for us to clear our skin, although it is going to take some work on your part is to cut out the junk that you have been eating and to go on and all raw food diet.


Eating raw food consistently is going to do several different things to your body. First of all, raw food has a cleansing effect and it is going to help to clean your internal organs of some of the sludge and toxins that have been built up as a result of eating poorly.          Secondly, it is going to give your skin an overall glow once it begins to clear.      Eating raw food is all way that you can cure your acne from the inside out and many people that have switched over to a raw food diet have seen results in a short period of time.


Of course, you need to keep in mind that the toxins that are in your body did not get their overnight.    Whenever you go on a raw food diet to cure your acne, give it enough time to see it through until it works.

3 Herbs to Take for Acne Relief


There are plenty of different things that people do in an attempt to get rid of acne. Some of these are pharmaceutical but they tend to carry some side effects that most of us do not want to have to deal with.   It is always a better idea to try and cure something naturally so that you don't mess anything else up in the process. To be certain, there are several different herbs that can be taken which will help to clear up your skin if not get rid of your acne altogether.


These herbs have been used for many years for a variety of different reasons.      As a matter of fact, some of them have been used in Asia for well over 5000 years, both to help clear up skin and to take care of other health issues.      If you are having a problem with acne or with problem skin, here are three different herbs that you can take which will help to get your body back into balance and to clear up your skin naturally.


Basil - The Herb has been used for a variety of different reasons but most importantly, it kills bacteria which may be at the root of your acne problems.   Not only that, it helps to clean the blood that may carry this bacteria and keep it within your body.      Basil tea has been taken for many years in order to solve problems like this.  Even the soil where the basil grows become so pure that it is renowned for its healing mud baths.


Sandalwood - This herb comes from the bark of the Sandalwood tree and many people consider it to be great aromatherapy.   By spreading this substance onto your skin, you are going to help to heal it and to give it a healthy glow that will last for quite some time.


Lavender - Along with being a great smelling herb, it also helps to reduce inflammation and has some antiseptic properties which can go a long way in helping you with your acne.    If you love the smell of lavender, you should try using this on your problem skin as well.


Tea Tree Oil - This is probably one of the better-known herbs that works for acne and it does an excellent job because of its antibacterial properties along with the fact that it is antiseptic in nature.  Make sure you dilute this oil before applying it directly to your skin.

Supplements That Acne Sufferers Should Be Taking


All of us have to deal with something at some point in our life that we would rather not have to deal with it all.  A good example of this is acne.    You would be surprised with the number of individuals who have a problem with their skin that lasts long beyond their teenage years.    The simple fact that they have a problem with acne during puberty is enough but when it last for a lifetime, it can be one of the more frustrating problems that we have to put up with.


Although many people think that acne comes as a result of oily skin or perhaps problems with hormones, it may actually be a result of our body trying to tell us that something is wrong.   Instead of being a disease, consider the possibility that it might be a symptom of the disease or another problem that we are dealing with.

In order to get rid of the acne, it may be necessary for us to bring our body back into balance and to cure it from the inside out. This can be done by means of supplementation and here are 2 different supplements that you should be taking if you have a problem with acne.


Vitamin C is something that everybody should take, regardless of whether they have acne or not.     It is one of the strongest antioxidants that occurs naturally and will help to remove the free radicals from our body that are damaging our cells.     This is one step in making sure that we have clear skin and many people have recognized a difference, simply by supplementing their diet with vitamin C.


Something else that you should be having on a regular basis is green tea.      This excellent substance has been used in the Orient for thousands of years because of its healing properties.      It is also a very strong antioxidant but may contain other things that help to clean our body on the inside which will go a long way in helping it to be clean on the outside.  You can either take this in the form of a pill or drink tea throughout the day.


Along with these supplements, you should make sure that you are eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and getting adequate sleep.     All of these will help to bring your body back into the balance where it can get rid of the acne naturally.

Cleansing Your Body to Cure Your Acne


Whether you realize they're not, acne may not be a disease in itself. The simple fact of the matter is, doctors are unaware of what really causes acne although they have some theories that they tend to believe.   Naturalists tend to think that acne is more of a symptom that something is wrong rather than a disease in and of itself. Therefore, it is often possible for you to clear up your acne or any other skin problems that you may be having by cleansing your body.


There's no doubt that we ingest a lot of toxins on a daily basis due to the things that we heat and the things that we drink.    Even the air that we breathe contains a lot of toxins and it is difficult for our body to clean them all whenever it is constantly bombarded by these things. They tend to store up in places such as our liver and our colon which can cause a variety of different problems within our body. That is why it is important to cleanse ourselves on a regular basis in order to remove these toxins from our body and to possibly get rid of problems, such as acne.


Although it is possible for you to target specific organs, such as your liver, it is also a good idea to go through a full body cleanse on a regular basis.  One of the most popular of these cleanses that tends to work well with acne is the master cleanse. Although there is a lot of information available about this on the Internet, the basic way that you do it is to drink pure water which contains two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, two tablespoons of pure, organic maple syrup and some cayenne pepper.  You will also need to do a saltwater flush on a daily basis in order to clear your colon as you will not be taking in any fiber.


One thing that you should be aware of if you plan on doing the Master cleanse is that things may get worse before they get better. The effect of your body detoxifying may show up in the form of problem skin but if you are able to stick with the cleanse for long enough, your skin will eventually clear as the toxins are removed from your body. Of course, you will notice other things happening as well but the acne is certainly something that is worth cleansing for.

Things to Avoid If You Have Acne


Whenever we have a problem with our skin, the first thing that many of us do is try to find a cure in order to take care of the problem.    Although it certainly is a good idea for you to find natural things that are able to take care of your acne, it is also possible that you may be doing things which are irritating the situation.

In order for you to truly cleanse yourself and to get rid of the acne problem that you are experiencing, it is necessary for you to avoid certain things as well as adding certain things into your daily regime.


The first mistake that many people with acne tend to make is that they are constantly touching their face.  This actually become such a problem that many people develop a habit of doing it, even when there is no reason to be doing it at all.     It typically comes about as a result of being self-conscious about their problem skin but whether they realize it or not, they may actually be helping the acne to spread.  There is a lot of thought that acne comes about as a result of bacteria in the skin and if you are spreading that bacteria around with your fingers, you may actually be promoting additional acne on your face and body.   If you do have to touch your face, make sure that you localize what you are doing and then wash your hands afterwards.


The last thing that you want to do whenever you have a problem with acne is to pop your zits, for lack of a better term. Although it is tempting to do so whenever they come to a head, whenever you squeeze them you may be causing a lot more problems rather than getting rid of the problem.      Squeezing them not only pushes things to the surface but it actually may push things further down into the skin. It also helps to spread the bacteria which causes the acne, something that you certainly would not want to do.   Along with that, doing this may cause permanent scarring which will be a lifelong reminder of the fact that you could not keep your hands off of your face and leave your acne alone.




In order to get rid of your acne, you are going to have to take some natural herbs or perhaps change your eating habits.   Just make sure that you are not irritating the situation in any way while you are going through the process.

Your Body Is Telling You to Drink Water


All of us that have problems with our skin tend to try a lot of different things in order to get rid of the problem.     These different natural cures may range from the simple to the extreme.     Although some of them do help to clear up our skin or certain extent, many of them fail miserably and they are just something that we do in an attempt to make ourselves feel better, rather than look better.   In order to truly clear your skin, you need to get to the root of the problem instead of trying to cure the symptoms that you are experiencing.


Almost everybody has a problem that they are unaware of, at least to a certain extent.   This is a problem with dehydration and if you are not getting enough liquid on a regular basis, your body is going to let you know about it.      The signs of dehydration are varied and individuals will display them in different ways.  One of the ways in which a lack of fluid is displayed in the body is through acne. As a matter of fact, many people have seen drastic results from simply getting enough fluid on a regular basis.


Unfortunately, it's not a matter of drinking anything that we want in order to keep our body hydrated.      Our bodies are made up of 98% water and in order to keep that level up, we need to be drinking pure, clean water on a regular basis.     Although other things will hydrate us to a certain extent, many of the things that we tend to drink do more in the way of dehydrating us then hydrating us. This includes sugary sodas, sports drinks and caffeine laden drinks as well.


Hydrating yourself by drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water every day is going to clear your skin in an amazingly short period of time.  One thing that you can do in order to speed up the process is to take natural sea salt throughout the day whenever you are drinking water.    This will help to keep the water in your system long enough for it to do it's job without pushing it out too quickly and taking some of the vital nutrients that your body needs along with it.     Give it a try, you will be surprised with how well this simple hydration cure helps.

Calm down to Cure Your Acne


Most of us tend to experience our first bout with acne whenever we are in our teenage years.    During this time of hormonal flux, this problem tends to surface and it is very persistent for most of us that have to deal with it.      Unfortunately, it may not go away whenever these teenage years are over and many of us have to deal with acne throughout our life in one form or another.     The acne that we experience is not always limited to our face.     At times, we may have scalp acne or acne on our arms, back or chest that is just as persistent as the type we had on our face whenever we were teenagers.


Believe it or not, one of the main causes of acne, particularly whenever we are older is stress.   Stress can cause a lot of different problems in our body and many of you that have a difficulty with acne probably recognize by now that it tends to get worse whenever our stress levels are on the rise. Not only can our stress show up in the form of acne but it can also show up in other skin problems, such as rosacea.  Take a look around at some of the people that you deal with on a regular basis and you will recognize that many of them deal with a face mask, such as rosacea on a regular basis.


If you want to get rid of this type of acne, or any type of acne for that matter it is necessary for you to learn how to calm down and deal with life on a day-to-day basis. Although it certainly is easy to say this, putting it into practice is going to be a difficult thing.     If you are able to get a grip on your emotions, however, you would be surprised to find out that your skin will clear up and you will not have to deal with skin problems for this reason.  Taking time out for yourself on a regular basis, getting plenty of sleep and exercise and supplementing with a good B vitamin in order to overcome anxiety attacks is one way for you to deal with this problem.


Although it is going to take some time, learning how to keep yourself calm in the face of stressful situations is going to do a lot more for you than to clear up your acne. Take the time to learn how to do it, your life will benefit as a result.

3 Things You Should Do Every Day When You Have Acne


All of us that have to deal with acne on a regular basis are probably looking for natural ways in order to handle the situation.  The simple fact of the matter is, we did not come in to the point where we have acne overnight and we cannot expect for it to disappear overnight either.     A buildup of toxins in our body is often at the very core of our acne problem and in order to cure the problem totally, we're going to need to remove some of these toxins from our body. Even without getting too radical with our treatment, there are three specific things that you should make sure you're doing on a daily basis in order to effectively deal with your problem.


First of all, you should make sure that you are getting plenty of rest.      This is something that a lot of us have a difficult time doing, either because we have a problem sleeping at night or because our lives are so busy that rest is just not an option.  If you really want to deal with your acne problem and face it head on, you need to make time to rest and not make any excuses.   Most of us need seven to eight hours of sleep every night and we need to take time for ourselves in order to relax or else we are never going to be able to get rid of our skin problems.


The next thing that you should be doing is to eat a balanced diet. This is something that is very difficult for many of us to do, particularly considering the fact that we have a lifestyle that is not conducive to eating well.       If you want to get rid of the problem skin that you are dealing with, however, you need to skip the fast food and sugary snacks and eat some raw fruits and vegetables instead.      Try it for a week, you would be surprised with how much you begin to enjoy a daily salad or a bowl of fruit.


Finally, you need to make sure that you are getting plenty of water to drink.      Acne is often a result of dehydration so make sure that you are drinking plenty of pure water on a daily basis and skip the sodas and sports drinks.      Do this for a week, your skin will be noticeably clearer.

Is Lack of Sleep Causing Your Acne?


There are a lot of different theories as to why we have problems with our skin, such as those experienced whenever we have acne. The fact of the matter is, doctors and scientists are unaware of what causes acne problems and they do little more than guess at what is at the root of it.   Many of them feel that it is hormonal and this certainly is a possibility, considering the fact that many of us get it during our teenage years and acne is also common during pregnancy.      Genetics may also play a part but this is not always the case.


In order to really be able to cure the problems with acne that we are experiencing, we need to get to the root of the problem and solve it from there.      Medical science is not going to give you the answers that you need in order for you to be able to effectively do this but natural medicine may have some answers that doctors are lacking.      Many naturalists feel that acne is not actually a disease that we are experiencing but it is a symptom that shows up as a result of our body being out of balance.    If this is the case, bringing our body back into balance is one way for us to cure the problem.


All of us are aware of the fact that we eat the wrong foods and we tend to drink the wrong drinks. It is a simple thing for us to change this and to get into the habit of eating properly on a regular basis in order to overcome these problems. What many of us don't realize is the fact that we are deprived of sleep and rest on a regular basis and this may actually be adding to our acne problem and making it more severe.


In order to truly bring your body back into balance and deal with your acne problem directly, it may be necessary for you to get a little bit more sleep at night.

Going around sleep deprived may not only be hurting your skin, it may actually be affecting your performance at work and at home as well.   Take a little bit of time for yourself to relax and make sure that you are getting plenty of sleep every night.      Your skin and your life will benefit as a result.

Rest Your Way to Clear Skin


Almost all of us that have to deal with acne and other skin problems know by now that medical science is not going to give us the answers that we need to truly get rid of these difficulties.      Unfortunately, most of what these doctors do is to treat these symptoms of the problem, the acne that we are experiencing, instead of getting rid of what is at the core of the problem itself.     Eating a proper diet, getting plenty of exercise and making sure that we stay hydrated on a regular basis are all ways of dealing with the problem.     What many of us skip, however, is the fact that we may need additional rest in order to get over the acne problem for good.



It is thought that most of us need anywhere from seven to nine hours of sleep every night in order to be truly rested.   Unfortunately, many of us don't feel that we are able to get this amount of sleep on a daily basis. This may actually be doing more to hurt our problem skin than we realize. A lack of sleep is going to cause a lot of changes in our body and these changes may show up in the form of acne if we are predisposed to showing that condition.      That is why it is necessary for us either to get additional sleep on a daily basis or to make the sleep that we are getting better through proper supplementation.


It is also necessary for us to get adequate rest on a daily basis.     This rest does not necessarily have anything to do with our sleeping pattern but it is, rather, a period of time that we can spend to ourselves in order to reflect or just to get away from the stresses of day-to-day life.     Most people don't realize exactly how much of a role stress plays in our problem skin. Ask anybody that has scalp acne and they will be quick to tell you that stress will make that condition much worse. The same is often true of rosacea.


Getting plenty of sleep on a regular basis and taking a little bit of time to yourself in order to unwind is going to do a lot for your problem skin.     Make sure that you get in the habit of doing these things for yourself and you would be surprised with how much of a difference it will make.

Don't Forget to Clean Your inside to Cure Acne


When most of us attack the problem of acne, we tend to do so on the surface.      There are dozens of different cleaners that we can pick up at the drugstore and at least as many natural cures that we can try that are topical.      What many of us forget is that acne actually starts from the inside and works its way out.  As a matter of fact, some people feel that acne is simply a sign that something has gone wrong in the body and that we are out of balance.      It isn't really necessary to treat the acne itself if we are able to get rid of what is causing in the first place.


That is why it is important to make sure that you're cleaning yourself on the inside as well as on the outside.      There are several different ways that you can do this but one of the best is for you to do some kind of an internal cleanse. It is commonly thought that acne comes about as a result of toxins that are stored up in either the liver or the colon.   These toxins are released in our body and eventually come out through our pores, causing the acne that we experience.     That is why it is important for you to consider doing a colon cleanse and a liver cleanse in order to overcome this problem.


If you plan on doing any kind of an internal cleanse, make sure that you do one that is not going to be overly harsh.      This is especially the case whenever you're dealing with organs that may already be damaged because of toxins that are trapped inside of them. You also certainly don't want to do a harsh colon cleanse as this will make it difficult for you to live your day-to-day life for obvious reasons.

There are plenty of gentle colon cleanse products on the market that are both natural and will take care of the problem effectively.


The same is true whenever you are doing the liver cleanse.  There are several different cleanses that are available out there for the liver so make sure that you choose one which is going to detox you slowly.    If you detox too quickly, you will simply end up with poor complexion which will make it difficult or for you to be encouraged enough to stay on the cleanse until it does its job.

Cleansing Your Body with Raw Food to Cure Acne


A lot of people that have to deal with acne realize that many of the problems that they experience with their skin are directly related to anything that they eat.

Eating things that are too acidic or that contain too much sugar can actually cause us to break out even worse than normal.     Along with that, it is also necessary for us to cleanse our body in certain ways in order to get rid of the acne altogether. I'm not talking about washing our skin, something that many of us do religiously in an attempt to clear up the problem, I'm talking about cleansing ourselves internally.


Actually, eating properly and cleansing our body go hand-in-hand, more than you might realize.  When most of us think about internal cleanses, we consider fasting and other harsh methods that are difficult to stick to but generally have great results. Actually, if you are able to eat raw fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, you're going to be cleansing your body just the same as if you are fasting. Although the results will not be as dramatic, getting back to the basics in the way that we eat and making sure that we are getting plenty of raw food in our diet is going to go a long way in helping us with our skin.


One of the reasons why it is preferable to cleanse with raw food than with a more radical method is because we are going to detox more slowly. If we have a problem with acne, that is a sign that we have toxins built up on the inside of our body. The last thing that we would want to do is to release those toxins to quickly through an internal cleanse.      By eating raw foods, we will be cleansing our body but we will be doing so more slowly.   This will allow us to get rid of the toxins without having the negative side effects of cleansing which includes additional problems with our skin.


Of course, after you are able to cleanse yourself with raw foods for some time you may want to also consider doing one of the other cleanses that are available.  It is important for you to build your way up to it, however, and to make sure that your body is ready before you do anything that may be considered harsh.

Instant Results or Permanent Results for Natural Acne Treatment?


We live in a society that has taught us that instant results are something that we should expect.    Unfortunately, this has caused a lot of problems for us and eating things such as fast food and sugary snacks has brought us to the point where we have problems with our skin. Commercial advertising for acne related products also gives us the impression that we are able to treat our problem skin and do see immediate results that will last forever. Is this really something that is feasible?


Actually, in order to take care of of a problem that we are experiencing naturally it is often necessary for us to work on it for quite some time.    The reason why this is the case is because many of the problems that we have come as a direct result of toxins that are built up inside of our body.    These toxins were built up over time and it may be many years worth of these poisons that our body is trying to get rid of.     We cannot expect for those to disappear overnight, it is simply going to take some time before we are able to see results.


That isn't to say that we are unable to see any results at all from of our efforts to cleanse our acne naturally.      For example, much of the acne that we experience is a direct result of us being dehydrated.  If we were to drink half of our body weight in ounces of water every day and take some natural sea salt to allow the water to do its work, we would begin to see results within just a few days after beginning this regimen. The same is also true of many internal cleanses. Although it may not totally get rid of the acne immediately, we will start to see results right away that will keep us encouraged to continue going.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of natural cures that are on the market which simply do not work.  That is why it is important for you to try something that is going to get rid of your acne once and for all, even if it takes some time to do so. Just make sure that you are consistent within your efforts with whatever natural cure you are using to get rid of your acne and you should be happy with the overall progress.

Is Your Liver to Blame for Your Acne?


Of all of the difficulties that we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis, acne can be one of the more frustrating. Yes, there are some diseases that we can certainly have which are much worse than problem skin but the simple fact is, very few of us have to deal with those but almost all of us have to deal with skin problems.    That is why there is such a push for a natural cure for these problems and there certainly are a lot of that are available out there.      Something that many people don't realize, however, is that acne is not a disease itself.     It is merely a symptom that there is something wrong within the body that needs to be corrected.


Whenever we are born, we come out perfectly balanced, both inside and out.      As we live our lives, however, that balance begins to disappear and there are a lot of different things that can occur which can cause a variety of problems for us. For example, we all have a pH balance within our body that needs to be maintained in the alkaline state.     Whenever we allow this to go to the acidic, a lot of different problems can occur for us which include diseases and, of course, acne.    A simple way of recognizing this is that many people will break out after they eat an acidic vegetable or fruit, such as a tomato.


The toxins that we take into our body also are stored within our body because it is unable to cleanse them all.      Although our body is wonderfully made and it certainly can take care of a lot of these toxins for us, we tend to take too much in on a daily basis for it to process.       Many of these toxins are stored in our body, either in the liver or in the colon.   Since this is the case, it is necessary for you to cleanse these two organs and flush the toxins out of your body. If you do this, you are going to notice a difference in your skin almost immediately.


Although there certainly are a lot of different cleanses that you can do, you should always build up to them because they can be rather harsh on the body.      Eat red beets on a daily basis and switch to a more raw food diet for a few weeks before attempting one of these cleanses.    Stick with it, it works in almost every instance.

What Can a Glass of Water Do for Your Acne?


Did you realize that your body is made up of almost entirely water?   As a matter of fact, almost 98% of all of the cells in our body are water and unless we stay hydrated on a regular basis, we are going to suffer as a result.     What most people don't realize is that problem skin is often a direct result of the fact that we are not getting enough water on a regular basis.     Acne is not a disease but it is an outward sign that our body needs something, often fluids.      In order for us to treat our acne, we need to take in these fluids regularly.


The easiest way for us to do this is to simply drink water and to drink it all day long.    In order for us to be truly hydrated, we need to be drinking half of our body weight in ounces on a daily basis.      For example, if you weigh 200 pounds than you would need to drink 100 ounces of pure water every day.      This will really go a long way in making sure that you are hydrated and in cleansing your body from the inside, removing your skin problems.


Along with the water that you need to drink, you should make sure that you are also taking some salt.    Many people will tell you that salt is bad but it is only bad if you're not drinking enough water.    Water is also bad for you if you're not taking enough salt.      You need to find a balance between the two and you also need to be taking natural salt because processed salt is poison to the body.    I find that taking a large pinch of salt every time I drink a glass of water is plenty for me. It allows the water to stay in my body long enough that it does its hydrating work and keeps it from passing so quickly that it pulls the minerals out of my body that it needs.



This is something that you need to experience for yourself in order to believe it. The benefits that you will receive from drinking water and being hydrated will far surpass simply cleansing your skin.   You will feel more alert and alive and you will be better able to make decisions and to go about your day to day life.    It is a simple thing to do, but something that many people have a difficult time doing on a regular basis.     The simple fact is, it has helped many people with their problem skin and more.

Gentle Cleansing for Acne - inside and out


-Acne is a condition that many people consider just to be skin deep.  The fact of matter is, acne goes much deeper than your skin and if you're only cleansing yourself on the outside, you may be missing an opportunity to get rid of it altogether.     Of course, cleaning your skin is a very important part of making sure that you keep your acne under control but you need to clean under the surface as well so that you can cure the disease that is causing the acne to show up.


Something that you certainly would want to do if you plan on cleansing in order to get rid of acne is to do so naturally and gently.      The last thing that you would want to do is cleanse harshly and release a bunch of toxins into your system.   What this would end up doing is bringing the acne to the surface more and making the problem worse before it makes it any better.     It is a much better idea if you cleanse over a period of time and allow your body to remove the toxins slowly so that you do not have any negative side effects that are visible.


One of the best ways for you to do this is to go on a raw food diet for a few weeks to begin the cleansing process before you switch over to something a little bit more radical.     Eating raw fruits and vegetables and staying away from anything that is processed or cooked is going to do a lot to help to get rid of some of the acne that you have.         As a matter of fact, you might find that this is enough in order to remove your acne altogether and no further cleansing will be needed.


Once you have been eating raw food for a while, you might want to step it up a notch and do an internal cleanse.    This would only be the case, of course, if you were willing to follow that cleanse through to its completion.  If you do, you would be surprised with the amount of difference that you will see in your skin almost immediately.    It is really the preparation for the cleanse that is most important and will keep you from removing all of the toxins immediately and making your acne worse.    Take these things one step at a time and watch your skin clear before your eyes.

Be Patient with Your Natural Acne Treatment


We live in a world that tends to condition us to expect immediate results. A lot of the fault for this lies in the advertisers who tell us that we are going to get everything we need and get it immediately if we only buy their product.     Of course, many of us know that this is not always the case and it is rare that something is going to give us immediate results.      Unfortunately, it has led to a lot of different problems with our society, particularly when we want to change the way that we look.


Getting rid of acne is one of those things where we would like to see immediate results but there is nothing out there which will give those results to us. Yes, some of them will help to keep the acne under control to a certain extent but as far as curing it completely, there is nothing out there which will do that immediately. The reason why this is the case is because the underlying reasons for why we have acne in the first place has a lot to do with the toxins and chemicals that we put into our body in the things that we eat and drink.   This toxic buildup did not happen overnight and we cannot expect to get rid of it overnight.      Does that mean that there's no hope to get rid of your acne?


As a matter of fact, getting rid of your acne is not only possible but there are a lot of people who are able to do so successfully. They don't do this because there is something special about them but it is because they are persistent with their efforts and they realize that it is a long-term project and not something that will happen immediately. Natural cures do work quite well and many people have experienced relief from their acne problems as a result of them.  You're going to have to be patient, however, in order for these cures to really take root and to change your skin from the inside out.


That is why it is important for you to choose something that is actually going to work for you and not to try a fly-by-night product which will give you no results at all.      Choose what you're going to do and then stick with it for the long term.     That is really the only way that you're going to see results that will last for the rest of your life.

Fruits and Vegetables - the Key to Acne Free Skin


None of us ever wanted to have a problem skin but unfortunately, there are a lot of us out there that have to deal with it a day-to-day basis.    It tends to happen to us whenever we enter into puberty and our bodies go into a hormonal flux that is usually out of control.     Some of us have mild acne that is relatively easy to handle but there are some of us that have acne which is persistent and severe, sometimes lasting for the rest of our lives. Although there are a lot of different things that you can try in order to get rid of this acne, sometimes the truth is so simple that you overlook it.


When most of us think about acne, we think that it is something that is topical in nature.   The fact of the matter is, medical science is unable to give us a real reason why acne occurs in the first place.   It's amazing that they will give us medicines which they claim helps us but they are unable to tell us why we have the problem.            Most naturalists, on the other hand agree that acne is not a disease itself but it is simply a way for our body to tell us that something is out of balance.            This often has to do with the buildup of chemicals in our system.


Over the course of time, toxins enter into our body in the things that we eat and drink and the environment in which we live.     Our bodies were made to sort out and cleanse some of these toxins on their own but if we add too much to our body on a regular basis, it is unable to keep up with the load.      These toxins are stored in our liver and colon and whenever they are released, they cause a lot of problems for us, including acne.


That is why it is important for you to go on a raw food diet and eat as many uncooked fruits and vegetables as you possibly can throughout the day.     Not only will these be assimilated by your body easily, they will also have a cleansing effect and help to pull some of those toxins out of your body in the proper way.    Of course, there are many other health benefits of eating raw food but the proof will be whenever you see your skin begin to clear after just a few days of eating this way.


Is Stress to Blame for Your Acne Problems?


Our bodies are amazing pieces of equipment and when you really think about it, they last without too much difficulty for the most part, for about 70 or 80 years.     There are some times, however, when our bodies can give us a fit.     If we are fortunate, this will come in something mild such as a skin problem and we can skip the other serious problems that could happen.      Even so, a person with a skin problem, such as acne is not going to feel as though this problem is all that mild. As a matter of fact, it can be a very stressful situation that causes embarrassment and difficulties for many individuals.


Although acne tends to cause us stress to a certain extent, most people don't realize that stress may cause acne as well. There are certain types of acne which really get a lot worse whenever a person is under an extreme amount of stress.   Even a slight change in circumstances that causes a person to be anxious may cause this acne to show up.     There are also several other skin conditions, such as rosacea which tend to get better and worse depending on our stress levels.    That is why it is important for you to learn how to control your stress if you're going to learn how to control your acne.


Most people are aware of the fact that eating a proper diet along with getting plenty of exercise and rest is going to do a lot to help you with your acne.      There are also some other areas of your life and need to be looked at, however, in order for you to really get to the root of the problem.   If your acne tends to get worse whenever you are stressed out, you need to find a way to deal with that stress on a daily basis so that it does not show up as a skin condition.


There certainly are a lot of different ways that you can control your stress but one thing is going to need to be kept in mind.      In order for you to truly control your stress and stop your skin condition from flaring up, you're going to need to put some work into it. You can do all of the meditating and stress relieving exercises that are necessary but unless you take the time to do them consistently, you will be less than happy with your efforts.      Try to destress on a regular basis and you will notice that your acne is not so bad.

Is Dehydration Causing Your Acne?


Water is everywhere around us.       What most people don't realize, however, is the fact that water is also within us.       According to some statistics, our bodies are 98% water which means that if we are depriving ourselves of this vital resource, we are depriving ourselves of life. Dehydration is a very serious problem that far too many people have to deal with regularly.  Unfortunately, they deal with it instead of doing something that is very simple to do in order to overcome the problem, drinking water.      It causes a lot of problems for us, including skin conditions such as acne.


I'm sure that a lot of people that have acne would be willing to drink a little bit of extra water on a daily basis just for having the possibility of clear skin.      That is really all that there is to it, you need to drink enough water on a regular basis and your skin should clear up within a week or so.   Of course, this is not always the easiest thing to do and it does lead to some inconvenient situations, at best.

For example, drinking a lot of water during the day is going to cause us to go to the bathroom more often, something that many of us are not willing to do.


You really have to ask yourself, what is clear skin worth to you? by drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water every day, you can have yourself hydrated and enjoy it a lot more than simply clear skin.  Here is how it is done. Take your weight and divided by two then convert that number from pounds to ounces and that is how much you should drink on a daily basis.   For example, a 200 pound man should drink 100 ounces of water daily.   You should also make sure that you are taking 1/8 of a teaspoon of sea salt for every 16 ounces of water that you drink.  This will help to keep the water in your body long enough so that it can hydrate you properly.


Not only is drinking enough water on a daily basis going to help clear your skin, it will also hydrate your entire body and may do a lot to get rid of aches and pains and even help you to think clearer. All of this because you are going to be drinking water on a regular basis.

Restore the Balance in Your Body for Clear Skin


There are a lot of us that have to deal with acne and unfortunately it tends to strike us at a time in life whenever the last thing we need is problems with our skin.    Although many doctors consider acne to be related to hormonal changes in the body, they really don't have a clue what is behind this particular problem.    The strange thing is that they will prescribe medication that they claim takes care of the problem, and at times will keep it under control to a certain extent but they are unable to cure it because they are unsure what causes it.


Any naturalist will tell you that acne is not a disease itself but it is actually an outward sign that something else is going wrong in the body. Our body is an amazing piece of equipment but it also needs to be kept in balance in order to function properly. Whenever our body gets out of balance, a lot of different things can happen to it including disease or outward signs of that imbalance, such as acne.      In order for us to truly get rid of these problems, we need to restore the balance that our body once had.


One type of balance that your body needs is pH balance.    Most of us are somewhat familiar with pH from science class and we realize that things are either leaning towards the acidic or they are leaning towards alkaline.          Our bodies are made to be alkaline and diseases have a difficult time growing in an alkaline environment.

Since this is the case, how do we bring our body back into the balance?


We actually do this in the way that we eat.          Any food that we eat is going to turn acidic in the body whenever we eat it.     Some of these foods, however, are going to change the chemistry of our body to be more alkaline and others are going to cause it to be more acidic.      Simply eating a diet that contains a lot of raw fruits and vegetables and is free of sugary drinks and processed foods is going to do a lot to change the way that you are on the inside.    There are also some specific things that you can eat which will turn alkaline whenever they are in your body and there are several charts available on the Internet which will show you which is which. Eat this way for a week and you will notice a difference in the way that your skin looks.

Herbal Remedies for Acne Relief


If you have to deal with problem skin, you no doubt have looked into the variety of different methods that are used in order to treat it. Unfortunately, many of these things are pharmaceutical in nature and they do little more than treat the symptoms but they allow the problem that is underneath the symptoms to continue.      It is always a good idea to treat something naturally if you're able to do so and there are plenty of natural methods of healing acne that have been used successfully in the past.


Although it is always a good idea to make sure that you are eating the proper diet, getting some exercise and drinking plenty of water, there are also some herbal supplements that you can take which will help things along.  The one thing that you need to keep in mind whenever you are doing any kind of herbal supplementation for natural healing is that you need to be persistent and patient with the treatment.

Typically, the problems that we have do not show up overnight and we cannot necessarily expect a natural treatment to take care of them overnight either. It is really just a matter of cleaning out our body and bringing it back into balance through the use of these herbal supplements so make sure that you aren't expecting immediate results, although results will come.


Tea tree oil and lavender are two things that have been used successfully by those that are suffering from acne.   Each of these have antiseptic properties and you can apply them directly to the skin, although you should dilute the tea tree oil a little bit before applying it.      A lot of people include these in their natural acne treatment regime on a daily basis, especially for spot treatment of breakouts. A little bit of caution should be taken, however, because overuse of this herb can dry your skin out.


Green tea is something else that is excellent for your overall health and your skin as well.   It has been used in Asia for thousands of years because of its healing properties and you can use it as well to help clear your skin.     It is one of the most powerful antioxidants that occurs in nature and can really help to clean you on the inside which will show through on the outside.    Not only that, many individuals enjoy the taste of green tea so brew yourself a couple of cups on a daily basis and enjoy the healing effects that you'll receive.

Exercise - a Piece of the Acne Puzzle


There are always alternatives that you can use whenever it comes to dealing with problem skin. Many individuals tend to go for a pharmaceutical cure and one of the first things that they attempt is using one of the drugstore potions that are available or perhaps even getting a prescription from a doctor.   Although these can help to a certain extent to treat the problem on the outside, the underlying condition is left untouched.   Not only that, many of these medicines carry side effects that can be just as bad as the acne you are trying to treat.


If you really want to treat the acne that you are having trouble with, you need to get to what is at the root of the problem and not simply try to treat what is on the surface.   Until you're able to treat it from the inside, is going to continue to show up on the outside.      Although medical science is quick to admit that they don't realize what causes this problem, it is obviously an imbalance within the body that is showing up in our skin.  In order for us to clear our skin, therefore, we need to bring our body back into balance again.


Most of us realize that we need to change the way that we eat and perhaps even the way that we drink in order to bring our bodies back into this balance.      Something else that needs to be done, however, but is overlooked by many individuals is exercise. This is probably because most people consider exercise to be drudgery but the simple fact of the matter is, you don't need to hit the gym every day for hours in order to get into shape and helped to bring your body back into balance.      Simply moving around and perhaps doing some light exercise, such as walking, is going to do wonders for bringing your body back into the balance that it needs.


Yes, it is important to make sure that you are eating properly and it is essentially important that you drink plenty of water on a daily basis in order to combat your acne. One thing that you should not overlook, however, is that exercise is a piece of the puzzle as well. Make sure that you are including some on a daily basis and your overall health, as well as your complexion will benefit as a result.

Destress for Acne Relief


Almost all of us have to deal with problems with our skin at some point in our lives.   For some of us, it is simply a matter of having a pimple or two and it is relatively easy for us to treat.      Unfortunately, there are also some of us that have to deal with severe skin problems on a regular basis and these are almost impossible for us to get rid of. Not only that, it tends to come up at a time in our life whenever the last thing that we need is a problem with our skin.    After all, we have enough to worry about whenever we are teenagers and we certainly don't need to add a problem complexion into the mix.


Something that most people don't realize is the fact that stress affects our body as well as it affects our mood.      As a matter of fact, having trouble with stress can also affect our complexion in a lot of different ways.      One of the ways that this shows up is whenever we have a big event coming up in our lives that we are anxious about.    Typically, this is whenever a pimple will show up, even if our complexion is relatively clear.    For those of us that deal with acne on a daily basis, stressful situations can cause the acne to get much worse.      There are also some other skin conditions, such as rosacea which tend to get much worse whenever a person is having a problem with stressful situations.


That is why it is important for us to destress on a regular basis and to make sure that we have control over our emotions, at least to a certain extent.      This can be a very difficult thing for us to do and it certainly is a lot easier if for it to be said than for it to be done.      The simple fact of the matter is, if you are able to control your stress to a certain extent, you will be able to control your skin as well.   Try getting some exercise and plenty of rest on a regular basis.     You should also make sure that you're eating a proper diet and taking a good multivitamin. All of these things will go a long way in helping you to clear your skin and to avoid stress that may cause your acne to get worse.

Change Your Eating Habits to Cure Your Acne


If you have to deal with a poor complexion or perhaps even a problem with acne, there are several different things that you can do in order to help clear the situation.     You're probably wondering how I can make this statement because many of us that have been dealing with acne for quite some time have tried almost everything possible in order to get rid of it.  Some of us have even tried prescription medication and although it can help to a certain extent, it really isn't taking care of the problem, it is merely masking the symptoms.


Sometimes, the answer to a question is so simple that we tend to overlook it.      This is also the case when it comes to clearing up our acne. Problems with our skin is simply an outward sign that something is out of balance within our body. That is probably why medical science is unable to really pin down what the cause of acne is. There are many of them that think it is hormonal and others which think it is bacterial but most naturalists agree, it is neither.      In order for us to truly treat the problem, we need to bring our body back into balance completely.


One of the best ways for us to do this is in the way that we eat.   Unfortunately, many of us have gotten used to eating fast foods and sugary snacks along with drinking some of the worst things for our bodies.    In order for us to overcome these problems, we need to get rid of these habits and take on some new habits that are going to change our lives. This comes in the form of eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and perhaps even going a period of time where we eat nothing but raw fruits and vegetables.


It can be difficult to make the changeover to this way of eating.     One of the easiest ways for you to do this is by adding things to your diet and not taking away. For example, if you are in the habit of eating fast food lunch, add a salad to it on a daily basis.      Eventually, you will be able to substitute one for the other gradually.      Eat this way consistently for a month and you should recognize a huge difference in the way that your skin looks.

Got Acne?   Grab Some Veggies


Most of us are aware of the fact that we eat poorly. Even those of us that think we do a pretty good job of it would really be surprised with the amount of fast food and sugar that we eat if we really took the time to stop and think about it.     It seems as though some people are able to get away with doing things like this but the simple fact of the matter is, it is affecting them the same as it is affecting us.

The real difference is that it may be displaying itself in the form of acne for us but for them it may be an underlying problem that will not show up for years.


If you want to clear up your problem skin, you need to work on the inside of your body first and then work on the outside of your body.  As a matter of fact, if you clean the inside, the outside may just follow along without any work on your part at all.      The easiest way for you to be able to do this is change the way that you eat. Although this can be a little bit difficult, changing to a diet that is high in raw fruits and vegetables is going to do a lot to change your complexion and many other things in your life.


If you are able, you may want to actually go a period of time where you are eating nothing but raw fruits and vegetables.      This will make an amazing difference in you but there is something that you should realize. Raw food is detoxing and it is going to help you to release a lot of the toxins that have been built up in your body for quite some time.      Unfortunately, if you detox to quickly you may actually end up with more acne for a period of time. It is up to you whether you are willing to put up with this at first, just for the benefit of getting rid of the acne altogether quickly.


Many people find the transition to raw food to be a difficult one.     It is always a good idea if you add food into your diet instead of taking it away.           For example, add a bowl of fruit to your breakfast and a salad to both your lunch in your dinner. Snack on raw food throughout the day in order to keep your energy levels up.      You would be surprised with how quickly this clears your skin.

Two Internal Flushes That Help to Cure Acne


If you have a severe problem with the acne or if you just want to clear your skin up quickly, one of the best things that you can do is to take part in an internal cleansing regimen.    There are several of these which will help to clean the inside of your body, which will go a long way in helping to clean the outside of your body. Since toxins build up in our system and this is often at the base of our acne problems, removing those toxins is the first step in cleaning up our skin and cleaning up our lives.


Two of the places where these toxins tend to hide is in our liver and our colon. There are cleanses that are specifically available to clean both of these and you can certainly take part in either one of them or even both of them separately.     It is important for you to understand, however, that whenever you do a cleanse you will be releasing the toxins and flushing them out of your system.      If you are predisposed to having skin problems, they may actually get worse whenever you first start the cleanse before they get better.


I find that an overall body cleanse that is done about twice a year does wonders for me.   The one that I choose to use is known as the Master cleanse and it is really somewhat of a liquid diet that consist of water with two tablespoons of lemon, two tablespoons of organic maple syrup and some cayenne pepper.      You also must do a saltwater flush every day in order to clean you out since you will not be eating any fiber.      Not only does this help to clear your skin, it clears your mind and helps you in amazing ways.


Another cleanse that can be done is a liver cleanse. There are plenty of these that are available but you should make sure that you are doing one that is relatively mild, especially if you're having a problem with your skin.    It is also a good idea for you to detox a little bit through eating raw food a couple of weeks before you begin one of these cleanses.    This will help to get rid of some of the toxins ahead of time so that you don't have a massive release that can show up in the form of additional acne.

pH Balance Your Way to Clear Skin


Whenever we are first born, our bodies are in perfect balance.    Everything on the inside and the outside of our bodies works in conjunction with each other.      Over the course of time, however, impurities and imbalance enter into our lives in several different ways.      One of the most notable ways that we receive these is through the way that we eat and drink.   Of course, it also comes from living in an environment which is polluted but whenever we ingest food and drink that takes us out of balance, it happens much more quickly.


Most of us are aware of the pH scale and the fact that it is a balanced system as well. If things are acidic, they are lacking in life but if they are alkaline, they support life.   What many people don't realize, however, is that we also have the same balance within our bodies.   If we are leaning towards acidic because of the things that we eat and drink, our body will not support life well.     This can show up at a number of different problems that include such things as disease and even skin conditions, such as acne. In order for us to get rid of this acne, we need to bring our bodies back into balance.


The way that we would do this is by eating foods and drinking drinks that are alkaline in nature and that will help to pull our body away from the acidic.   There are plenty of places on the Internet where you can download list of these different foods, some of which will probably surprise you that they are alkaline.  For example, lemons are extremely acidic but whenever we ingest them, they become alkaline.      Knowing things like this will help you to make smart food choices and to bring your body back into the balance that you need.


Of course, you can not expect to make these changes overnight but if you are consistent in your efforts, you will notice differences in your body, including your complexion.     The real key is making sure that you stick with it long enough to recognize these differences because once you do, you will be sure to stick with it for a lifetime.     Make eating alkaline foods and drinking the proper drinks a part of your life and you would be surprised with how quickly your life will change.

How Can Exercise Help to Clear Your Acne?


Most of us are aware of the fact that eating a proper diet and getting plenty of rest are great ways to help clear our complexion.    Some other people consider that exercise is also a great way to clear your complexion as well.      According to their theory, sweating is going to pull some of the toxins out of your body and keep them from showing up in the form of acne.    Is this actually the case?


The fact of the matter is, there are several different types of sweat glands in our body.    The type of sweat glands that are generally considered to be responsible to a certain extent for acne are different than the ones that are going to be active whenever we are working out.        There is also a lot of thought that the sweat causes salt and toxins to be released from our body which is deposited on the areas in which the acne is existing. This can irritate the situation and even cause our acne to get worse. That is, of course, unless proper precautions are taken.


Whenever we exercise, we are releasing toxins from our body and this is a great way to help our acne, provided we make sure that those toxins are not allowed to rest on our existing skin problems.      Doing things such as tying back our hair and wearing clothing that whisks the sweat away from our body is going to go a long way in helping those toxins to stay away from our acne as well. It has more to do with balance than with actually sweating the toxins out of our body. If we are eating properly, drinking plenty of water and getting exercise then we are going to notice the differences in the way that our complexion looks.   If we cut out any one of these steps, we are going to cut out part of that balance and our complexion is going to suffer.




So, it is a good idea for us to get exercise on a regular basis in order to maintain our internal balance and to keep our complexion clear.   We should make sure, however, that we are keeping the toxins and salt away from the existing acne and that we wash soon after doing this exercise in order to keep the area clean.     Doing this will make differences in the way that we look and will help us to maintain an overall balance within our body.

Aromatherapy for Acne Relief


Acne is certainly a problem that many of us have to deal with but unfortunately, it can be quite difficult to get rid of entirely.  It is always important for us to make sure that we are eating properly and drinking plenty of water as these things will go a long way in helping us to treat our acne from the inside out.     Sometimes, however, it is necessary for us to seek other natural means in order to really clear up our problem skin.  Believe it or not, one of the best things that you can do for yourself comes in the form of aromatherapy.


Whenever most of us think about aromatherapy, we consider the treatment that is either commonly given at home or in a therapeutic environment.      It is said to help us relax and release toxins to a certain extent.  This can certainly go a long way in helping us to get rid of our problem skin, particularly because stress and toxins play a large role in the acne that we have.    If we are able to get our stress under control, we will be able to get our skin under control to a certain extent.

Detoxing our body is also an excellent way to clear up our skin.     There are other ways, however, that aromatherapy may help your problem skin that might surprise you.


Many of the oils that are used in aromatherapy can also be applied directly to the skin in order to help clear it. A good example of this is lavender, one of the most common aromatherapy oils that is used.  Even though it is renowned for its wonderful smell, it also has some antiseptic properties that are excellent for use on problem skin.      Many people add a little bit of lavender into their daily skin cleaning regimen in order to help clear the problem.


Several other aromatherapy oils can also be used on the skin but you need to use a little bit of caution that you are not overdoing it.     Oils such as Jasmine, myrrh and sandalwood are excellent for our skin problems and they have antibacterial or antiseptic properties that can go a long way in helping you to clear up your acne, once and for all.      Just make sure that you are diluting the stronger oils so that they don't dry your skin out too much.

What Can Coconut Oil Do for Your Acne?


Most of us that have to deal with acne also have to deal with other skin problems as well.    As a matter of fact, oily skin that is difficult to keep clean often goes hand in hand with a bad complexion.    We spent mosd of our time cleaning our skin and trying to keep it dry with a number of different natural methods.    As a matter of fact, it is really thought that drying your skin out is going to do a lot to help you with the acne you are experiencing.


A good example of this is one of the more popular natural healing methods for acne. You take salt and vinegar, mix it together and then apply it to your face.  You allow it to dry for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off, if you're able to stand the smell the vinegar that long. This does a good job of helping us with our acne and it also dries our skin. Did you realize, however, that putting oil on your skin may do a lot to help you with your acne as well?


It actually depends on the type of the oil that you are going to use for your skin. Coconut oil has been renowned the world over for its natural healing properties.

One of the things that it is said to do is to help us with our skin and people that put coconut oil on their skin often recognize that it helps them with their complexion.    This is not only the case of our complexion is good but it is also the case on our complexion is bad.   You should make sure that you are applying coconut oil to your skin liberally throughout the day and even eating it from time to time.


Of course, the type of coconut oil that you use is also going to make a difference in how well this works.  You should always get a raw coconut oil that is organic. Whenever you are shopping for this, you are going to notice that raw, organic coconut oil is a lot more expensive.      Believe me, the difference that this type of coconut oil makes is going to make the little bit of extra cost well worth it in the long run.      Try this out for a week and you will be convinced that adding oil is one of the best things for oily skin.

Foods That Helps to Cure Acne


One of the easiest ways for us to deal with our problem skin and acne is to eat properly.  Of course, it also helps if we're taking care of our skin properly and drinking plenty of water but there are several different things that we can eat which is going to make a difference in the way that our skin looks.     At times, the difference can be quite dramatic and some people have been able to cure their acne altogether by eating these foods.


What most people don't realize is the fact that acne is often only an outward sign that something else is wrong within the body.      Typically, it is a matter of toxins being built up in our system over the years and it comes out of our pores, causing the acne.     That is why it is a good idea to make sure you are eating foods that are going to detox you and help your system to be able to assimilate and to remove any toxins that you put into your body.


One of the best things for this is red beets.     These are great vegetables for cleaning our liver and for thinning our blood, helping our circulation along the way.  This can do a lot for transporting the toxins around our body and helping it to remove them.  Since many of the toxins are stored in the liver until they can be removed, red beets will also help to get that moving along as well.


Raw food is also an excellent thing for you to eat whenever you have a problem with your skin.  As a matter of fact, people that go on an all raw food diet often are able to clear their skin completely over a period of time. This is because raw food is also detoxing and it will not add toxins into your body, similar to the way that you add them whenever you are eating fast food or sugary snacks.   Even if you only add some raw food to your diet every day, you're going to do wonders for your skin.


Finally, you must be drinking water.      Even though this isn't officially a food, dehydration is often at the root of our acne problems. Try drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water every day.  Hydrating yourself in this way should do wonders for your skin that will be easily recognizable within a week.

Supplement Your Way to Clear Skin


Dealing with acne has a lot more to do with what you are doing to the inside of your body than with what you are doing to the outside of your body.      Although it certainly is necessary for you to keep your skin clean and you may even be able to do some natural things to clear up your existing acne, until you take care of the imbalance in your body you are not going to totally remove the problem.   There are several different ways that you can take care of this but one of the easiest is for you to make sure that you are supplementing properly on a regular basis.


One example of a supplement that you should be taking everyday is vitamin C.      Not only is this going to help your body in amazing ways, it is also going to help your acne as well.    Vitamin C is one of the strongest antioxidant vitamins that is in existence and it will help to remove the free radicals that are damaging the cells in your body. This can go a long way in making sure that the acne that you are experiencing is taken care of from the inside out.


Along with taking vitamin C on its own, you should also take a blend of vitamins that are going to provide these antioxidant benefits to your body. There are several good products that are available on the market that accomplish this but you should make sure that you are taking vitamin A, zinc and selenium on a daily basis, perhaps in a blend.      You really can't overdo it with antioxidants so make sure that you're getting plenty of them daily and they will help to keep your skin clear.




Finally, you can supplement with green tea as this will also provide you with additional antioxidants.     Green tea has been used for thousands of years because of its natural healing properties and you should make sure that you are taking advantage of it as well. Although it is possible for you to take this as a supplement, it is better if you get some natural green tea and drink it on a regular basis. Just make sure that the tea that you obtain is not the commercialized green tea that is available in many stores.    Having authentic green tea from Asia is going to be what is going to make the difference in your skin.

Is Your Body Missing the Things That It Needs?


Whenever we have a problem, whether it's with acne or any other problem in our body, it is often just a way of our body trying to tell us that something is going on underneath the surface.    This is probably the reason why doctors are unable to really pinpoint what the actual causes of acne are.   Yes, they may say that it has to do with hormonal changes that occur within the body or perhaps it is hereditary but many naturalists will agree, it is only an outward sign that something else is going on under the surface.


Whenever this is the case and we experience problems with acne, it is necessary for us to determine if we have an over balance of something or if we are lacking in something.  This balance can take on many different forms including pH and toxins that are stored up with in our body. In order for us to bring ourselves back into balance, we might need to do some things in order to remove these toxins to take us out of an acidic state.




The easiest way for us to be able to do this is to change the things that we eat. Unfortunately, we live in a society which has become used to eating fast foods, sugary snacks and loading up on soda. All of these things can really do a number on our insides and we are constantly adding additional toxins to our body that it is unable to remove.      Even though the body has an amazing ability to be able to take care of these things naturally, if we overloaded on a regular basis our body will simply store the toxins and then slowly release them through our skin.


If you want to get rid of the acne that you are experiencing, the best way for you to be able to do this is to switch the things that you are eating. Don't try changing all at once, that rarely ever works.   Instead, try adding things to your diet on a regular basis such as salads and fruit.     If you continue to do this and eat more fruits and vegetables for a couple of months, you would be surprised to find out that your skin will clear more than if you were taking some kind of pharmaceutical drug. The real key is being consistent and making sure that you are always moving in the right direction.

Curing Acne with the Master Cleanse


A simple search on the Internet is going to turn up hundreds of different ways to cure your acne.  These methods range anywhere from relatively normal to the extreme. The simple fact of the matter is, acne seems to be more of an outward sign that something is wrong within your body rather than being a disease in and of itself.

That is why many naturalists will tell you that in order to get rid of your acne, you need to treat it below the surface.      This would include cleansing your body in some way or another.




Our bodies have an amazing ability to remove the toxins that we take in on a regular basis.     Unfortunately, most of us tend to take these toxins in to such a degree that our bodies are overwhelmed by them.     Whenever this happens, these toxins are stored in our liver, colon and other organs within our body.    One sure way to be able to remove these toxins from our body is to give our body a break and allow it to do the work that it was meant to do.     The easiest way for you to be able to do this is to go on the master cleanse.


The master cleanse is relatively easy to understand but you should make sure that you study up on it before you decide to take it on.     At its most basic level, it is simply a diet where you drink water with two tablespoons of lemon and two tablespoons of organic maple syrup.  You should also add some cayenne pepper in order to help with the cleansing process.     Every morning, you will need to take a saltwater flush to get things moving and in the evening, you should drink some laxative tea.



The master cleanse is something that will make you feel a lot better overall and will do much more for you than simply clearing up your skin. As a matter of fact, some people enjoy the way that they feel from the master cleanse so much that they end up doing it several times per year.    If you really want a way to be able to clear up your acne in a hurry, however, this cleanse is certainly the way to go.

Just make sure that you are prepared ahead of time and you will see that it is not that difficult to do.

What Is Your Acne Trying to Tell You?


Many of us look forward to our teenage years because they will give us a level of freedom that we did not experience whenever we were younger.      Unfortunately, the teenage years are often difficult and our bodies are going through hormonal changes that can leave us in turmoil, both on the inside and out.      One of the conditions that we have to put up with whenever we are teenagers is acne.      Our beautiful complexion that we enjoyed whenever we were younger has suddenly turned against us and we are left looking for ways to deal with the problem.


Unfortunately, many of us run to the drugstore whenever this first happens in order to try to find a pharmaceutical cure.      Although some of these drugstore potions can do a little bit of good for us as far as drying up our skin, the acne still exists to some degree or another.  That is why it is imperative that you find out what is the cause of the acne and treat it from that level instead of simply trying to cover over some of the symptoms that you are experiencing.


Don't bother asking a doctor what is at the root of your acne. The fact of the matter is, they really don't know.      Many of them may say it is hormonal and some may say that it runs in the family but they will be unable to give you an explanation that will really help you.    If you speak to a naturalist, however, they are going to tell you exactly why you are experiencing acne.      It is because your body is showing an outward sign that something is wrong underneath the surface.


If you really want to get rid of your acne, you need to listen to what your body is trying to tell you.    The fact that you are having a difficult time with your complexion is evidence that your body is full of toxins that it is unable to assimilate or remove.  If you want to get rid of what you are seeing on the surface, you need to clean your body from the inside and remove those toxins so that it is able to function properly again.  This is typically done by changing your eating habits or drinking enough water that you will be able to flush the toxins out of your body.


Listen to what your body is trying to tell you.      Take the time to take care of your body on the inside and you will be happy with the way that you look on the outside.

Hydrate Your Skin to Cure Your Acne


Acne is a very common problem and there are many of us that have to deal with it to a certain extent whenever we go through puberty.    There are also people that go through acne for their entire life and it can affect them both physically and emotionally.    When most people think about acne, they think about oily skin and perhaps that they are eating the wrong things which is causing the breakouts.    What many people fail to realize, however, is that acne is often just a matter of us being dehydrated.


Our bodies are almost 98% water and if we are depriving ourselves of this element, we are depriving ourselves of life.   That is why it is very important that you make sure you are hydrating yourself regularly by drinking water.      Many of us try to do this and to quench our thirst by drinking sugary sodas or perhaps sports drinks.

Yes, these will add some water into our body but there simply is no substitute for drinking clear water and drinking it on a regular basis.  If you really want to try to clear up your problem skin, here is a simple solution that you should try.


You need to drink half of your body weight every day in ounces of water.      For example, if you are a 200 pound teenager, you need to drink 100 ounces of water every single day.   You should also make sure that you are taking some organic sea salt along with that water.    Some people are going to tell you that salt is bad for you but the simple fact of the matter is, salt is only bad for you if you're not drinking enough water.           The opposite is also true. Water is not good for you if you are not taking salt.     The salt will allow the water to stay in your body long enough for it to do its job.           If you find that you are swelling, cut back on the amount of salt that you are taking.  If you start to get cramps, increase the amount of salt that you are taking.


Sometimes a solution is so simple that we tend to overlook it.     Give this water treatment and try and hydrate your body to get rid of your acne.     Not only will your skin improve, your overall health will improve because you are giving it one of the basic elements of life that we need.

Is Sleep Causing Your Acne?




Unfortunately, many of us have to go through problem skin whenever we are at one of our most difficult times in our lives. It's bad enough that we have to deal with puberty and the hormonal changes that are constantly going on in our body.    Having to deal with acne on top of that seems cruel somehow.     For this reason, many of us are looking for ways that we can naturally get rid of the acne that we are experiencing.      Although doing things such as eating the right foods, drinking plenty of water and getting some exercise on a daily basis can go a long way in helping us, we may also need to make some other lifestyle changes.


You will probably find a lot of information that tells you that you need to get enough sleep if you are going to overcome your acne problem.      This certainly is true and sleep deprivation can cause a lot of problems within the body, including a bad complexion.    What many people don't realize, however, is that the sleep that they are getting may actually be making their acne worse.    That is why it is important to make sure that you are taking the proper steps before you go to sleep and while you are sleeping.


During the day, our sweat glands are very active and whether we sweat profusely or not, it gets into our hair and onto our face.  Most of us take the time to wash our faces before we go to bed but unless we also take the time to wash our hair, we may actually be subjecting our face to all of that oil throughout the night.     Even if we tie our hair back in order to keep it off of our face, we are still transferring that oil to our pillow and then picking it up onto our face as we roll around in our sleep.


That is why it is important to make sure that our entire body is clean before we go to bed. Not only will this help to clear our skin, it will also help us to sleep better and to get more quality sleep during the night.    All of this will go a long way in helping us to enjoy clear skin so make sure that you're not neglecting this important part of your daily regimen.


Natural Acne Cures Begin with Water


Acne tends to show up when we are going through hormonal changes in our body but there actually is no real evidence that there is a correlation between the two.     As a matter of fact, doctors will tell you that they are really unsure of what is causing this type of skin condition in the first place.     Unfortunately, this leads to a lot of confusion between the doctors and the patients and most people simply get a prescription or try some kind of a drugstore potion in order to solve the problem.  Although these may help to treat the symptoms to a certain extent, the underlying causes are still going to be present.


There are a lot of problems that we experience as a result of dehydration.      Even though we may drink fluids on a regular basis, we may still not be drinking enough pure water in order to keep our bodies fully hydrated.   Believe it or not, our bodies are almost 98% water and in order for us to function properly, we need to make sure that we keep those levels up.  By our not doing so, we are taking our bodies out of balance and this will show up in a number of different ways, including a poor complexion.


Most people wonder if it could really be that simple and if drinking water is all that is really necessary for us to get rid of our acne problems.     The fact of the matter is, it is rare that anybody is not helped by doing this on a regular basis. The real key is making sure that you are drinking enough water on a daily basis and that you are taking some sea salt along with it in order to allow the water to stay in your system long enough to do its work.


You should be drinking half of your body weight, converted to ounces of water on a daily basis.     Try spreading it out through the day as this will make it much easier for you to get this much water down into your system.     It may seem like a bit of a hassle but how much of a hassle is having problems skin?      Give the water cure a try and see if it doesn't help your skin within a week's time.         You will probably be so happy that your skin has cleared up, simply from drinking water that you will always remember the day that you found this article.

Are You Making Your Acne Worse?


There are a lot of us that have to deal with problem skin, both in our teenage years and at times throughout our life.      Acne tends to show up on our face but it may also show up on any part of our body, such as our arms, back or chest.     Unfortunately, dealing with this acne is an ongoing battle for many of us and we may try many natural cures before we find one that works for our particular situation.    While you're looking for this cure, make sure that you take care not to make your acne worse.    Here are several different things that people do on a regular basis with their acne that may actually make it more difficult to treat.


First of all, you need to leave your acne alone.     Yes, it is necessary to clean it on a regular basis but you should not be touching the area that is broke out or else you run the risk of spreading it further.      There is a lot of thought that acne has a lot to do with bacteria and if you are touching that area, you run the risk of spreading the bacteria further.      Teach yourself how to leave the area alone and you will suffer far fewer breakouts as a result.


Whenever our acne comes to a head, many of us get rid of that head by popping it, for lack of a better word.     If you are going to squeeze your acne, there is no doubt that you are going to push some things to the surface and beyond. Unfortunately, you may also be pushing some of it below the surface and further down into your body.    This can cause the acne to spread and if you have a particularly bad case, it may also cause permanent scarring.  The last thing that you want is a lifelong reminder of the fact that you couldn't leave your acne alone.


You should also make sure that you are washing your hair before you go to sleep. Even if you keep your hair tied back to keep it off of your face or if you have short hair, the oil from it will transfer to your pillow and then onto your face as you roll around during the night.     Make cleaning your hair a part of your nightly regiment and you will enjoy clearer skin from the effort.


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